I can live with that

In a dimly lit room, the killer methodically slides on sleek black gloves, each finger snugly embraced by the cold leather. As he gazes into the mirror, a chilling determination is reflected in his eyes, amplifying the atmosphere as he prepares for a sinister act.


As he licks his dry lips, his blue eyes study the knife resting against his left arm. He steps towards it, slowly tracing his fingers up the blade.


His fingertips hover above the handle, and his heart beats. His body shakes, and he exhales through his nostrils, like a coiled snake ready to strike.


The knife rests against the skin of his left forearm. He runs his eyes up the blade and back down the handle. It is a fine weapon—not too large, not too small. He smiled.


"This is perfect."


He jumped out of the window, landed softly on the ground below, and began sprinting.



"Dr. Grant. We received a message concerning you, and we're here to protect you."


"What kind of message?"


"A very serious threat. I am here to get you to safety."


"How do I know you are not the killer?" Dr. Grant said, taking a few steps back. "Who are you?" Dr. Grant demanded.


"My name is Detective Chloe. This is Detective David."


"So, you're telling me that you're the real thing?"


"Of course we are," David replied.


"Ok then, let's go."


They went through a secret passageway to an elevator that took them to the floor above. When they reached the top floor, Dr. Grant looked around suspiciously.


"Where exactly is my safe place? How do I know that this isn't part of the plan?" Dr. Grant asked, looking around nervously.


"Just relax, Dr. Grant. Everything will be okay." Chloe assured.


"I already called for backup in case anything goes wrong."


"Alright, here we go." Chloe pushed open the door.


When the door opened, Dr. Grant saw nothing but darkness. "Is it always like this?"


"It depends. Sometimes we bring you a light bulb to turn on; sometimes we have a fire extinguisher or two lying around."


"Wow! You guys sure do know how to make a guy feel safe!" Dr. Grant laughed sarcastically.


"Sorry, I'll try to remember that."


They all turned around as the darkness in the room suddenly spread to other parts of the building.


"I think someone else has arrived." Chloe whispered.


"Oh great." Dr. Grant said this under her breath.


Suddenly, a figure dressed in all black and a mask walked down the hallway, coming directly at them. They quickly hid behind some furniture, waiting for him to walk past.


"Don't worry." Chloe said calmly.


The man stopped walking. Then he pulled out a gun. "You must be Dr. Grant. You are in a lot of trouble. If you don't come quietly, I will blow your head clean off. I hope you enjoy dying, because that is going to happen a lot tonight."


The man stepped forward, pointing the gun at the doctor.


I thought the killer wanted to kill her immediately. Why was he asking her to follow him?


Chloe pulled out her gun as well. "Don't even think about it, asshole. She stays with me." Chloe aimed her gun at the man.


The man smirked. "Now, now. Let us see who is going to shoot first." The man moved his hand to his side, making sure his gun was still there. He made a motion like he was putting it away.


"You can put your hands down now. And by the way, your gun looks fake." Chloe pointed her gun at him. "Why would you wear such a big fake gun when you could just carry a real one?" Besides, I've never seen a gun like that before. Are you trying to be funny? Because if so, you failed."


The man lowered his hand and shook his head. "I guess you really don't know much about guns, do you? Just watch; you will soon find out what this baby is capable of."


The man raised his arms, aiming his gun at the ceiling. He fired several shots into the air. A couple of the bullets hit the walls above them.


"Oops! It looks like you were right after all," the man said. "That gun is fake."


David stepped up and aimed his gun at the killer's head. "We don't need to resort to violence."


"Do whatever you want." The man shrugged his shoulders. "But she dies either way."


The man then raised his gun again and shot the doctor in the forehead. Her blood sprayed across the wall, covering it completely.


Dr. Grant fell lifelessly onto the floor, dead.




Several police cars pulled up in front of the building as an officer stepped out and pulled out a gun. "Let's move. We got a body over here."


One of the officers ran inside the building. "This way." Chloe led them down another passageway.


"So,how did she die?"


"She died from a gunshot wound to the head. It wasn't me."


"Then who did it?" The officer was questioned.


"The killer. He vanished as soon as he did it. Dressed in all black,I couldn't get his face." She sighed. "Covered in a black face mask."


"How long ago was this?"


"About 15 minutes ago."


The officer nodded. "Alright, we're heading back. We'll keep our eyes open."


Chloe stood in silence, not knowing what to say.


"Are you alright?" David asked.


Chloe didn't answer. She knew she should probably tell them the truth, but she just didn't want to. There was no reason why they needed to know.


"He looked a bit familiar, but I can't just say from the eyes."


"Well, we tried our best, didn't we?" David smiled. "Just try not to let this bother you too much, okay? You did a good job, and that is what matters."


"No! I could've done better; I could've saved her." Chloe cried.


"It's not your fault." David hugged her. "If anything, it's Lux's fault for abandoning this case in the first place."


Chloe wiped her tears. "It's fine. This isn't my first rodeo." She laughed. "Besides, I have the perfect excuse for being late for work tomorrow morning. How does'my car broke down' sound?"


David chuckled. "I can live with that."