
Chapter 60: Under Compulsion

Apartment 274, Terrow Heights Apartment Complex, Baltiney, New York...

 It had started out being a quiet day for Valencia Ramos as she sat in her living room staring at her phone and occasionally the television which had merely been on for background effect. She'd been near to calling it a night when a knock at her front door got her attention. Valencia got to her feet and headed toward the door annoyed that someone had been so rude as they beat against her door as if to intentionally cause a disturbance. She rolled her eyes when she realized who it had been and opened the heavy door with narrowed eyes. True to form a rather high and decidedly sloppy Ken Rkyer stood outside her door reeking of sweat and alcohol as he stepped inside moving past her as she once more rolled her eyes before closing and locking her door behind him. 

Ken smirked at her indicating that behind his giddy dark eyes, he'd truly been high, no doubt off Spyder's latest batch. Valencia had enough of Ken showing up in the middle of the night but his being high and reeking of alcohol in the light of day had been concerning. 

"You conniving little bitch." growled Ken despite his high demeanor, "You just had to ruin everything didn't you?"

Valencia had enough of his blatant disrespect and blaming her for her pregnancy as if the sole responsibility of her being pregnant had fallen on her as if his thick bare cock had not been the cause of it as well. 

She reached back and slapped Ken across the face having had it with his bitter remarks. His dark eyes seemed to flare with lust in the wake of the blow which caused Valencia to step back from him still angered by his words. 

"What are you doing here Ken?" she asked folding her arms across her chest, which had been covered with her black silk and lace bathrobe. 

"Not happy to see me babe?" asked Ken with the same high smirk. "I came here for my favorite pregnant pussy, what else?"

Valencia had been about to protest but Ken walked up to her and she found herself melting against his rough and vulgar touch as he moved his hands along her body pinching and squeezing her shapely ass as he pulled her close to his chest letting her feel his erection through his suitslacks. 

He dropped down to his knees startling Valencia for a few moments as he pulled her closer until his head had been at her belly. He parted her bathrobe and kissed her soft exposed flesh noting that she'd been wearing nothing underneath the robe as his hands gripped her tighter. Valencia tried her hardest not to give in but his kiss along her belly made her weak. 

"I've missed this pussy." Ken admitted with a giddy expression before lifting Valencia off her feet with ease as he stood back on his. She forgot how strong and tall he'd been despite his sloppy demeanor as he gripped her smaller body and carried her toward the bedroom where he laid her down in the center of her bed and proceeded to discard his sloppy suit and shoes. 


Apartment 274, Terrow Heights Apartment Complex, Baltiney, New York...

 Valencia's breath hitched as she watched Ken get undressed wanting nothing more than for him to stay as he climbed onto the bed with her parting her slender brown thighs as he leaned his head down between them and began kissing and licking at her glistening folds. She moaned as she laid back against the expensive and stylish bedding complete with black and red pillows. Ken's warm wet tongue had lapped at her slickness making her feel an unnerving tingling in her belly due to embarrassment and need as he teased her in the worst way relishing her squirming as he reminded her of just how dirty he could be when they were together. 

Valencia had been struggling to keep her composure as she moaned arching her hips as she rode out Ken's talented tongue still lapping at her slickness bringing out the passion he so easily ignited from the first night they'd spent together when she came of age. 

"Still just as good as I remember," Ken remarked still kissing along her inner folds and lapping at her slickness to the point that his face had been slick from his efforts. 

He could feel Valencia's body tense as she ran her small fingers through his messy black hair and moaned even louder against her will. When Ken had finally come up for air, Valencia had been gasping for it as well. 

"You know I think I prefer eating pregnant pussy to casual pussy." he remarked before licking her one last time. 

Valencia moaned as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she arched her hips to meet his waiting mouth. 

"Oh fuck..." she moaned feeling the rush of her unwavering release move through her as Ken took his time licking it all as it hit his still questing tongue. 

He'd been quite bold when it came to sex, and more dirty than anyone in his respective personal spaces ever knew at least he'd been when it came to her. For the past five years, she'd seen a different side of the man everyone knew to have been Ryker Kennison at one point and didn't exactly know how to handle it. 

"Ken..." whimpered Valencia as the giddiness of lust made her dark eyes gloss over as tears streamed down her supple cheeks. She had missed this, missed him as she considered if her ploy to get pregnant by the man she knew had not wanted children had been worth it. 

She reached for him stroking his slick face as treated her to a wicked smile and kissed her hand slowly. He groaned as he fitted his body between her slender brown thighs and gripped his already stiff cock with a firm right hand before grazing the tip along her slick folds making her moan all the more as he thrust forward. 

"Papi..." moaned Valencia feeling him slowly stretch her to her limit given his size as he thrust inside her getting her full attention in the process despite her still reeling from her previous round of release. "Oh...."

"Fuck..." hissed Ken in a near-on growl as he looked down and met Valencia's dark lust filled eyes. "You conniving little bitch...you see what you do to me...fuck...how could you betray me when you know how much I need this pussy?"

Ken groaned as he began his slow pace thrusts moving Valencia's body along her queen-sized bed as he relished her moans which continued to fill his ears. Her small but pert breasts pressed into his chest as their unseemly act continued. 

The older man's body in contrast had been an impressive sight against her young smaller form amid the semi-darkness of her bedroom. It had still been mid-afternoon but the heavy drapes that lined her bedroom windows were closed and she had been of the mind to keep them that way. 

Ken's pace slowly began to increase as he towered above the still moaning young woman a sheen of sweat building between them as their dark complections glistened in the wake of it. It had crossed Valencia's mind on more than one occasion that she and Ken's unborn child would have some interesting features by the time it had been born be it a boy or a girl. 

The beating of the thick headboard began to echo throughout her bedroom as well as the squeaking of the bedsprings with the mattress getting quite the workout for the first time in a long time since Ken first had found out about her pregnancy.