Sword inheritance ; Swear an oath.

Noah and Charlotte began to follow the black slime in the maze in confusion.

During this period, Noah also explained to Charlotte the help of the slime.

So far, the two have not encountered a dead end. The slime is still leading the two to move purposefully.

They also met some people and monsters on the way, but they were all killed or scared away by Noah. Just kidding, Noah is now eager to show his strength in front of Charlotte to satisfy his vanity.

Seeing this, Charlotte also put her hands on her waist and warned Noah to save his strength and go to the place of inheritance.

Feeling the threat from Charlotte, Noah naturally nodded and agreed.

The two of them and the slime kept walking until they saw a building similar to a house, and the door had already been opened.

After the two looked at each other, Noah put the slime in his pocket. The two slowly approached the door.