Right Now


"But surely they know that you're going against them. Don't they try to attack you?"

"We have clashed on a couple of occasions, with losses involved."

"From what end?"

"Both ends, but we could never win."

"It soundsIt sounds like they control you."

"It is not that simple. You see, the Mafia hashas always been an important part of society. Even after the Great War, when most of the country collapsed into chaos, some families remained strong. Our family has always been one of them. them. Since then, we've grown stronger and have kept ourselves protected from other mafia groups. At first,first, we had only three branches, but now we have multiple branches. Of course, we still can't stand against the Mafia. Not without the help of the other branches, which was not always possible until now.

"If we want to take back the gemstone, we need to move as soon as possible."

Chloe looked at Lux. "You mean right now?"