
Chapter 122: A Kindred Kind Of Thing

Dean's Bedroom, The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 A low involuntary moan escaped the pale lips of a lightly slumbering Dean Hudson as he found himself shifting a bit in his sleep. The sensation of warm rough hands moving along his slender pale legs as the soft cotton fabric of his underwear scraped against his skin in the wake of them being removed. He had been wondering if he'd been imagining things but the sensation of his aroused pink cock being met with cool air had shown him differently. He opened his inquisitive blue eyes to find that it had been quite early in the morning and that he wasn't alone as the sight of a rather intensely focused and lustful Ken Ryker came into view.

The older man had been as naked as Dean found himself being once his underwear had been discarded and just as aroused judging by the sensation of how Ken's thick hard cock pulsed against the lad's inner folds before he leaned down to capture the lad's lips in a series of heated kisses. 

While they had not been on the best of terms given Ken's almost compulsive tendency to wander and have casual sex with random strangers, Dean had missed him something awful in the past few hours. Being alone at night the lad found himself unable to sleep much while in Ken's big empty house, he had already had trouble sleeping when he wasn't alone but being left in such a large place had made his sleeping habits a lot more restless, especially when it came to what he'd been told about Ken from Malcolm Reeves and the other members of the family, it was difficult for the lad not to end up wondering when the older man would get home or what he'd been up to, or if he'd needed any help of some sort. It was a strange thing, for Dean, automatically finding himself caring for another person when he hadn't been used to it before.

Back in his old hometown of Bushwah, Kansas, he'd been only compelled to look after himself.

One could hardly blame him given the way that bastard who half-ass raised him, Clint Hudson, had treated him between the constant beatings for any slight mistake or perceived one, the nightly rape sessions that always ended up making Dean feel used and dirty, and of course, the time the bastard had sold him to the highest bidder to pay off his gambling debts and Dean found himself being sex-trafficked and raped daily by older men who had little to no regard for his wellbeing nor age, nor the fact that he had been drugged out of his mind and never consented to their lustful advances.

Then there was his mother, he had barely been old enough to know what she looked like only for her to leave him behind in the tormented hell she had wanted no part of for herself. He had not known much about her aside from the fact that she'd been a blonde college girl stolen from her previous life by the likes of Clint and whored out for his convenience while under the influence of heavy drugs and that she had bailed on him and Clint the first chance she got. 

Warm tears began to cascade down the supple pale cheeks of young Dean Hudson as he found himself moaning in the wake of Ken shifting his attention to lapping at his gradually dampening folds between his pasty thighs. Despite the rude awakening and the lingering resentment he felt toward the older man, he'd been grateful that Ken had once more rescued him from his horrid memories and nightmares. He slowly moved his hands to run his fingers through Ken's messy and unkempt dark locks loving the sensation of his warm wet tongue lapping at the rapidly increasing slickness he'd been causing to spurt from the lad in the wake of his efforts. 

"Mmmmm." moaned Dean finally allowing the sensation of bliss to take hold of him as his blue eyes rolled into the back of his head, as he bucked his thin hips toward Ken's face and surprisingly talented tongue. 

Ken took it as a means of Dean finally letting go of his anger toward him and smirked as he moved up the lad's thin pale belly kissing along the exposed flesh as he reached his bare nipples and suckled them one by one further drawing out Dean's moans and igniting their mutual lust. 

It was a strange thing to recall how spent many a night and day obsessing over the vast number of imperfections when it came to his body, his secondary sex included, he had thought if he'd been like the other boys then the bullying on all sides would stop, then Clint wouldn't be hurting him at night, and he'd get to live a normal life. Now here he was the object of a very wealthy businessman's sexual desires and the very features about his young body that bothered him so much had always seemed to turn Ken on. 

"You're so perfect..." Ken whispered rather hotly in Dean's waiting ear. "If I didn't know any better I'd swear you were made for me....this tiny pussy untouched and unwanted until my dick got ahold of you....fuck..."

Dean whimpered as he felt the sudden intrusion of Ken's thick cockhead pushing past his folds once the older man had come up for air after ensuring he'd gotten him as wet as possible in preparation for what he needed most. 

Blue eyes met brown as the lingering aspect of unstated hurt seemed to come off both of them in waves as Ken slowly thrust forward stretching Dean's inner depths as their eyes continued to lock amid their act. Dean's tears continued to cascade down his supple cheeks as he recalled life without Ken and how every day had been a living hell for him. Ken had felt the same at one point and possibly at that very moment as the older man let out a low grunt before continuing to impale the handsome young blond lad onto his impressive cock as it sunk deeper inside the tight warmth he'd come to crave since their first encounter. 

"Fuck...." hissed Dean giving in to the sweet and lustful sensation and wanting it all the more. 

Ken groaned as he continued to pump his hips forward slowly jolting the formerly slumbering lad along the bed rocking it as easily as he had the lad in the wake of his powerful thrusts. He could feel the tightness of Dean's inner sex as it wrapped around his thick cock making him want to fill the lad's sodden depths all the more as he continued to have his way with him. 

"Uuhhhh...." moaned Dean reeling from having Ken's cock so deep inside him this go-round, "Fuck....fuck...you're so fucking big....Daddy..Mmmm...fuck...my tiny pussy..."

A growl erupted from Ken as he began to pump into the younger lad in a lustful frenzy. Dean did his best to hold on tight, wrapping his slender pale legs around Ken's larger body and gripping him along his back. It had occurred to the panting lad right then that Ken's massive cock had felt good inside him...so very good that Dean had almost forgotten how much when he'd been angry at him and he'd been gone for hours.