
Chapter 77: A Family Affair

 Kinervale Heights, The Elder Kennison Estate, Grandview Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 The midnight blue sports car of Ken Ryker pulled into a very long driveway leading to a massive structure in the form of a three-tier mansion, there had been a main house, and two smaller houses connected with three floors for each level a good deal of greenery and a large water fountain in the center of the driveway that rounded up toward the main portion of the house. Ken rolled his eyes as he noted the place but Dean had been in awe of it. Never in his young life had he expected to be anywhere near such a magnificent piece of property, let alone be invited to have dinner inside. It had not been lost on the lad that this house, which had been the home of Ken's parents and younger brother had been much larger than his own but knowing Ken as he did, Dean figured it was by design considering his disdain for the house upon their arrival. 

Ken himself had never grown up in this place, his parents had been average people before he'd gone into business with his father and struck it rich with their fledgling company at the time. Of course, no one ever recalled that aspect of the man's life due to how successful he'd been after the fact. His mother had been pulling all the stops with the servants working overtime and the gardeners making the place look presentable. If he had any doubts as to her being up to something he had been more than sure of it now. 

 Ken and Dean got out of the car as the older man tossed the keys to a valet and moved toward the front door. It was enormous and made of impressive dark oak wood. Ken had noted Dean's observations of his parent's estate and rolled his eyes. They had not even needed to knock before a servant opened the front door and they stepped inside. Ken appeared to have been familiar with the seemingly professional-looking old man, a butler by the name of Javis. 

"Mr. Kennison, what a surprise," he said with something of a smile as he greeted Ken. 

"It's just you and me Jav, no need for the formalities old man, it's good to see you," said Ken evenly. "I'd like you to meet my new personal assistant, Dean, Dean this old man used to take care of Bobby when he was a baby."

Dean nodded in Javis' direction as he ushered them inside the main house. 

The moment they stepped into the entrance hall, Ken knew all too well that his mother was up to something. She's even decorated the entrance hall and the stairs for the occasion, there was no way that this had simply been dinner.

 Ken escorted Dean further into the house and found his mother and Coleman waiting for him along with Malcolm, his wife, and boys, Eveyln Towers, Jeff, Bobby, and of all people Valencia Ramos.

Had he not taken his medication, Ken would have allowed his rage to get the better of him at that moment as he had a feeling they'd been plotting against him. Valencia being among them only made things worse, but he kept his composure and simply stepped inside the room and helped himself to the punch bowl as Dean trailed behind him. 

"Ryker darling, nice of you to show up on time no less," said Mildred eyeing her son and the new arrival with keen inspection. 

Ken simply enjoyed his punch and said little to nothing as he moved to allow Dean to help himself before venturing to his usual armchair in the sitting room. The rather nervous blond lad trailed behind him and stood beside the chair before Ken motioned for him to take the seat a few feet from him. 

Mildred Kennison had been like a shark looking for blood in the water and she noted the rather odd measure of closeness that Ken seemed to exhibit with the younger lad. He had been clean enough and dressed more or less reasonably but she wondered just what her son had found so fascinating about him. 

"I suppose the gang's all here and up to speed no doubt," remarked Ken as he continued to sip his punch and glare at his mother who had been staring at him in kind. 

They had always been quite passive-aggressive in their way and everyone present had been well aware of it aside from Dean. 

"They are indeed son but we have but one last guest to be accounted for," said Mildred in a causal manner. 

As she said this, a towering lone woman with elegant attire and curly blond locks nearing gray strolled into the room with the clicking of her high heels, as her blue eyes scanned the room. She took one look at a newly arrived Ken and twisted her nose up high in the air. 

"Well it looks like he made it, and on time no less," she said in a rather sour tone. 

"Beth Chapman, just another face I didn't need to see today, this is turning out to be some party mother, although I don't recommend you quit your day job when it comes to planning," remarked Ken visibly tensing the moment Beth walked in. 

Beth Chapman had been Mildred's best friend for years and Ken hated her with a passion despite her having been known as his godmother and aunt of sorts. Mildred walked over and greeted Beth as per the usual, a fake kiss on each cheek and a patted hug, also fake before parting ways. 

The moment Dean laid eyes on Beth, he found that he had not liked her at all. Something about Ken's demeanor when seeing her made him truly upset but the pills did wonders in blocking it out for the others to see. Valencia had not seemed to care for Beth Chapman at all either and wrinkled her nose at her as she entered the room just the same. She had been as curious as everyone else as to why Dean had been in attendance but knew that it was Ken's way of getting back at her somehow. 

She had known him better than anyone and his petty streak had been more than a mile wide when it came to such things. Evelyn Towers had also been annoyed when Beth entered the room and glared daggers at Valencia from the moment she arrived. She had recalled all too well that the girl had been the one Ryker saved from the crash and how shameless she'd been since coming of age and chasing after the man following the car accident. 

