Chapter 16

Yato POV

Thursday after school. The day before the midterm. Everyone who participated in our study group should be fine for the exam tomorrow. I helped Hirata the best I could.

People talked about the incident that happened with Nagumo the other day. But they quickly found a new gossip to talk about, so that was perfect for me.

Chabashira-Sensei ended homeroom and walked out of the class. When I was about to do the same, Kushida stood up in front of the classroom.

Kushida: Sorry, but can you guys listen to me before going home?

Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen to Kushida. She is really popular in the class so it was evident that everyone was going to listen to her.

Kushida: I hope everyone has been studying a lot for tomorrow's test. I have something that can help all of you for some final studying tonight. I'll hand them out now.

She handed us some sheets with questions and answers on them.

Yato: Are these…

Hirata: Test... questions? Did you make them, Kushida-san?

Obviously, I was not the only one surprised.

Kushida: Actually, these are old test problems. I got them from a third-year senpai last night.

Yato: This is what I thought.. but.

I then started looking at Kushida.

Hirata: Old test problems? Are these actual valid questions?

Kushida: Yea. Two years ago, the midterm had nearly the same questions as the one on this problem set. So, if you practice, I think we'l do better.

Ike: Woah! Seriously? Kushida-chan, thank you!

Ike hugged his test in happiness. All the other students also couldn't hold back their emotions.

Yamauchi: What the hell, if we have these problems, doesn't all of our studying become useless?

Exactly, Kushida chose the best time to give these old tests. If she had given them earlier a lot of people would have stopped their studies. But the real question I have in mind is how she had this idea of the old tests... s she really able

to come up with a plan like this?... maybe Horikita gave it to her so that she could give them to the class...

Everyone was happy because they had a real asset to take this exam. But someone went to Kushida and said something that surprised me.

Horikita: Kushida-san. Good job. I never thought to use the old tests. I'm also thankful that you went to see if these questions were still valid to use.

Kushida: It's nothing special. I'm doing this for my friends, after all.

Yato: What?? So it was not Horikita and it was Kushida who

thought all of this.. or...

I looked to my left at the guy who was sitting next to the window...

Yato: No I'm overthinking... Anyways these old tests are a good thing for the class...

I exit the classroom and make my way toward the dormitory.


Yato POV

In the morning, Chabashira-sensei walked into the classroom with a smile. It was the awaited day.

Chabashira: No absences; it looks like everyone's here.

Yes, I thought it wouldn't be the best day to arrive late so I made an effort to be here in time.

Chabashira: This is the first obstacle to being able to stay in school. Does anyone have any questions?

Hirata: We have been studying diligently for the past few weeks. I don't think there will be any dropouts in this class, you know?

Chabashira: You have a lot of confidence, Hirata.

Yeah, I could tell that our study group was 100% ready for the midterm and for the group of Horikita... she seems to have done a great job. Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo seem pretty

confident and with the old test they received yesterday, it should be fine.

Chabashira: If no one fails this midterm and the finals in July, everyone will get a summer vacation.

Ike: Vacation?

Chabashira: Yea, that's right... You'll be on a dream-like vacation on an island surrounded by the blue sea.

Yato: Ehh... do we have the right to choose if we go or not?

The tests were handed out to everyone. And with the teacher's signal, everyone started at the same time.

The first subject was social studies, the easiest one. The day continued and During the second and third periods, the test continued with the Japanese and chemistry sections. Then it was the fourth period with Math as the subject.

Finally, we had a break time before the last subject which was English.

The Horikita group met at the Sudo desk to discuss how the exam was going. I decided to listen to them..

Ike: This İs an easy pass!

Yamauchi: I feel like I'll get a 120 this time!

These two seem pretty confident about how it went just now.

Kushida: Sudo-kun, how did you do?

Sudo: ...

Kushida: Sudo-kun?

Sudo: ...Huh? Oh, sorry, I'm a bit busy.

Yato: ...

Kushida: Sudo, by any chance... did you not study the questions?

Sudo: I did everything but English. I dozed off in the middle.

Yato: Sighs...

Just at this moment, Hirata came to see me.

Hirata: Hey Fukazawa-kun, I talked to everyone and we should have no problem.

Yato: That's a good thing to hear. They made an effort in their studies so there was no need to worry.

Hirata: Yeah I know but still...And what about you? Did you have time for your own study? Because in every session you were just helping and not studying for yourself.

Yato: Haha yes everything is fine. Thank you for your concern, Hirata. Anyway, you should go back to your place the last test will start soon.

Hirata: Your right. Good luck with the last test.

Yato: Same goes for you.

I looked at Sudo one last time before the start of the test and he didn't seem confident...

Then the test started. While all the other students started solving the problems, Sudo was having trouble. Occasionally, he tapped the pen on his head while thinking and kept pausing while writing.

Yato: Sighs... I can always do that to help him...