The Runaway


------- Present Day --------

Immediately, Lux asked Hunter. "What was the question?"

"That's of no use."

"Then why show me this?"

"To show you what actually happened and the power you hold," they made you a monster, and now they're calling you one too. They did this to you; now they are trying to bottle you up like you are some rogue experiment."

Hunter's words stung.

"But they're the ones who started it."

"And now they want you gone. They want you destroyed, like all monsters."

Lux felt a chill run through his body. "So then, what does that make me?"

"You are the ultimate experiment for mankind. A tool, a weapon, something they've created to destroy those who would stand against them."

"What if I choose not to fight?"

"Then humanity perceives you as a threat, leading to your destruction."

"I don't care anymore. If I'm a monster, then so be it."

Hunter smirked. "Now, that's what I'm talking about." Now take some of my power and go show them true power."

Lux didn't want to admit how weak he truly was. He always feared the judgment of others. But he also knew that he wasn't a monster. Not really.

He grabbed Hunter's hand and concentrated. He used the last bit of strength he had left to summon the power inside himself. He let it flow out of him.

He looked into Hunter's eyes and smirked.

Hunter grinned.

Lux felt energy rush through him. His body tingled as a result.

It felt good. He felt strong.

Suddenly, his eyes began to glow blue. His skin began to crack open. His muscles tightened and bulged. He felt stronger than ever before. He could feel every single fiber in his body, each muscle working together as one unit. His vision sharpened, and his senses heightened.

His fingers twitched uncontrollably. His mind raced. Every breath the other prisoners took was audible to him. He could sense the blood pumping through his veins.

He flexed his muscles and punched the wall, clearing it in an instant. The blow's force caused cracks to form across his cell's other concrete walls, as well as the alarms to go off.

"See! "See what I mean!?" Hunter said it excitedly. "This is a fraction of the power we hold."

"I guess I'm just special," Lux replied sarcastically.

"Get ready. They are coming."

"Let's hope I live long enough to prove myself."


Richesian Hospital.

Keram was pacing back and forth anxiously. She hated hospitals. She especially hated seeing her friends suffer.

She stopped outside a private room, where she saw a familiar face sitting quietly in a bed. Her friend, Lux.

Her heart sank. What had he done this time? It had been weeks since he'd disappeared. Everyone had presumed his death, yet rumors circulated that the police were pursuing him.

She pushed the door open slowly. "Lux? How are you doing?"

The young man smiled at her weakly. "I've been better."

"How'd you find out I was working at this place?"

"I have my ways."

"I heard the police were searching for you."" Why?"

"Because they think I killed someone. I didn't do anything, though.

"Well, you can stay here as long as you need to."

Lux nodded slowly.

"Don't worry about the cops. You've got nothing to worry about. Trust me on that."


Chloe got up from the bed and looked around. "Where am I?"

She stood up and stretched. The hospital smelled of disinfectant, which made her nose twitch.

"You're in a hospital,Chloe. Don't move too fast yet; your hand is yet to finish healing."

Chloe turned and saw an unfamiliar woman standing there.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Dr. Rebecca. You're in recovery. We found you unconscious at the crime scene."

"How long has it been?" Chloe asked impatiently.

Dr. Rebecca walked over and sat down next to her.

"We had to give you some kind of sedative. You were very violent and quite hysterical when you woke up for two days."

Chloe remembers everything now. Everything that had happened after the crime.

"Is he alright?"


Chloe's eyes widened. "Lux."

"Oh, you mean Detective Lux, the one the police are after?"

"What did you say?"

"The police are after him for murder."

Chloe gasped. "A murder? What murder?"

Rebecca sighed. "At the crime scene, Lux was responsible for multiple deaths and casualties."

Chloe now remembers. She hadn't thought it was possible. But she did see him as having power.

'Was he keeping a secret all this while?' She shook the thought away. He seemed like a different person entirely that night.

"Where is Lux now?" Chloe asked.

"No one knows."


"Where are we now?" As they found themselves in an empty, white room that stretched far, Lux inquired.

"As your body is, it might fall apart if you try to use even a fraction of the power." Hunter said this as Lux attempted to lift the punching bag. "This is my turf. Where I stay whenever you are in control. I control every single thing here."

"This bag is 200 pounds, by the way."

Lux grunted. "So what should I do next?"

"Use only a little bit at first. Gradually increase your strength until you reach a comfortable level."

Lux nodded. He tried to lift the punching bag again. This time, he managed to lift it. It took all his effort. But he was able to lift it.

After several more attempts, he finally lifted it easily.

Hunter clapped his hands loudly.

Lux's body trembled. His muscles strained and bulged. Sweat poured down his face. A faint smell of ozone filled the air.

Hunter laughed.

"I knew you would be strong, but you still have a long way to go."

Lux nodded weakly. He couldn't believe how easily it had come to him.

He looked down at the punching bag. It wasn't that heavy, but still, it felt like he'd just carried a house on his shoulders.

This wasn't an ordinary punching bag.