Chapter 5

Yato POV

The day of school had just ended and I was now on the way to the gymnasium, where each club will be presented.

The first thing I noticed was that almost every student who was there was in their first year. It makes sense when we think about it...Every student who was there last year who would want to join a club would don't go to this meeting

because they already know which one they gonna join.

With a quick glance at the crowd, I noticed that we must be around 100 students who came to this assembly. When I estimated the number of people that we were, I recognized two classmates of mine. One was the girl who ignored me the first time l introduced myself this yesterday and the other one was Ayanakoji, the one I laughed at during his presentation...

Yato: Maybe I should go introduce myself with what happened yesterday...Nah what would be the point of going there and introducing myself…

But of course just when I was thinking If I should go or not...Ayanakoji started looking in my direction and noticed me...

Yato: Sighs... Now It's too late to pretend not to have seen them...

I started to walk towards them while avoiding all the people in the crowd. Then finally, I arrived next to these two.

Yato: Hey your the guy from my class, right? Sorry about what happened yesterday haha!

I naturally took my carefree and nonchalant air while rubbing the back of my head while saying this...

Yato: By the way, I couldn't introduce myself yesterday. My name is Fukazawa Yato! You can call me by my first name or last name I don't care so do as you prefer...

Ayanakoji: Nice to meet you Fukazawa-kun, also like I said yesterday, I'm Ayanakoji Kiyotaka.

I just nodded with the same attitude as I switched my gaze to the girl next to him...

Yato: And you, what's your name?

???: …

Yato: Hoi Hoi, you are not planning to ignore me again?!

Ayanakoji: Hey Horikita-san, you could introduce yourself to him.

Yato: Horikita huh..

But as soon as this Ayanakoji guy said this to the girl she just crossed her arm annoyed and started looking at him...

Horikita: Can you mind your own business, Ayanakoji-kun.Even more since I accepted to spend my time accompanying you here! You should be grateful.

Ayanakoji: …

Yato: Ha... ha...ha. Wow...supporting an attitude like that...good luck buddy...

But anyway...even if l haven't heard from her directly I still managed to get her name...

Yato: Horikita, humm? I have already heard her name before.

Horikita: ...

Ayanakoji: …

Seeing that none of them want to talkI should

leave...anyway, I also don't have an interest in continuing this conversation with them..

Yato: Anyway that was nice to meet you two... I guess?

I just sneered as I turned around...

Yato: See you next time Ayanakoji.

Since he was the only one of the two of them to have answered me l decided to say him bye...

I continued to walk a bit further away until I found a nice spot to observe the whole room...but while I was waiting for the club presentation to start I just started tot think

about these two that I just met...

The first one Horikita, at first glance l initially thought that she was an antisocial type of person. But after I saw how she was talking to Ayanakoji... I'm not sure anymore. She

could be easily the type of person with a superiority complex. But why she would lose her time with someone like Ayanakoji? Well, I don't know. After all, I don't have so much information yet. I do not fully know yet how this school works with these special rules... so l'm not going to

think too much about her case for the moment.

After these is this Ayanakoji guy.. well... how could I describe my first thoughts about him? I saw him twice and still can't say anything about him. He just gives the impression of being the "normal guy" with not too much charisma who follows the opinion of everyone. Sometimes

there are people who are just discreet by nature and don't impose themselves too much, but this guy gives this type of vibe but multiplied by 100. I find it just weird, well maybe when you spend your life not socializing too much and just

follow the mass you became like that? In the end, it bothers me a little to have found nothing on him but it doesn't


I saw that all clubs have finished their presentation. But one last person walked over to the microphone to say something. I immediately recognized this person, it was the same guy who make the speech for the first year at the opening ceremony, the student council president.

Everyone in place noticed that this person was going to start. But to everyone's surprise, even me, he remained on the spot saying no word.

After a few seconds, students from the crowd start encouraging or making fun of him.

Crowd: Do your best!

Crowd: Did you forget to bring your notecards?

Crowd: hahahaha!

Yato: …

I just took a glance around the crowd who were making fun of him with a puzzled expresion…

Since it was evident that a man like him would not forget his text or be too stressed to speak. With this aura he gives off..that's just impossible…

Yato: ...

I just decided to ignore these fools and regained my attention on the man in front of me..

He continued to stay silent while staring at the crowd. After a moment the students naturally started to quiet down and to realize that this man was really special. And finally...

Manabu: My name is Horikita Manabu, and I am the student council president.

Yato: hunm Horikita.. I see... she is probably a relative of this guy. That would explain more her look at the opening ceremony.

Manabu: The student council is looking for first-years to replace the graduating third-years. There are no strict requirements to apply for the position, but those who are interested should not be affiliated with any other clubs. Generally, we do not accept any candidate involved in other


Yato: Student council hum? That's not for me for sure. After all, I was forced to come to this school so I'm not going to add more work to myself unnecessarily.

Manabu: Also, we, the student council, are not looking for anyone that has a naive way of thinking. Not only will that kind of person fail to get elected, but they will also inevitably become a stain to this school. The student council is only responsible for regulating the students, but the school expects much more. Those of you that understand can become potential candidates.