
Chapter 62: Ignorance And Bliss

Apartment 274, Terrow Heights Apartment Complex, Baltiney, New York...

 A visibly upset Valencia Ramos had done her best to see to the welfare of the father of her unborn child, as she attempted to clean the wounds she had not taken note of until he'd passed out in her bed and bled all over the sheets. She was in tears when she realized that he'd not been in his right mind when he came to her place, that self-destructive impulse that had nearly killed him beforehand was all the rage when it came to his mysterious scuffles and injuries that led him to show up at her doorstep. Ken had finally come around at near dusk as he focused his dark brown eyes on the tears-stricken younger woman who had been beside him every second since he'd passed out. 

"Val?" said Ken with an air of lingering confusion but it had only lasted for a few minutes as he quickly gathered that he'd been at her apartment. 

He'd still been naked, and she as well, her mind more focused on seeing to his welfare than her lack of attire in the wake of their afternoon romp. 

"Why the long face?" he asked with an arched brow as Valencia hovered near him unable to speak for fear of breaking down crying once more. 

Ken reached for her hand and pulled her down toward him, her bare chest had been pressed against his as their eyes met and he maneuvered her smaller petite frame on top of his own bare body smirking as he felt the inevitable stirring of his wayward cock the moment their skin came into contact. 

"How long was I out?" he asked clearly understanding the situation and what made her so upset. 

"It's eight o'clock," she replied evenly despite the fear in her tone. "You got here at four."

"Judging by your look of concern, I was quite high when I got here," replied Ken with a smirk. 

Valencia rolled her eyes. 

"It's not funny Ken, something happened to you and it really scared me," she said with her voice breaking. 

Ken sighed as he met her gaze once more. 

"Look Val...it's alright just probably the resident paranoia that comes with partying," he replied rather casually. "And we both know how much I like to party...bad batches happen occasionally and it's no big deal."

"No big deal, Ken you're hurting yourself and you think it's fine," said Valencia concerned. 

"What do I gotta do to prove to you that I'm fine?" asked Ken with an arched brow. 

Before Valencia could protest he slowly began to kiss her neck and eased his thick cock back past her slick folds making her moan against her will. She had still been highly upset with him but Ken always had a way of using sex as a means of negotiation or to stall an argument. 

"Hard like a strong lead pipe ain't it?" asked Ken with a wicked smirk as Valencia closed her eyes reeling from the sensation of being filled by his thick cock once again. 

"Bastard..." she said through gritted teeth in the wake of her rage and attempts not to moan aloud and give him the satisfaction of knowing he'd gotten to her. 

"We can sit here and discuss your perceived notions about my physical wellbeing or I can prove to you just how healthy I am by fucking your tight pussy until I cum in it...your call baby," said Ken slowly kissing along Valencia's neck as she began to give in to her creeping lust despite the tears that cascaded down her supple cheeks. 

Ken smirked once more looking up at her as she straddled his waist and slowly began to bounce on his thick cock as he held her in place and allowed his free hand to get acquainted with her pert breasts and pregnant belly. She always melted in the wake of his touch, his rough hands against her smooth skin quite the contrast as she slowly bounced feeling him delve all the more into her tight slickness as if the past half hour had never occurred at all. 

Her hormones and body had been in sync whenever Ken had been inside her, the craving she had for his touch and abrasive lovemaking had only intensified when she'd been carrying his unborn child and seemed to make her all the more susceptible to his manipulation in the long run. She had known all too well how the sordid man's mind worked, especially where sex had been concerned but she couldn't seem to help herself, no more than he could when the compulsion to give in had been as great as her need for him. 

"Mmmmm Ken..." moaned Valencia losing herself in the sensation rapidly filling her lust-addled body. "Fuck me....Papi..."

Ken smirked once more happy to oblige as he did just that relishing in his minor victory as he saw his way to enjoying Valencia's lovely young body all over again. 


Hours Later....

 Ken had managed to get out of bed and make his way toward the front door. Valencia had been well and truly exhausted and of no mind to question his departure let alone what occurred beforehand. He scrambled to collect his scattered attire, leaving Valencia's on the floor as he shuffled into his clothes and scooped up his car keys. He couldn't believe he'd made it back to her place yet again given the condition he found himself in once he left Spyder's Kandy Shop after a good dose from the lad's latest batch and a few rounds with the girls. 

It was obvious that he craved familiarity and given his bad mood and the apparent black cloud that had been following him, he sought out the one person that had always seen him at his worst. The spell of sorts had passed and Ken was once more focused on the dinner with his parents and Dean of course. The lad had to have been wondering what happened to him after he'd just moved into his house. 

Ken wanted to kick himself for leaving the boy all alone when he needed him most and made up his mind to make it up to him once he'd gotten the dinner squared away. He climbed into the brown four-door sedan and drove toward his house leaving behind a still slumbering Valencia and his unborn child.