
Chapter 65: Afterglow And Things To Know

Dean's Bedroom, The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 If Dean Hudson didn't know any better, he'd have thought moving into Ken's house had brought them closer together with how affectionate the older man seemed to have gotten in the wake of the change. Before the move, Ken was more or less focused on getting what he always wanted and now he'd been holding the blond lad in his arms and trading long slow kisses with him. Dean had felt right at home in Ken's house and once more wrapped in his arms as their kissing continued the reeling sensation from their previous act still on their minds as they basked in it. 

"I missed you when you were gone," said Dean honestly.

"I know," replied Ken evenly. "I tend to have that effect on whoever I'm fucking."

Dean rolled his eyes. 

"Way to kill the mood," he replied in annoyance. 

Ken smirked as he pulled Dean into another reluctant kiss as the lad's hands rested against the older man's bare chest. Dean rested his forehead against Ken's as he sighed knowing all too well that Ken had been preoccupied when he left the previous afternoon. 

"You went to see her didn't you?" he asked proving that he wasn't at all oblivious to Ken's habits and tendencies despite their short association. 

Ken arched a brow at this surprising shift in conversation. 

"What brought this on?" he asked. 

"You always smell like the same sickeningly sweet perfume whenever you come back to me, it's thick and something only a young woman would wear and the only young woman I know you have constant dealings with is the one you told me you got pregnant before we met," replied Dean meeting Ken's eyes as he continued to lie on top of the older man with his chest pressed against him. 

Ken sighed as his rough hands gripped the inquisitive lad's slender hips as they lay together in bed their eyes meeting once more as he attempted to explain his current predicament. 

"Listen, you already know she's pregnant so it kind of goes with the territory, when I met you I was more or less looking for an alternative to her but old habits die hard and I still fuck her from time to time," admitted Ken. "Our arrangement is our arrangement and mine and hers is more or less amended for the sake of my sanity and the kid we're having."

Dean sighed as he met Ken's dark eyes with ones of concern. 

"Do you love her?" asked the rather nervous blond lad trying not to let his voice break as he spoke. 

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" asked Ken visibly uncomfortable with the idea of being in love with anyone let alone Dean or Valencia. "We fuck, like you and I do, that's the extent of it aside from her tricking me into getting her pregnant."

There had been something of a shamed look that filed across Dean's youthful pale face and Ken sighed as he reached up to wipe away the wayward tear that began to cascade down the lad's cheek. 

"Don't do this," said Ken evenly. "She and I fuck, you and I fuck that's all this is...I'm not the affection-driven type as you have no doubt noticed and everyone knows that I'm a pussy hound, especially her, her being pregnant is just a minor inconvenience that she caused by not taking her birth control, while I'll do right by the kid there is nothing else going on outside of casual sex."

Dean nodded as he leaned forward and kissed the older man on the lips who reciprocated his kiss in kind. It had been a pleasant start to their morning, and Dean intended to focus on that at least. Ken was delighted that it appeared that the lad liked the idea of living with him, the house was always empty aside from Ken's frequent visits and occasional guests stopping by mostly to lecture him on his lifestyle and behavior as opposed to paying respects to the dead. 

He thought the place was more like a mausoleum since he arrived from his stint in the hospital but he had elected to stay in a large virtually empty house aside from the decor and furniture than ever to have to go back to the sanatarium where his so-called mother placed him. 

Truth be told, the house had been quite empty since the fateful day of the plane crash with a then heartbroken Ryker Kennison mostly hanging out at work and venturing home at the last possible moment just to drink himself into a stupor and pass out watching old home movies of his dead wife and kids. 

Ken himself avoided much of anything to do with the past and busied himself with booze and pills when not already on coke with a warm body to occupy his time and weary mind when not working. It had not been much better for him than it had been for Ryker in the old house alone but it beat being bound and drugged in the off-shoot sanatarium. 

Dean continued to kiss Ken on the lips content to just lay with him following their strenuous act. The series of long slow kisses had been stimulating to say the least and the lad had been quite comfortable feeling the older man's steady heartbeat in time with his own as he continued to lay with his young pale form stretched across the older man's darker tanned and equally naked body all while said older man gripped the pale lad's slender hips and slowly planted deliberate kisses his exposed neck. 

"Mmmmm." moaned Dean losing himself in the bliss of just being wanted for a change and the enjoyment of the wealthy businessman Ken's company. 

Ken had been having quite the time as well if his renewed arousal had anything to do with it. It had not been every day that he'd brought someone he'd been interested in having sex with back to his house, the gorgeous lady lawyer Evelyn Towers had been the only one other than Sera to share a bed with him at all until Valencia Ramos managed to spread her legs for him but not even she'd been privy to being in Ken's home. 

Dean had been the first and only younger man that Ken had taken an interest in and it had largely been to do with his special set of circumstances. Before Ken had been drawn to him and confused by it as he'd not been interested in a same-sex affair in the least but Dean proved to have been special in that regard and the bonus of his being intersex made it all worth Ken's while to pursue an arrangement of sorts with him.

Despite the pleasantness of their makeout session, Ken noted that Dean's stomach had been rumbling. He smiled as the embarrassed younger lad attempted to pull away from him only to be brought into another heated kiss by the older man before he'd been rolled onto his back and pinned by way of his wrists as Ken towered above him. 

Dean whimpered as Ken slowly trailed kisses down his chest and toward his belly making a joke of the rumbling in the process. The lad moaned as Ken kissed his empty belly and let him up with a smirk. 

"Come on let's get you fed before you up and starve to death." said the older man with a wicked grin. 

Dean narrowed his blue eyes at Ken as they both scrambled to climb out of bed, still naked and still very much reeling from their previous act. It was strange to see a more light-hearted side of Ken in this house of his, the lad supposed it was the atmosphere or having real company for a change but it seemed to do the older man good to move about the old house with life in it once more.

As if he and the house had been thriving off Dean's youthful vigor in a strange sense.