Chapter 7

Yato POV

It had been 3 weeks since school started. I had becomecloser to Hashimoto and Kamuro, well more Hashimoto because even if I had the number of Kamuro, she didn't want to talk to me too much. At least, the bullshit of what happened on the bus was now over.

Classes still didn't make any sense, the majority of my classmate don't listen to the teacher. They chat, read novels or manga, play games, sleep and more. But I can't blame them too much... because I'm not a better model student.

I still have my biggest problem, I can't get up in the morning to be on time for class... That's why l'm late to most of the classes but every time Chabashira doesn't say a word about

it and lets me go and sit in my place. The problem is not that I need a lot of sleep just that I don't want to get up early..

Again today, it was now 10:25 am and I was making my way to the class because l got up late. In truth, I didn't make any effort to fix this habit. It was useless with the current state

of the class. As I reach my class, I open the door and immediately go to my place without any word.


Yato POV

It was now break time and like usual I was going to eat on the rooftop, except a few times that I went with Hashimoto during the break. It was a shame that one of the only people who I was talking to was in another class. At the same time, it's not as If I made any effort to socialize

with one of my classmates. I was waiting for the end of the month to see how this school works... because if my deduction is correct, it will be real chaos.

Asl go out of the class, I see Ayanakoji talking to a girl named Kushida.

Yato: How many girls this guy is talking to.

Anyway... I started to walk toward them since they were on the way to the rooftop.

Kushida: Actually... I would like to ask you something. It's a short question, but Ayanakoji-kun, by any chance, are you on good terms with Horikita-san?

As I was walking closer, I started to hear their


Yato: Horikita huh..

Kushida: I see both of you talking to each other several times and I was asking everyone one by one for their contact info, but... Horikita refused to tell me.

When Kushida was talking to Ayanakoji, he stopped looking at her and looked at me who wasn't in Kushida's vision. She quickly noticed his gaze and looked behind her to see me walking toward them.

Yato: Why every time this guy starts looking at me like that?

Once again l just felt obligated to raise my hand to greet him and start a conversation.

Yato: Hey Ayanakoji how you're doing? And you are... Kushida right?

As soon she heard that I called her by her name, she seemed happy and smiled at me...

Kushida: Hey I'm glad you remember my name! You are in my class but I never had the chance to talk to you!

She then walked closer to me and started looking me in the eyes...

Yato: Why is she looking at me with those eyes? This situation is really awkward, two seconds earlier she was talking about how she was asking everyone in our class to contact info. But since she never asked for mine, it's almost

as if she is forced to ask about my name and my info.

Yato: Yeah no problem, I'm Fukazawa Yato nice to meet you Kushida.

Kushida: Nice to meet you too Fukazawa-kun. l asked Ayanakoji-kun if he knew Horikita because from what I have seen they look close.

Yato: Humm, it is true that we can say that you look close to Horikita. Ate you two good friends?

l just decided to go along with Kushida's question and asked this to Ayanakoji...

Ayanakoji: We're not particularly close. Just acquaintances.

Kushida: Oh, I see. Do you think you can tell me what kind of personality Horikita-san has? Is she the type to only speak her mind to her close friends?

Yato: ...

Ayanakoji: I think she's not very good at interacting with others. Why do you want to learn more about Horikita?

That's exactly what I thought, she was bad at interacting with people surely because she maybe has a superiority complex. But this conversation had just made me think

about something else...

Kushida: During the self-introductions, Horikita-san walked out of the room, right? It looked like she didn't talk to anybody, so I was worried about her.

Nice transition Kushida...How did you manage to get Horikita's name? If it wasn't for Ayanakoji the other day... I probably wouldn't have learned her name yet.

Ayanakoji: l understand, but I only met recently, so I can't really help.

Kushida: Fuun... so that's how it was. I thought you two were friends before coming to high school. Sorry for asking you a weird question out of the blue!

Well, I have no reason to waste more of my time here, I have already said I wouldn't try to understand more about the girl named Horikita. I will take my leave here.

Yato: Sorry but I need to go...Anyway, I can't be of any use because I never talk to Horikita. See ya!

Kushida: Ah yes sorry for disturbing you Fukazawa-kun, but before you leave do you think we could exchange our phone numbers?

Yato: Well I don't have much interest in having her number but why not. Oh, I'm gonna ask for Ayanakoji at the same time.

Yato: Yeah sure I don't mind. You can have mine too if you want Ayanakoji!

Ayanakoji: Oh sure, Thanks.

After the 3 of us exchanged our numbers... I started to go to the rooftop. I have already wasted enough time on my dinner like that.

Kushida: Thanks Fukazawa-kun, bye-bye!

When I got on the rooftop, I quickly ate my lunch just to enjoy my book for the rest of the dinner break.