Infiltrating Uzona's base.

On Wuji Star, the clamor of battle gradually subsided, but true tranquility had not yet arrived. Although Noah and Charlotte made significant progress in battle, their enemies remained formidable. News from Lixuan on Earth was especially troubling.

"Noah, although we've temporarily repelled the enemy, a new crisis is approaching," Lixuan's voice came through the communicator, tinged with unmistakable anxiety.

"Lixuan, what exactly is happening?" Noah asked, his gaze calm and resolute.

"A more advanced civilization is approaching their territory. Their army and strength far surpass ours. This battle will be even tougher," Lixuan replied.

Noah was silent for a moment before resolutely saying, "I understand. We will be prepared."

Noah and Charlotte decided to enhance their cultivation in the coming days. They knew that facing stronger enemies required them to become even stronger to protect those around them.