

Hours later, armed with Mark's intel, Chloe and Lux finalized their plan to infiltrate the hidden facility.

"It's risky," Lux said, reviewing the schematics Mark had drawn for them. "If we're caught, there's no backup coming."

"We won't get caught," Chloe replied. "We've got the advantage now. Jay doesn't know we're coming."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the city in shadows, the two of them prepared for the mission. Chloe's mind raced with thoughts of what they might find inside the facility—proof, weapons, monsters, or worse.

She tightened her holster and glanced at Lux. "Are you ready?"

He nodded, his expression resolute. "Let's finish this."

Together, they stepped into the night, knowing that whatever awaited them could change everything—for better or worse.
