
Chapter 10: Hopelessly Indebted

Unknown Location, Unknown State...

 Darkness surrounded a rather panicked Dean Parker Hudson as he found himself awakening in what appeared to have been the back of a trunk as the vehicle that seemed to be moving rather rapidly down a long and dark highway continued toward its destination. He had been in a good deal more pain than he had been in when he left school that afternoon following Trent's assault and from what he gathered he'd still been fully naked but no longer slick from the water from his shower. He had not known what happened other than that he'd only barely rinsed himself and found himself knocked unconscious by a group of strange men with giddy expressions and angry faces, they appeared to have been looking for Clint and were going on about him owing them some money for drugs or drugs in general. Clint had not come back to the house it seemed and they had been scouting it to see who would return. 

Dean had been the unlucky one to arrive and get their attention so he had been the one they had taken their frustrations out on. They had jumped him when he'd been most vulnerable a fear that often crossed his mind when he showered but not to the same extent as what he had experienced. 

They beat him until he blacked out still naked and wet from the shower then carried him out of the trailer and stuffed him into the back of the trunk of a car and tied his wrists and ankles to keep him from escaping. He had awoken at least twice in strange places only for them to punch him in the face, bruising his right cheek and knocking him back out once more. The blackening of his eye had been a constant reminder of their short temper as they continued their mysterious journey and plans to bring him along. 

Dean had been terrified and in pain all over as he attempted to make sense of why these angry men wanted him of all people and why they left him naked as they shuffled him about in their trunk and down a long highway. He had been of the mind that they were going to kill him but when the car stopped once more they ended up in a strange alley in the middle of nowhere, one of the men had stuck him in the arm with something that made him lose all sense of himself or any notion of attempting an escape. 

He had felt himself floating away, out of the trunk and out of his own body to a world he had never known as all aspects of pain and suffering had faced despite his rapid heart rate and labored breaths. He recalled the strange sensation of a pinprick and the slight pinch as he landed back into the trunk dazed and confused as whatever he'd been injected with made the world and all noise pertaining to it fall away. 


Darkened Bedroom, Unknown Location, Uknown State...

 Dean's mind had been a haze of blurred visions and broken memories as he noted the masked faces with menacing eyes and the occasional sensation of pinpricks in the same arm over and over again between long intervals. He had no concept of time nor his own name, but he knew he'd been naked, as naked as that day in the shower before he had come to this dark place. He had been slowly jolted along what appeared to have been a bed with black sheets with the walls and floor also in black as a heavier body drenched in sweat seemed to tower above him. He had opened his mouth, but felt only dryness and the rancid salty taste of something he had no recollection of that made it difficult to speak or say a word. 

His breaths had been labored as his thin pale frame had been continuously jolted along the bed beneath him his pale belly crushed into the apparent mattress as his equally pale ass remained bare and exposed to the elements. He could feel his cock twitch sticky and hard against the surface of the bed as he found himself bound at the wrists and ankles which had been spread leaving him helpless as the strange material that held him bound rubbed against his sweat-slick flesh and cut into his sensitive pale wrists. 

He had felt the all too familiar intrusive pain of a thick cock being shoved deep inside his rectum as he whimpered recalling that Clint had occasionally done such a thing to him when he'd been drunk and high on a bad night, but his body seemed to have been at this for much longer than Clint's visits. He had been terrified and unable to do much as his body was pummeled by a rather large and eager older man who had been having the time of his life pumping his fat cock in and out of the helpless pale lad's ass bouncing him along the bed reeking of sweat and filth as he elected to empty his sizeable testicles by way of the imprisoned lad's pale ass. 

Hot tears streamed down the gaunt pale cheeks of Dean Hudson as he found himself enduring an unwanted sexual encounter that had been one of many in the wake of his being brought to this strange place. He had barely recalled when they began and knew not when they would be at an end as all the faces and bodies blurred all larger than him and eager to shove their greedy cocks into his waiting pale ass. 

He had little say so over his body with how sluggish he felt and the haze had returned making his thoughts mush as his body had been used by nameless stranger after nameless stranger with money being passed between. He had been helpless and quite alone in this strange room as his body endured the worst of a stranger's lust and the subsequent humiliation and punishment for having been born. 

It had become clear to him that Clint had left him to his fate and had not in the least attempted to retrieve him, abandoning him in the long run as his mother had with not a word of why. It had been a disheartening thing to realize in the wake of the strangers laying claim to his already sore ass and the beatings didn't seem to end even when he'd been stuffed full of the cocks of other eager men and slick from their rounds of release. 

Once the sweaty oaf had been done with him, Dean had been once more treated to a sensation of a pinprick and everything had faded into utter blackness. He knew not the time nor the day as his memories and visuals began to blur and mesh in an intangible cycle that saw him once more awakening to his apparent personal hell and then being put back under the effects of whatever drug the strange men who had kidnapped him had given him.