
Chapter 48: A Complacent Acquaintance

Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 Dean Hudson had been the first to awaken, taking note of just how exhausted Ken had been upon his return and their subsequent romp before he'd finally gotten any sleep. The blond lad slowly opened his blue eyes noting the shift in lighting of the motel room as night had given way to day and he found himself once more in the arms of the older businessman. Ken shifted some in his sleep groaning from the shifting of weight on the bed as Dean watched him a small smile filed across his pale face.

Ken had been quite handsome up close and in the light of day, much more so than the lad cared to admit but he'd been perfectly alright not telling him, the man's ego had already been too much given his massive cock being the source of his relative smugness whenever they'd been in bed. Dean tried his best to ignore that it had been tenting beneath the bedsheets as his eyes moved along the rest of Ken's body. 

Feeling Dean shift in bed seemed to have gotten Ken's undivided attention as the man opened his eyes revealing that his level of lust had not subsided in the least once he'd focused on the blond lad leaning against him. Dean straddled Ken's waist kissing his lips in greeting as the older man gripped his hips and looked up at him with a content smirk. The lad's body relaxed against his causing Dean to inadvertently brush against Ken's tented cock. He groaned at the sensation as he proceeded to stroke the lad's pale thighs his dark lust-filled eyes never leaving him as they once more kissed. 

"If I told you I loved your pussy would you hold it against me?" asked Ken with his first vulgar quip of the day. 

Dean rolled his eyes as he slowly worked the tented bedsheet off Ken's waist and exposed his bare cock to the cold air in the motel room. It did little to affect either one of their prominent morning erections as the lad gripped Ken's thick cock with both hands trying his best to keep him as rigid as possible in the wake of his removal of the sheet. 

"Mmmm." groaned Ken as he bucked his hips a bit just as he looked up at Dean from the center of the motel bed. 

The lad had been lighter than he expected him to be given his thin build and stature. Ken moved his rough hands along Dean's exposed chest and belly making the lad moan at the instant of his touch. It seemed to amuse the older man that all he needed to do was touch the naked lad to make him come undone. He supposed something so intimate as another's touch when not in the process of causing him harm had been strange to him at first. Careful fingers traced every visible scar that had been a staple reminder of the abuses the boy had suffered in his childhood at the hands of cruel men and other boys alike. 

Dean had been very ashamed of his scars but none of them seemed to phase Ken who simply kissed them whenever he'd been close enough to see them when they'd been naked. The lad still had a difficult time accepting that Ken wasn't bothered by them and attempted to shield them from the man's keen view. The older man gently slapped his hands away and pulled his body down onto his own for a long and passionate kiss. 

Ken had been quite fascinated by Dean's body despite his embarrassment and shame due to his scars and curious physical condition. As far as he'd been concerned he'd been beautiful, and rather innocent all things considered. The momentary lapse had been more than enough of an opportunity for Ken to slowly ease his thick cock past Dean's sodden folds making the lad moan aloud as he thrust forward allowing the lad to sit back and ride his cock as he reeled from the new sensation of being once more impaled. 

"Fuck..." hissed Dean closing his eyes as he ran his soft fingers across Ken's bare chest. He had noted the makings of chest hair and smirked as he noted that he didn't mind it. 

Ken watched with rapt fascination as Dean bit his bottom lip in reaction to the stimulation of sensation moving through him courtesy of Ken's massive cock. The older man's libido was still an astounding thing as the lad came to grips with the fact that his lover had a high sex drive. He supposed it was more so due to him not having much else to do since his suspension from his company and the frequent trips to Spyder's Kandy Shop for a baggie or two depending on his mood that week. 

Dean had observed more often than not that Ken had been under a good deal of stress but he had not spoken about why that had been despite Dean getting the overall sense that he'd been upset about something. Ken groaned as Dean slowly began to bounce on his cock moaning in the process. 

"Oh fuck..." growled Ken gripping Dean's slender pale hips as he continued his rhythmic bouncing. 

He had always enjoyed the feel of the lad's tightness even when he couldn't seem to part from it for very long. 

"So deep...." moaned Dean as his eyes rolled into the back of his head in the wake of his bouncing as his hard cock bounced between his belly and Ken's pulsing as their act continued. 

