
Chapter 29: Whispers Of Bliss In The Dark

Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 The beating of a thick headboard and the creaking of bedsprings in rapid succession had been the last thing that a rather drowsy and stark naked peroxide-haired blond teen recalled as he found himself opening his pale blue eyes to the sight of a darkened motel room that had been a mess with empty bottles of variously labeled booze, cigarette boxes, and two lazily filled ashtrays just waiting to be dumped at the first chance. The scent of booze, sex, smoke, and sweat had not been ideal, especially when the thick scent of an expensive cologne also lingered in the air. It had been a bit on the heavy side and the slightest whiff of it had sent Dean's mind racing as he fumbled about the tangled and twisted formerly crisp white bedsheets that had been draped over his naked form since his initial awakening. 

He had felt a good deal of residual aches and the stickiness of something between his pasty white thighs as he attempted to part them only to find it increasingly difficult due to the throbbing ache and the stickiness that had been present for what seemed like much of the night. He had barely recalled a thing other than the gruff groans of an older man equally naked despite the distinctive contract of his dark-tanned complexion when they'd been intertwined. It had been among the strangest of things to note but Dean had not been able to help it at the time. 

Dean had recalled the none-too-subtle scratchy tickle of the older man's beard as it brushed against his soft sweaty slick skin when a series of kisses had been exchanged between them when their rather unseemly act had gotten underway. He recalled the older man being near middle age despite being quite virile in bed and lasting longer than most boys the lad's own age when it came to casual sex. 

He had been the rare sort, with businessman attire, messy hairstyle, and giddy drug-addled dark eyes further intensified by the aspect of lust that he had that his already bulging cock had not indicated the moment their eyes met. He had been clean and seemingly desperate telling the blond lad that he had not been good company for the women he'd been seeing for quite some time but he had been readily attracted to the blond lad and approached him rather boldly on the cold dark street corner. 

It had been something of a slow, long hot night with plenty of summer to go around and desperation abounded as the blond lad opted to speak with the surprisingly handsome and charming businessman despite his outward demeanor. He had flashed him a good deal of cash, even promising to book him a room and get a meal for the night, which he had made good on as if it were nothing. 

Dean had been strangely calm when it came to this strange man who had referred to himself at the time as "Ken", the blond lad had resisted the urge to laugh and refer to himself as "Barbie" just for kicks seeing the large stack of bills he'd been promising to give to him in exchange for his "services" of sorts. 

Ken, who turned out to be a rather ruggedly handsome and dark-tanned man in a sloppy business suit had been quite high off the supply of coke he'd stashed in his pocket before venturing out into the cold. He smiled rather charmingly as he took the blond lad by the hand and escorted him into their newly acquired motel room. 

Dean had slowly looked around in the darkened space and noted that he'd been completely alone aside from his scattered articles of clothing and shoes amid the empty bottles of booze and cigarette packets. He had been at this for far longer than he cared to admit but awakening to find that Ken had been long gone, with his side of the bed completely cold had been a bit disappointing. 

It had alarmed Dean just as much as he found himself tossing back the covers just to make sure that he hadn't been mistaken. He sighed as he attempted to rouse himself once more feeling the inevitable call of nature as he slowly eased himself out of bed feeling the cooler air against his bare skin and exposed cock. He had a feeling of Deja Vu as he got to his feet noting the carpet beneath him as he made his way toward the bathroom. 

Unbeknownst to him, a convertible sports car had pulled into the motel parking lot as a lone Ken Ryker climbed out of the driverside before venturing around to the passenger side and collecting a few bags before locking up and making his way toward the all too familiar motel room door. 


Interior, Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 Ken had entered the motel room with the food and a few other supplies which had included his stash of Spyder's merchandise from his house. He had been excited to get back to Dean and tell him about the invitation from his father to join his family for dinner for the weekend. Of course, it had been an ulterior motive for Ken to invite Dean given that he had not trusted his mother not to try and have him committed regardless of what his father believed, He had also got the feeling he was going to be railroaded into having to deal with Valencia during this dinner and wanted Dean on hand for "immoral support."

Ken had dedicated that Dean had been taking a leak and smirked as he made himself more comfortable, tossing his discarded attire to the wayside and stripping down to his boxer shorts and t-shirt. 

He grabbed the remote, flipped on the television, and took a moment to scroll through the news sitting on the edge of the bed. Dean had finally emerged from the bathroom, still naked as the day he was born but awake and more alert than when last Ken had seen him. 

Ken's dark eyes had fallen on the pale form of his newest lover and his formerly flaccid pink cock. He got up off the bed and greeted Dean with an intense kiss as he moved his rough hands along the lad's smooth form smirking as he kissed him along his neck and causing him to moan and his cock to rouse once more. 

"Bought you the food," said Ken with a confident smirk. "And something from the house courtesy of Spyder."

Dean seemed to perk up as he attempted to head to the table where the food had been waiting once Ken let him go. The older man trailed behind him still staring at the lad's exposed pale ass as he moved toward his goal. Ken's own cock had once more become aroused growing harder by the second despite his interest being more in the food for the time being than sliding it back inside Dean's slickness when he had been badly in need of a meal. 

Ken had deduced that Dean had preferred burgers and fries and brought just that for the time being. He had not known how picky the lad's appetite had been given this had been their first full-on day with each other. Still, it was interesting in his mind that he had found spending time with Dean had not been much of a chore due to the lad knowing about his less-than-savory activities better than anyone in his previous social circle. 

The older man moved to approach the table and handed Dean his share of the food, noting the grateful smile he'd shown him in return for having kept his promise to bring him something to eat. Dean had been quite easy to get along with so it seemed, the start of quite an interesting arrangement from what Ken could tell.