Was it Real?

Lux narrowed his eyes. "Let's see about that."

Lux closed the distance between him and the creature. His fist collided with one of the minions  faces. A crack echoed through the air.

"He didn't go down with one punch?  I'm impressed." Lux said.

The minion stumbled backwards, clutching its face.

Lux rushed forward, swinging again. He connected with the minion's chest.

His punch sent the creature reeling backward.

Lux continued to assault the creature, throwing punches left and right.

The creature took several hits before it fell to the ground, unconscious.

Lux grinned. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?"

The other minions approached Lux, each taking turns punching him in the stomach, arms, legs, and face.

Each time Lux took a hit, he just got back up, smiling.