
Chapter 35: Shooting The Breeze

Vic's Diner, 12th and Central, Baltiney New York...

 Careful clanking of silverware against plates echoed throughout the diner amid chatter and chewing. Dean continued to enjoy his pancakes as Ken finished his steak and eggs. The younger lad observed the less-than-ideal manner in which Ken ate relatively sloppily as if he had not a care in the world for how the rest of the people would perceive him. The music that had been playing in the background got Ken's attention and then Dean's as he realized it was the same thing that Ken had been blasting in his car on the way to the diner. The lad was amused to see Ken suddenly start drumming with his knife and fork to the music despite being nearly done with his food. 

"Good food and good music, what more could a man ask for," said Ken as he got into the drumming as Dean watched trying his hardest to stifle a laugh or two. 

Ken had a notorious sense of humor, despite everyone around him not at all understanding that he had never intended to come off as funny, just being himself without all the care of who wanted it otherwise. 

The people of Baltiney knew who he was all too well, but the lower dregs of society had only known Ken, the comical rich sloppy dresser who spent a good deal of money in places that the service didn't require it of his own volution. To the people around them, one could have easily seen their relationship as mentor teacher or some rich schmuck taking pity on a homeless urchin. Dean had been looking a bit scrawny after all and his clothes had not been anywhere near in fashion. Yet here had been the wealthiest man in the region spending time with him and buying him food. 

Ken had turned his attention to flirting with a new waitress who had come to refeal his coffee on cue knowing how the diner seemed to dote on Ken bringing him whatever he asked in the hopes that he'd tip big once he took off from them. 

He watched her pour his drink and the flash of lust had been unmistakable as Dean attempted to seem unbothered by it which only made Ken grin and wink at him before taking a sip of his coffee as the waitress took her leave of them. 

"No need for the claws to come out just yet, I'm only havin' a bit of harmless fun," remarked Ken drinking his coffee and studying Dean's red face once again as he winked at him. 

Dean turned his attention to the last of his pancakes and orange juice. He had not known how Ken was able to easily get under his skin but he had done so with ease. The level of attachment to the older man had been something that Dean had not anticipated when he had agreed to their arrangement and it slowly began to unnerve him. He dropped his fork and bent down to pick it up spilling his orange juice all over the front of his jeans. 

Ken had beat him to the punch as he came around the booth and scooped up the knife and cup just as a rather nervous and highly embarrassed Dean reached for it. Ken had been a big believer in pushing the envelope when it came to his antics and as a result, he caught the uneasy lad in a surprise quick kiss before smirking at his reaction when he bumped his head against the table. 

"Amazing that I can make you both wet and nervous all at the same time," he remarked where only Dean's ears could pick up what he'd been saying. 

The redness continued to spread across Dean's handsome pale face as he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 

"Where's the restroom?" he asked quickly composing himself for a quick exit as he felt all the eyes on him in the diner. 

Ken made it back to his seat and motioned in the direction of the diner's bathrooms. 

Dean quickly got to his feet and attempted to move toward it still rather nervous about the people looking at him and how Ken being the horny bastard he'd always been made him flustered in the wake of it. 


The Men's Restroom, Vic's Diner, 12th and Central, Baltiney New York...

 Dean let out a sigh of relief when at last he'd reached the Men's room and found that no one had been inside for the time being. He moved toward the sink to clean the orange juice and syrup off his hands and the front of his jeans. The events had transpired making him feel his bladder had been full and he quickly moved toward the nearest urinal. He had barely gotten the golden stream going when the cool air of an unwanted breeze had been felt against his exposed pale skin. He grew tense until the scent of a familiar cologne and the sound of the main door being locked got his attention as it echoed through the men's room. 

When the door swung open, Ken casually strolled up to the urinal and unzipped his suit slacks. Dean had been only mildly relieved to see Ken standing next to him his sizeable cock aimed at the urinal as they both answered the inevitable call of nature. Ken seemed to be having a good time with the goofy grin that filed across his handsome face despite Dean's continued discomfort at the whole situation. 

Ken finished up first and made a show of washing his hands in a casual manner before stepping up behind Dean and running his wet hands along the younger lad's pale ass squeezing it as he pressed his lips against the back of the nervous and decidedly excited lad's neck. The older man grinned as he noted how hard his cock had gotten and aimed his own near Dean's pale nether cheeks rubbing the massive head against the lad's slick folds. 

"You know they say if you shake it more than twice you're playing with it," said Ken with a wicked grin as he pressed his body against Dean's forcing him nearly up against the urinal as he bit back a soft moan. "People say perfume and cologne have a tendency to leave pleasant aromas when in a restroom, but I beg to differ, my favorite scent has got to be young wet pussy."

Dean whimpered as he felt Ken's cock brush against him, as the older man reached forward and began to stroke the younger lad's pink cock. He had tensed knowing all too well that it wasn't much that would get him to hold back due to the older man's rough hands causing his exposed smooth flesh so much stimulation at once. 

Ken grinned as he planted a series of long slow kisses along Dean's neck and shoulder. 

"That scent always makes my dick hard, no matter where I am," he said his voice dripping with lust and need. 

Dean whimpered as Ken's skillful hand had brought him to his release and he could no longer hold back. Unable to help it in the wake of Ken's stroking Dean ended up accidentally coating the urinal much to his embarrassment as the older man finally backed off tucking away his thick cock and adjusting his suit slacks then he decided on washing his hands once more before exiting the bathroom. 

Dean quickly scrambled to clean himself and the urinal up before anyone else walked in. His young pale face had been burning with embarrassment and the heat of lust still lingered on him as he attempted to correct his attire and wash his hands on the way out. 

Ken had managed to get back to the table and pay for the meals leaving quite the tip as he waited for Dean to join him, knowing all too well that he'd been far too embarrassed and hot and bothered to stay any longer amid the stares of the other patrons of the diner. He had not missed the remark from another male patron who had ventured into the men's room only to remark about the lingering scent of sex as he aimed for the urinal. 

"Smells like young wet pussy in here," he remarked as the door closed behind him making Ken smirk rather wickedly. 

The older man could hardly contain himself when he noted the hot look that had been behind the fast-moving Dean's blue eyes amid his red cheeks as he walked passed him without a word and headed out the front door. Gladys greeted Ken on the way out like usual as she watched Dean head out the front an angry expression filed across his pale face. 

"He gonna be alright?" she asked. "Seems right upset."

Ken casually shrugged as he turned to head out the door after giving Gladys a kiss on the cheek and slipping a hundred-dollar bill into her front pocket. 

"You know teenage boys, sometimes they can't cope with having hair triggers," said Ken with a smirk as he took his leave of the diner and headed back to his sports car where a pouting and still relatively angry and embarrassed and visibly flustered Dean awaited him. 

Ken laughed as he unlocked the door and Dean climbed inside the passenger seat with his arms folded across his chest, he looked every bit, the perfect picture of a typical moody teenage boy out for lunch with a "father figure" of sorts. Ken started up his car and pulled out of the parking lot, the need for something to fill their formerly empty stomachs finally sated. 

Of course, young Dean had not known it at the time, but the sly Ken still had plans for them for the remainder of the afternoon.