
Chapter 17: Wandering Lust

Apartment 274, Terrow Heights Apartment Complex, Baltiney, New York...

 Valencia Ramos had been anxious as she sat up in bed newly awakened by the sound of someone beating on her front door. She took a moment to glance at the clock on the nearby end table. She had been having a difficult time getting any rest due to morning sickness and the added guilt of Ken suddenly disappearing for weeks following his father's decision to suspend him from the company due to his lack of responsibility for their unborn child. She had not wanted that when she called Coleman, but knew there had been no other way to get through to him. She had feared the worst when no one had seen hide or hair of him since the suspension was handed down. 

The beating on her front door had awoken her up at four o'clock in the morning which had been odd hours for her sleep to be interrupted. She sighed heavily and tossed back the covers not at all ready to brave the cool morning air as she moved her nightgown draped about her hips and thighs as she inched toward the source of the unwanted noise. 

The living room floor had been cold beneath her bare feet and she found herself stiffening as the banging persisted on her door. She took a deep breath and opened it finding that her heart had nearly skipped a beat when she saw that Ken had been standing in her corridor. He had looked as if he'd been in a fight and been on the losing end with his nose busted and his right eye blacked as he dripped blood all over the ground and looked up at her with a pained yet goofy expression filed across his bruised face. 

Valencia could tell that he'd been high from the giddy expression on his face and how his pupils expanded in the wake of her opening the door. His jaw had been a bit sore and there was more blood surrounding his busted lip, his hair had been wild and as scuffled as his formerly dark gray suit which had been torn in a few places and looked as if he'd been wearing it for days. 

"Ken..." said Valencia at a loss for words when it came to how bad he had truly looked up close. 

"Hey Darlin'," he replied in a mock country accent while still giddy despite his condition. "Daddy's home...haha..."

Valencia did not know what to think as she watched Ken take a step inside her apartment and promptly collapse onto her living room floor. He had no major injuries aside from scuffle marks and minor bruises, but she'd still been concerned and opted to check if he had driven himself to her apartment. 

She found out that he had but luckily he had not hit anyone or anything on the way, the car had been parked in its usual place and she seemed satisfied with that as she headed back upstairs, the beaten and battered Ken was still lying on her living room floor out cold and snoring. 


The Bathroom, Apartment 274, Terrow Heights Apartment Complex, Baltiney, New York...

 Valencia had managed to drag Ken into the bathroom and awaken him long enough to get him to climb into the tub after she'd gotten him undressed, he had grumbled a bit and attempted to swat her away from him once he heard her voice. His snoring continued for some time as she eased him into the heated water. He leaned back against the tub and she proceeded to wash him cleaning his visible wounds and his face accordingly. He didn't seem to care about the heat or the pressure against his wounds as she managed to stop the bleeding. 

Ken had occasionally awoke to interject and make it more difficult for her to bathe him, but she managed to clean him up well enough and the bleeding had stopped. She got him out of the tub through a good deal of effort amid splashing and helped him back toward her bedroom where Ken collapsed onto her bed and rolled onto his side. He'd still been wet and completely naked as she sighed and attempted to clean up after him. 


The Bedroom, Apartment 274, Terrow Heights Apartment Complex, Baltiney, New York...

 Darkness greeted Ken Ryker's dark eyes as he rolled out of bed and found his way to his feet. He'd still been out of his mind as he stumbled toward the living room where he heard the distinctive sound of crying as he happened upon Valencia who had been cleaning the blood he'd dripped onto her living room floor. She'd been on her hands and knees as he approached her. She gasped when she felt him move her hair from her neck and the heat from his kiss as he pulled her close to him. She had wanted to ignore him given all that he'd put her through but knew all too well that he held a command over her young pregnant body that no other man ever could or would now that she'd been carrying his child. 

"I'm sorry..." he whispered in her ear as he kissed her neck. "It's my fault...I shouldn't have ever let you go..."

