
Chapter 6: Kickin' The Blues

Open Road, Highway, Baltiney, New York...

 High winds and music blaring in the background had been just how Ken Ryker had liked it when he'd been driven to hit the open road. He had yet to tie his tie and was still reeling from the idiocy that had been his former lover's attempt at tricking him into a relationship beyond the mutual sex agreement they had made five years prior. He had taken a moment to pull to the side of the road where no cars nor law enforcement had been privy to what he had been about to do as the music, which had been an old-school rock n roll joint played in the background. It had been one of his favorites, especially when he wasn't having a very good day and could use a bit of a pick-me-up to deal with the constant strain at the office. He had been quite the business-savvy man, to say the least going from resourceful and charismatic deal maker to a ruthless corporate raider in five long years following what most people had known to have been a rather tragic car accident. 

 Ken had been the only one in the car and the only car that had been affected considering he had drunkenly wrapped his former sports car around a light pole barrelling down a long and empty highway, it had been a wonder anyone found him before things got worse for him and pulled him out of the car, he hit his head and ended up in a coma for six months and the result had been a massive personality shift that had not been well received by anyone who had known him beforehand. 

He had attempted to act as if nothing had changed but the chemical imbalance in his brain as a result of the accident and scarring changed him indefinitely, whoever he was before the accident had been long gone but that didn't mean his father and the people that doted on him before and after gave up the fact that he'd never be the same again, so like a good son and practical businessman, he faked it until the end of his shifts and sought out a means of decompressing despite the ever-mounting pressure to live up to the idea of a man long gone. 

Ken himself had been nothing like the man everyone had praised for being something of an unsung hero no matter where he turned. His full name had been Ryker Ephron Kennison, the co-founder of the telecommunications company Kennison Unlimited, but he had preferred to just be Ken Ryker it took the edge off portraying the apparent larger-than-life hero when he knew he had been anything but. His father, Coleman Kennison had been his business partner and co-founder, which made their relationship in the business world unconventional by all accounts. 

Ryker was the innovator and the thinker, charismatic and charming he had been a sort of silver-tongued man with the potential for greatness and the personality that attracted all sorts to his causes even if they had been long shots. He had been quite charitable in the past and had a good deal of friends and acquaintances.

All of which are a pain for Ken to have to remember.

From what Ken's father told him, Ryker was a true Blue Boy Scout and it had been an obnoxious way of life for anyone to have to remember. Ryker had been married to his high school sweetheart for eleven years before she had been killed along with their two sons and unborn child in a tragic plane crash as a result, Ryker had become something of a workaholic and a secret drunk, he couldn't bare the thought of being with another woman nor having any other children, which had carried over to Ken despite his devious ways and casual approach to sex with numerous strange women. 

Ken had been the polar opposite, given to drink, fast cars, loose women, and piles upon piles of cocaine. 

He wasn't at all the same man since the accident, but that didn't stop his father from trying to make it so. 

Ken took a moment to do some digging into the glove compartment where he found a baggy of coke and took the time to open it and snort some before dusting off his nose and putting the rest back inside the compartment. He fished in for his wedding ring, a novelty item for the sake of his father due to his wife being dead for the past ten years. He had not been much for family life, at least not since the accident, but he was no stranger to bedding women who had been willing no matter the consequences. 

He'd been more than a bit irritated that Val had ruined their arrangement as he recalled just how good she felt moaning on the end of his rather sizeable cock just before he found out that she'd been pregnant and keeping it from him. Ken rolled his eyes and slammed the glove box shut before putting on his wedding ring and rolling his eyes. Despite being there for his father's benefit, he had often used it to pick up women and for the excuse of not wishing for anything more than a one-night stand or casual hook-up, he found it much easier for women to think him an inglorious rich bastard than to be a man given to extreme complication following the status of a widower. 

Ken's dark eyes had been giddy from the coke but he managed to make himself presentable before turning his attention back to the road and his favorite party song ala Eric Clapton. He pulled back onto the main highway, as he caught the remainder of his song and sang along with it. 

"If you got bad news, you wanna kick the blues, cocaine...When your day is done and you wanna run...cocaine...she don't lie...she don't lie...cocaine..." sang Ken along with the radio as he continued his drive in the sports car at an increasing speed with the convertible top down and his messy dark hair blowing in the wind. 

Ken had been more than prepared to head back into the office with the jolt of dopamine the coke had given him mellowing his mood in record time as he continued his drive toward the towering office building in the financial district of the city. He had not been looking forward to more work and even less to his father's no doubt many intrusive questions but he had his mind set on getting his work done so he could find himself another beautiful young woman to stick his already stimulated cock into. 

He had been sure he'd been halfway done before he had left for lunch in the first place if only due to his anticipating returning to Val for an encore performance before she ruined that plan. The music continued and the cool afternoon breeze had been just what the doctor ordered as Ken began to let go of his hostility and ease more and more into his mellow mood. It had been Val's loss all things considered not his, she knew the arrangement and she had gone out of her way to break it after all.