
Chapter 20: When Paths Converge

Open Road, Baltiney, New York...

 The midnight blue sports car belonging to a very drunk and subsequently high Ken Ryker had pulled along the side of a lone hill as he stumbled out of the front seat slamming the driver's side door shut as he stood staring out overlook of the city, he had been fuming from the latest turn of events with being suspended from work until his father saw fit to re-enstate him. He had been embittered about the whole thing with Valencia and the unwanted child they were having as well as how she'd now garnered the support of his parents in the wake of her revealing her pregnancy to them. 

Annoyed about the recent turn of events, Ken had made up his mind to find a way to get Valencia and his parents off his mind. He recalled using the last of his "sugar candy" from the local hood Spyder the previous afternoon and decided to head down to his "Kandy Shop" to get more. Spyder had been a local kid and often ended up in the same circles as Ken when he'd been up to no good in terms of his bad behavior and skirt chasing.

A past hook-up that happened to be a group of former college girls had introduced a drunken Ken to the legendary dealer Spyder, who had been referred to as "The Kandy Man" in terms of his products and the rest had been history. Ken often went to the lad of his own accord and it had been more or less lucrative for the kid and detrimental for Ken due to how high he'd get him on purpose. In the end, Ken had appreciated it twentyfold and sought out only the kid for his special brand of "candy" and "party favors". 

 Ken had hopped back into his car and took off toward the neighborhood where he knew all too well that Spyder's Kandy shop had been located. He had a lot on his mind as he drove speeding down the back streets his focus mostly on catching Spyder before he'd been out of it. 


Spyder's Kandy Shop, Downtown, Baltiney, New York...

 Dean Hudson had been waiting patiently as he sat on the worn leather sofa where Spyder had left him to go obtain more of his "Kandy" he had paid in full this time around so there had been no special favors for a favor much to Spyder's disappointment. He had welcomed Dean nonetheless and inquired as to how he was settling in town thus far. Dean had admitted to it still being an adjustment three weeks in but he had been well accustomed to how things worked and the people for the time being. 

One of Spyder's friends had rushed back to inform him that they had a rather impressive V.I.P. guest and he immediately smiled and turned his attention to checking the guest out. He had known already who it had been from the look of recognition and pleasantness that filed across his face as Dean watched the exchange between Spyder and the new arrival. 

He'd been a rather dapper-looking older man wearing a gray suit that looked like it had seen better days with slick black hair alongside graying sideburns and a rather handsome face. Dean had been curious about him and the level of respect he'd managed to get from Spyder and the rest of his friends upon his arrival. He had not struck Dean as the type of person that would have any dealings with Spyder given the younger crowd that had been around him more often than not. 

"Hey Joyboy, why don't you come say hey to Kenny," said Spyder with a prideful smirk. "Kenny this is Joyboy, a new arrival that's barely making his way in our fair city."

Dean got up off the sofa and walked over toward the older man who seemed to be studying him for a few moments before nodding in his direction. Spyder smirked as he turned his attention to his backroom door. 

"Make yourself at home while I get the goods," he said casually. 

The moment the man known as Kenny sat down on the sofa a group of young college-age girls crowded him and he smirked as they each began rubbing on him and one had even attempted to sit on his lap. 

"Mmmm did you miss me baby?" asked the boldest one in his lap. "I know I missed you and your big dick."

"Did you now?" asked "Kenny" with a smirk. "How much do you think you missed me?"

The girl immediately kissed him on the lips drawing more pouting from the other girls who were eagerly awaiting their turn to kiss "Kenny". Dean had rolled his eyes not at all seeing aside from possible wealth and dapper good looks what they had seen in an older man who had been keeping company with someone like Spyder and going by the absurd name "Kenny."

It had not been long before Spyder came back with variations of product for both "Kenny" and Dean. The girls climbed off his lap and he paid Spyder outright before tossing about a little something for the girls before securing his "kandy" and attempting to take his leave with Dean following behind with his own score for the evening. 

They had both stepped out at the same time and Dean found himself still wondering why "Kenny" had been so impressive and why he had been hanging out with the likes of Spyder when he had so much going for himself as far as wealth and a possible career ahead of him. 

Likewise "Kenny" had been curious about the new arrival. He had been the most feminine-looking younger man that Ken had ever seen and there was something about him and those blue eyes that had sent a pulse right to the older man's sizeable cock as he attempted to make sense of his sudden onset of attraction to him. He had not been much for attraction to the opposite sex, let alone someone so young as this sixteenish-looking kid, but there was something that had been commanding Ken's attention and it had been doing so in the worst way. 

Ken picked up from his expression that he had not seemed to like him very much which had been the case for a great many people that he'd come across in the recent years since his accident. Still, he'd been curious about the lad Spyder referred to as "Joyboy."