Ken made a mental note that even without drugs in his system, Dean seemed to be a big fan of sex, he had known all too well that he'd been the first inside him as far as his hidden sex had been concerned but he knew next to nothing about his experiences beforehand. 

 "You apparently love fucking as much as I do," Ken observed in the wake of a low grunt given their act. 

Dean nodded as he continued his rhythmic bouncing on Ken's thick cock. He once more bit his bottom lip as he ran his hands along the older man's bare chest. 

"Only because it's you," he admitted through gritted teeth as his bouncing commenced. "I only love fucking you...everyone else wasn't as nice as you...they didn't feel good like you do."

Ken grunted as he began to buck his hips upward making Dean moan once more. 

"Fuck...." hissed Dean losing himself as his cock spurted along his bare belly and Ken's respectively. 

Ken smirked as he lifted Dean off him and maneuvered the lad onto his soaked belly with his face down and his shapely pale ass high in the air. Ken smacked him across his bare nether cheeks making Dean squeal a bit before the older man took hold of his slick cock and lined it up behind the lad and once more plunged into his slickness making the lad moan all the more. 

"For future reference, this is Daddy's favorite position," remarked Ken in a gruff lust filled tone as he thrust deeper inside the lad smacking his pale ass once more as he did. 

Dean had quickly found out why given how deep the man's cock had been when reinserted inside him. From the new angle Dean had taken note of the visible contrasts between the two of them, Ken's darker skin in comparison to his own pale flesh as well as their comparative sizes. He felt so small when it came to his size as Ken covered him from behind drilling his sopping sex all the more in the wake of the new morning as the lad moaned and gripped the bedsheets beneath them. 

He had loved being with Ken a lot more than he had let on as he whimpered taking the older man in as he worked hard to hold his steady position if only to please his new lover. Ken pulled Dean up from the bed and into a heated kiss as the lad began to bounce on his cock from the back still moaning and whimpering from the sensation of being so deeply impaled at the new angle. Ken smirked as he trailed a series of kisses along Dean's neck gripping him and pulling him close to his chest as the lad continued to bounce. 

"That's a good Joyboy, take Daddy's cock." growled Ken gripping Dean's neck as he began to pummel his sodden sex from behind in the wake of the lad's bouncing. They seemed to meet each other halfway in some respects as they began to become more enamored with their respective bodies as the minutes continued to pass. 

Dean moaned as Ken continued to assert command over his body maneuvering him as he saw fit all the while pummeling his molten sex as if he owned it. A lazy lustful smile filed across Dean's pale face as he made a mental note that Ken Ryker had been very good at sex. His recollection of why the girls at Spyder's Kandy Shop had been so bold in flocking to him. 

The lad had been at a loss for words when Ken's thick cock began to come into contact with a bundle of nerves he had not been accustomed to having stimulated and his knees buckled despite him being on them. Ken smirked his smug tone filled the lad's ear as he angled his cock once more battering the nerves and making Dean's cock spurt and his body tremble. Ken held him in place showcasing how strong he'd been as he continued to pummel the blissfully weakened lad's heated sex. 

"Still just a boy after all," taunted Ken in Dean's ear. "Not to worry, there hasn't been a woman alive that could outlast me so you still got some hope there."

Dean whimpered as Ken's cock struck the nerves once more making him unable to continue as he coated the older man's cock and found himself passing out from overstimulation. Ken growled as he continued to pummel the lad's sodden sex until his release had been ripped from him. 

"FUCK!" he growled as he finally allowed Dean to collapse onto the bed face first. 

Ken seemed to not have been affected in the least when it came to exhaustion as he slowly pulled out of Dean's slickness and headed toward the bathroom. He'd been in much need of a shower and then some. 


Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 Thirty Minutes Later...

Dean Hudson found himself awakening alone in bed with his body feeling a bit worse for wear as he looked around to find that Ken hadn't been in sight. The rushing water from the bathroom shower had indicated all he needed to know and he slowly rolled onto his back amid the sticky mess their latest romp had left behind. He took a moment to catch his breath as his own sweat-slick body also needed cleaning. The lad slowly crawled out of bed feeling the heaviness of his legs and the residual soreness of his hidden sex from Ken's spirited thrusts from before. He'd been much deeper in him the last time than before and Dean felt every bit of it in terms of his minor aches. 