Valencia sighed knowing all too well that Ken had not been in his right mind as she'd seen him in this state twice before when he'd been heavily under the influence of drugs and alcohol. He had been going back in time in his drug-addled mind and she had known exactly where. As much as it upset her to realize he'd been speaking to the ghost of his late wife, she had known better than to ruin the illusion. 

She wasn't going to risk him taking off in his condition even if he had still been upset with her and her efforts to be closer to him. Ken eased his free hand along her body trailing up her thighs and pulling her nightgown up her middle as the cool morning air kissed against her exposed brown skin. She knew firsthand that he'd been aroused as it had been nothing to hide it when she felt the head of his thick cock against her inner thighs. 

"Ken..." she moaned as she closed her eyes and leaned back against his bare chest dropping the wet cloth she'd been scrubbing the floor with. 

The drying tears on her cheeks were forgotten as her sorrow gave way to passion in the wake of her lover's efforts to get her undivided attention. 

"It never did take much to make you wet for me," whispered Ken in her ear as he slowly eased her out of her panties spreading her thighs as his thick cock head came in contact with her newly exposed warmth. "Even when you were pregnant."

Val felt Ken's other hand move along her belly and sighed as she felt him slowly slide his cock inside her slick folds moaning outright as he thrust in so smoothly. He rested his head against hers as he slowly began to pump in and out of her for a few moments before they rolled onto the floor and he maneuvered to tower above her mindful of her belly. 

Valencia could see that he'd been still high and out of his mind as he smiled rather lazily down at her. She fought back a few tears as she slowly reached up to touch his semi-darkened face recalling the bruises and the blood from before. She'd been afraid he'd go off on a binge once his father got involved but she had not expected him to have been suspended, and there had been more to it if he'd been thinking of his late wife at a time like this. 

Her eyes closed tightly as she felt him move inside her, he'd always been big when it came to his cock size and she'd been quite petite even on the best of days, Ken seemed to prefer it as he kissed her neck and breasts determined to make the most of this situation given his normal mood and anger toward her for breaking their arrangement, Valencia had opted to enjoy this as much as possible with Ken's mood swings there was no telling when she'd ever have another chance like this to be close to him again. 

She had been in love with him since the first night and tried her best to adhere to his wishes to keep him in her life ever since but as the years passed and her fear of him eventually growing bored with her came into play, she began to want more from him, more than he was willing to give and more than she'd been willing to ask for. 

Val's smaller beautiful body began to move along the cold hard floor as Ken continued to pump his hips into her sender form enjoying the sweet sensation of her clenching warmth around him as he groaned in her ear further spurred on by her moans as she gripped him tighter digging her fingernails into the exposed flesh of his back. She had been unable to get him out of her mind and her body craved him as much as he had her when he'd been gone. She knew he wouldn't last long as high as he'd been but she relished their time together nonetheless as he continued to pump into her body in the middle of her living room floor, the water and washcloth long forgotten as she arched her body into his and moaned as her release ripped right through her. 

Ken had not been far behind as he pumped into her deeply before she felt the rush of his intense release and he blinked before meeting her gaze with utter confusion. 

"Valencia?" he said the effects of fog on his mind had worn off and he'd reverted to type. "What the fuck?"

He pulled out and rolled onto his back annoyed that he ended up coming back to her in the first place. He had known what she felt like better than anyone after five years of finding any and every excuse to end up back between her slender brown thighs. 

Val attempted to catch her wayward breath as Ken glared at her for a few moments before passing out from exhaustion. She sighed in relief as she had not been in the mood to get into another argument with him. She found herself drifting off as well still tired from their earlier exploits and being awoken so early in the morning. 

She had not known it when Ken finally awoke and carried her off to bed before showering and getting dressed leaving her to her sleep despite how annoyed he'd been at the thought of having slept with her again. He took off at the break of dawn when he'd been refreshed and sober once more.