
Chapter 22: A Mutual Arrangement Of Sorts

Open Street Corner, Dark Alley, Baltiney, New York...

 Dean Hudson had managed to find his usual streetcorner empty as it had been the past few days since he first discovered it not too far from his apparent new hideout when it came to needing shelter and a haven from the drama of his "clients" when they had gotten a little too attached to him. He had been somewhat doing better since the incident where he passed out at Spyder's place but he had woken up and gotten what he wanted before heading out without much fuss. He had been quite busy in the recent hours with cars lining up by the droves for a chance to gain access to his "services". It had been a rather slow evening with the turn of the weather and the heat making it nearly impossible to want to be outside without air-conditioning at all. 

The news had been going on and on about it being record-breaking heat and as a result the options for a "goodtime" had been less and less.

Dean had moved to take off his denim jacket and take in at least a small portion of the cool night breeze that happened by. His handsome and decidedly youthful face and body had been slick via sweat and his pixie cut had been sticking to his ears and forehead from the overall length. 

There had not been cars for miles on this night with all the heat and high gas prices to contend with. Still not content to just stand and stare out at the road Dean had taken a moment to shift through his blue backpack for a pack of cigarettes and he put one to his lips as he fumbled about in the dark not at all expecting to see another soul given the late hour and lack of traffic in his area due to the heat.

"Need a light?" asked a rather gruff baritone voice that had gotten the rather startled lad's attention. 

Collecting himself from his sense of shock at the sound of the voice, Dean had looked to find himself face to face with a ruggedly handsome older man with a week's worth of five o'clock shadow lining his dark tan complected face as he stood wearing a sloppy navy blue suit with messy dark hair, and giddy and almost lust filled dark eyes. He'd been a tall drink of water, and rather dapper in his appearance aside from being disheveled and lacking a tie and having his white dress shirt unbuttoned at the collar. 

With the cigarette still pressed between his ruby-red lips, Dean held his cigarette so the dapper stranger in the suit could light it, once he'd dug a silver flip lighter from the front pocket of his suit slacks. The lad had tried his best not to look at the rather sizeable bulge that had been in the front of his navy-colored slacks, but he couldn't seem to help himself as his pale blue eyes remained fixated on it. 

He'd been quite large all things considered, the outline of his cock had appeared thick in contrast with his sleek trousers. While the blond lad had done his best to take his eyes off the man's bulging appendage by focusing on his cigarette, it had not been for long as he found himself staring indefinitely. Despite the already present heat, Dean felt his cheeks turn red despite his rather lingering gaze and the dapper stranger in the navy blue suit treated him to a charming smile. 

"You can look if you want, I won't tell," he said, his voice full of brazen wit and dripping with a hint of charm all the same. 

Not that he needed permission, Dean did resume his staring at the handsome dapper man's bulging appendage and found himself given to a sudden wave of lust as his own considerably smaller cock began to swell within the tight confines of his denim jeans. 

When his eyes had finally come back up to meet the handsome dapper man's face, Dean had realized that he had seen the man standing before him someplace before, at Spyder's "candy" shop. It had occurred to the lad that this older man had indeed been "Kenny."

"What is it that you want..."Kenny" Was it?" began the blond lad licking his suddenly dry lips as he attempted to speak only to find himself feeling a bit uneasy due to his creeping desires and almost obsessive need to stare at the older man's bulge.

"Ken," replied the dapper suit-clad stranger known as Ken. "You can call me Ken, pretty boy, that way we are a bit more acquainted."

Dean had narrowly resisted the go-to quip about his name being "Ken" to retort something about being called "Barbie" if he's Ken and turned his attention to the man's giddy lust-filled eyes. It was quite obvious now to the slow-smoking lad why the older man had approached him, he had taken a moment to note the dark brown four-door sedan that had been parked on the side of the road nearest to them. 

"Well, Ken, as it so happens I find myself with a bit of free time at the moment so perhaps we can discuss what you'd like from me perhaps somewhere more private." said the blond lad with his pale blue eyes flickering with lust as well as he took a long slow drag from his cigarette blowing the smoke away from the dapper stranger Ken's direction. 