The lad smirked as he tried to ignore how smug Ken had been in the wake of it all, sounding a bit more like the arrogant rich jerk he met at Spyder's than he had been in recent weeks. Dean slowly made his way toward the table where a can of soda had been left from their last outing. He popped the top and took a long gulp nearly choking on the carbon as he let it go down. He had still been naked when Ken emerged from the shower with a white towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping down his body. 

Dean had a hard time swallowing the soda as his attraction to the handsome older man had been reignited. Ken smirked as he slowly approached the blond lad, his dark eyes once more dripping with lust as he slowly took the soda from the lad and drank some down himself before placing the can onto the table and grabbing the lad by the neck in a bid to pull him into a heated kiss. Dean nearly melted against him feeling his cock stir once more as he felt Ken's massive cock also tented its way out past his towel. 

The older man ran his fingers through the lad's peroxide pixie cut and pulled him into another heated kiss before staring into his eyes. Up close, Dean could see a few scars along Ken's body as well as the cascading drops of water left over from his shower. 

"As much as I love fucking your tight pussy, we have some pressing business to adhere to, the dinner we were invited to is right around the corner so to speak and due to this we have several stops to make today in order to properly prepare for the event," said Ken still holding Dean in place before once more capturing his mouth in yet another heated kiss. 

Dean whimpered in the wake of Ken moving away from him and attempting to compose himself when the older man dropped his towel and stepped up behind him his thick cock as hard as stone as it came in contact with Dean's pale ass.

"It's tempting to just fuck you here and now, considering seeing how sexy you look naked is making me hard all over again," said Ken his baritone voice dripping with lust. 

"Mmmm." moaned Dean leaning back against Ken's chest feeling his hardness all at once. "No one will know...if you just go on and fuck me, Daddy."

"Spoken like a truly spoiled brat," remarked Ken with a smirk. "I've been much too generous with giving you dick, perhaps you should start earning your keep."

Dean moaned once more when Ken's rough calloused hand gripped his smaller pink cock making his knees buckle as the older man began stroking him with ease. The lad had not been used to having anyone other than himself stroke his cock and even that had been sporadic as he whimpered and involuntarily bucked his hips forward needing more contact with the rough warmth of Ken's firm hand. 

Dean had nearly melted against Ken when everything seemed to end at once and Ken swatted him on his ass in a bid to spur him to get into the shower. 

"Get going, we have errands to run, can't spend all day fucking your sloppy pussy there's shit that needs doing," said Ken in a rather stern tone. 

Dean whimpered in disappointment as he headed toward the bathroom and climbed into the shower at Ken's behest. He had hoped this errand run had been a short one given how he'd been eager to have Ken's cock back inside him but he knew all too well that it'd take up a good deal of their day. 


Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 Dean had finally emerged from the shower dripping from head to toe and still aroused from the look of his pink cock pulsing before he could manage to take a step. Ken had been dressed in another suit and ready as he awaited Dean to get dressed before they headed out for the day with the motel room keycard in tow. The lad had shuffled into a pair of clean boxers, and denim jeans much to his dismay. He filed on a tight-fitting red t-shirt with low sleeves and a pair of white ankle socks and trainers. 

His hair was wild but passable in terms of his youthful vigor and he seemed to be accustomed to not doing much with it aside from occasional dying and trimming. Ken's own hair had been neatly combed and his suit pressed as if he'd been headed for the office. They both knew he wasn't going to do any such thing but he had certainly looked the part. The older man treated Dean to something of a cartooney wolfish whistle when the lad bent over to tie his shoes and Ken got up from the armchair and smacked him across the backside. 

"Don't you look like a fuckable Joyboy," he remarked his dark eyes once more filled with lust as Dean had been reminded of just how much of a horndog Ken truly was. 

He smirked and ventured toward the front door and opened it stepping out into the big wide world with Dean trailing rather nervously behind him dreading the so-called errand Ken had been about to have him embark on. Dean had closed the room door and followed Ken to his notorious sports car and climbed into the passenger seat when he unlocked the door. The older man started the engine and the usual 80's style rock came blasting over the speakers bold and loud like Ken had been. 

Dean rolled his eyes when Prince's Dirty Mind played over the speakers. He had been starting to believe that Ken intentionally chose to play the song just to torture him. He noted the older man's smirk just as they pulled out of the motel parking lot.