Dean got a look at Valencia Ramos had not known what to think. Ken had told him that he'd gotten a younger woman pregnant but he had not expected the twenty-two-year-old to be present at his family estate. He could see the pudge in her belly and the rather smug look on her face when she turned her attention to him. Ken's meds appeared to have been working overtime as he simply took slow sips from his punch and ignored the implications that things were not going to go his way that night. 


The Foyer, Kinervale Heights, The Elder Kennison Estate, Grandview Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 Ken found it tedious that his mother had elected to pester him as she went out of her way to rub in the fact that she'd been holding all the cards with Valencia present and pregnant with his baby. He remained neutral in terms of his outward fury but inside he'd been boiling with rage. He trailed after Mildred Kennison who invited him out to the foyer for a discussion of sorts. Dean had been left behind to mingle with everyone else in attendance before dinner as Mildred had planned. 

"So...son of mine," she said rather smugly. "Enjoying the little get-together I planned for you?"

"Immensely," replied Ken through gritted teeth.

Mildred chuckled at this delighting in her elder son's discomfort. 

"At least you took your meds today like a good boy," she said observing him. "Wouldn't want to have any violent outbursts on an occasion such as this, and in front of your little friend no less."

Ken resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 

"Is there a point to this, or are you simply enjoying watching me squirm?" he asked evenly. 

Mildred smirked rather wickedly and arched a brow. 

"Why can't it be both?" she asked before turning her attention toward venturing to the balcony. 

Once more Ken followed her and they stood looking out over the estate as she calmly and smugly told him how she'd come to best him yet again and how Valencia's pregnancy gave her ample opportunity to do so. 

"The way I see it, Ryker you have one of two options, marry the girl and legitimize your child, you'll get your company position back and I'll call off the dogs, prove to me that you can be responsible and civilized by taking your medication and I'll even afford you being considered a member of the family," said Mildred with a rather stern tone. 

"And the second option?" asked Ken with an arched brow. 

"Well you and I both know that I loathed you with every fiber of my being, the day you opened your eyes in that hospital and stole the life of my beloved son is the day we became enemies, so I will not hesitate to have you committed if it means sparing my boy the embarrassment you cause him and myself included," replied Mildred in a rather harsh tone this time around. "What's it going to be, compliance or imprisonment?"

Ken had not been able to speak at that moment, it was rather interesting that she admitted to hating him outright despite him always knowing it beforehand but to hear it aloud took some getting used to. 

"So you'd force me to marry a woman I don't love to keep up appearances for a son you claim to hate?" asked Ken. 

"Oh no darling, I love MY son, I hate you the imposter that stole his life and continues to make a mockery of it, and as far as I am concerned this is only a route to restoring his honor and reclaiming his only living child legitimately, whether you love the young thing you impregnated is of no consequence to me dear boy, but I will no longer allow you to ruin my son's reputation nor mine with your reckless antics." replied Mildred growing impatient. "Now choose."


The Sitting Room, Kinervale Heights, The Elder Kennison Estate, Grandview Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 Dean was beginning to feel a bit nervous as the strangers murmuring to themselves had begun to take their toll on him. He elected to part company and venture toward the nearest bathroom to compose himself before the tremors began to get the better of him and cause him a good deal of embarrassment. Malcolm had been kind enough to show him the way and he left without hesitation. 

The decor in the guest bathroom had been nice to look at with the bright white and beige playing off each other well. It looked to have been quite homey by design but with a beach feel given the atmosphere. Dean splashed a bit of water on his face after finishing up at the toilet and washing his hands. He felt anxious all over again but managed to compose himself thinking of Ken and how he'd been having to endure all of this and with medication. The older man wanting a nice quiet night alone had been ideal for Dean as well and now that the dinner would be getting underway, he knew he'd wanted it to be over now more than ever. 

Dean exited the bathroom after taking a few deep breaths and eased his way back into the sitting room where it appeared the celebration of sorts truly got underway, almost everyone seemed to be delighted with the outcome aside from Ken who'd been barely concealing his rage, and Evelyn Towers who thought the whole ordeal pathetic. 

She slipped Ken a glass and he downed it without hesitation before she walked away leaving Ken alone in the sitting room with Dean finally having returned. Everyone else had cleared the room opting for the dining hall for dinner. The chatter was loud and frequent between them as Ken remained silent and embittered. 

Dean attempted to approach him but Ken waved him off and ventured back toward the balcony. From the moment he noted the look on Ken's face he'd gathered that his mother had outplayed him, but she had locked him up. The reason had just illuded Dean as Valencia Ramos found herself indulging in her newfound engagement party as opposed to a dinner set up by Mildred. 

Ken remained embittered despite everyone assuring him it was "for the best". 

Malcolm had been chief among them. 

Ken's words to Malcolm had been a very embittered "Go fuck yourself."

Before they ventured into the dining hall.