Inner Circle

The match began, and for the first few seconds, it was even. But then, with almost no effort, Lux slammed the guy's hand down so hard that the table cracked.

The crowd gasped. The man stared in disbelief, then groaned and clutched his arm.

"I think you dislocated my shoulder."

Lux shrugged. "Tough luck."

The bartender sighed. "That's the third table this week. Who's paying for that?"

Lux and Chloe exchanged glances. Then, without a word, they turned and bolted out the door, the bartender's angry shouts chasing after them.

As they disappeared into the alley, Chloe sighed. "One drink, huh?"

Lux grinned. "Worth it."

Their brief moment of amusement faded as they returned to the mission.