"If you don't mind, my chariot awaits," said Ken still as charming as before even amid the semi-darkness as the heat continued to make itself known. 

Dean took a moment to gather his denim coat and backpack and accompanied the handsome older man toward the brown four-door sedan he'd seen parked on the side of the road. When they approached the car's door on the passenger side, Ken opened it for him and assisted the blond lad when he climbed inside and treated him to yet another charming smile just before he closed the door for him. 

This Ken had apparently been a gentleman even when not in the presence of a lady it seemed. Dean had kind of liked that quaint aspect of the handsome man who had walked toward the driver seat and climbed inside.

He took a moment to catch his breath as he looked over at the blond lad. 

"Didn't catch your name back there," remarked Ken while looking over at Dean as if expecting something. 

Dean treated Ken with a rather mischievous smirk. 

"That's because I didn't throw it," he replied in a rather coy tone as he took another drag from his cigarette. 

Ken rolled down the window as the smoke began to fill the car and allowed the blond lad to blow it out. 

"You can call me Dean," said the rather seductive blond lad as he finished blowing out the smoke before snuffing out the cigarette, "I'll be your "Joy Boy" for tonight."

Ken cracked something of a charming boyish smile before turning his attention to fishing out his car keys and shoving them into the ignition. The car shook some as the engine began to rumble and they eventually pulled away from the lone street corner where the single dim pale light had faded in the distance of the rearview window just as Dean settled into the passenger seat of the car. 


Open Road, Baltiney, New York...

 Dean had taken note of how beautiful the city had truly been when he had not been in the slums and the cool breeze that came with the drive had not been bad either. The lad found that Ken had been a fan of The Eagles rock band and played quite a few of the songs during the drive. He had not been an expert on much pertaining to music but he had liked the songs well enough. He had taken time to ask what the song was and Ken responded by telling him it was "One Of These Nights." Dean had been clueless as to what it meant but settled for the instrumentals as Ken continued to drive. 

Whether it was boredom or curiosity that compelled Dean to agree to get in the car with Ken of all people when he couldn't stand the sight of him before, the lad had no idea but it was nice to have a change of scenery and some company if very strange company for once. Ken had smiled at him once more when he caught him looking over at his cock, the thing had still been massive, and from what Dean could gather he'd already been hard.

Try as he might to ignore it previously, Dean's stomach had other plans as it cut through the silence left by the changing of the music track and it had embarrassingly got Ken's attention. 

"Shit...sounds like you're starvin' kid," he remarked as he looked from the road back to Dean who tried his best to simply stare out the window to avoid eye contact due to his embarrassment. "You know there's a diner coming up, we'll stop by and get you something to eat, don't worry about the price I'll spring for whatever you want just so long as you take your pick of the selection they got." 

Dean had been surprised by this level of kindness. He had not expected Ken to want to have to pay for anything aside from the sex itself like most of the men he had been subjected to servicing in the past. He had begun to wonder if Ken had just been an anomaly among the men his age and status. Spyder had certainly believed so when speaking of him. 

"I...thank you," said Dean rather nervously. 

Ken treated him to another charming smile. 

"Don't mention it, I needed to get food anyway," he added as they continued their drive with Dean less embarrassed than before. 

They happened upon the diner and true to his word Ken paid for whatever Dean wanted as well as a few items for himself. They climbed back into his car and Ken drove until he found a roadside motel where he paid for the room for up to a week which had confused Dean due to no one paying for a room to be with him before, let alone a whole week. 

Ken simply grinned and took the keys from the clerk who had been giving them strange looks, especially where Dean had been concerned. They headed toward their room with the bags in tow as Dean took a few moments to make a mental note of the motel and the various cars and parking lots.

It hadn't been a bad place all things considered just quiet with not too many guests. An ideal place for what Ken had in mind at least. Dean finished his observations and followed Ken toward their room still reeling from the scenery and location.