Chapter 1 - Incident

Yato POV

It's had been a while since the midterms were done. All students were happy that they all passed and the best news is that we are technically going to receive points after the

chaos of the past month. The homeroom was about to start and Chabashira started to speak.

Chabashira: I have an announcement for you all. There was a bit of trouble the other day, an incident between the student sitting there, Sudo, and some students from Class C. In short, there was a fight.

The classroom erupted. Sudo was already not appreciated in the class and this news doesn't help to change people's minds about him. As usual, Chabashira-Sensei's face was so devoid of emotion or interest when she spoke to the class..

Hirata: Umm. So why hasn't this issue been resolved already?

Chabashira: The complaint came from Class C. They claim that the fight was one-sided. However, when we spoke to the accused, Sudou said that their claims were false. He insists that the students of Class C called him over and

started the fight.

Sudo: It wasn't my fault! It was self-defense! Self-defense, I tell you!

Chabashira: But there's no evidence of that. Am I wrong?

Sudo: What evidence? I don't have any. All I know is that I'm innocent.

Chabashira: So in other words, we don't yet know the truth. You will need evidence to prove your point. If there is an eyewitness, then the situation may change. If anyone here witnessed the fight, please raise your hand.

No students raised their hands in response to her question.

Chabashira: Too bad, Sudou. It appears there are no witnesses in this class. In order to check for witnesses, every teacher will inform their classes of the details of this incident.

Sudo: Huh? So everyone will know about this?

Yato: Well if you want to find any witnesses you don't have any choice..

Chabashira: Anyway, that is all. We'll make our final judgment in several days, taking into account any eyewitnesses and evidence. With that, let's end homeroom for the day.

With that Sensei exited the classroom. Just after students started talking about Sudo.

Ike: Man, isn't Sudou just the worst?

Yato: Ehhh... he's not supposed to be your friend??...

Student: If we lose points because of Sudou, will we be at zero again this month?

I can understand their reaction and feelings after learning this news about Sudo...But personally, this news did not surprise me...Why?... In fact, I was already aware of this goes back to yesterday after school...


Yato POV

The class had just finished and I decided to do scouting in the school for the first time. I want to know each place in the school and most important... know where each camera in the school is located. It's a habit that I have had for a long time and we never know when it will be useful to me.

Yato: Hmm?

When I was walking around the school, I saw a man further away who seemed to be looking at the camera.

Yato: Would he do the same as me? Interesting...

I decided to get closer to him and saw that he had shoulder-length magenta hair and was about the same height as me.

Yato: Yo for this camera I would say that his blind spot would be the corner over there.

Without answering, he turned to me and looked at me for about 5 seconds while saying nothing.

His gaze was piercing.. was he trying to intimidate me??

Yato: …

But l just continued looking at him with my usual attitude and after seeing that I had no reaction he just...

???:... Kuku.

He left immediately without saying anything more..

Yato: Huh... This dude...

I then decided to continue my scouting around the school until I found a classroom with a poster indicating 'Art club' on it. I peeked through the window of the door to see

Kamuro alone in it. l opened the door to go inside but she didn't noticed me and just continued to look at her notebook...

Yato: I see, so this is the room for your club Kamuro huh? You show me one of your works?

Karumo: KYA!!

She shouted surprised to hear someone in the room but as soon she saw it was me...

Kamuro: surprised me... what are you doing here?

Yato: I came to see you. you want to show me one of your works?

Kamuro: Wait what?! What did you say??

Yato: Huh? Well l wanted to see one of your works..


I then noticed her mumbling something...

Yato: …

I started walking closer to her but she just lowered her gaze as she immediately closed her notebook where she was drawing something in it..

Seeing this I just sneered..

Yato: Ahhhh don't tell me you were drawing a portal of me huh?

I said this in a fooling tone to mess with her but she immediately got up annoyed but before she could say anything else...

The door opened and a little girl with white hair who was walking with a cane entered the room.

???: Fufufu... am I interrupting something Kamuro? l can always come back later.

Kamuro seeing who entered the room just regained her usual attitude. She then passed next to me as if she ingored my precise...

Kamuro: No you don't interrupt anything to say some foolishnes Sakayanagi..

Yato: Sakayanagi?

I ignored what Kamuro said and focused on how she called this girl...

Yato: Where have l heard this name before??

I just started looking at this Sakayanagi girl...

Sakayanagi: Oh as you say then.. Ijust came to pick you up so we can go to the dorm together.

But before Kamuro answers her...

Yato: Sakayanagi Right? Sorry, I came to see Kamuro unexpectedly...I was about to leave so you will be able to go home together.

I start walking toward the exit.

Sakayanagi: You don't have to apologize it was not a problem at all. Before you leave can you mind telling me your name?

Yato: This girl..

I Just looked at her for a moment until...

Yato: Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself... I'm Fukazawa Yato from the D class.

Hearing my name, she just smiled...

Sakayanagi: I see. I'm Sakayanagi Arisu leader of the A- Class. Nice to meet you Fukazawa-kun.

Yato: Leader huh..

After the short conversation and seeing her attitude, I already had a better understanding of her and their class...

Yato: Same for me. Anyway... I will go now, have a nice day. See you next time Kamuro.

Just before leaving, I looked one last time at this girl named Sakayanagi. She noticed it because she turned to look at me too. Without saying anything else... I left the room for good.

Sakayanagi Arisu... I got the feeling she evaluated me during the whole conversation. With the way she was talking and looking at me, I already knew l'd have to be careful with her. Their class has already chosen a leader so

she would be the main reason for the advance in points of her Clas. But the thing that bothers me the most is I am sure at 100% that I'll have already heard the name Sakayanagi somewhere...

For the other guy who was looking at the camera.. I don't really know what to think yet. But if l'm not mistaken with the fact that he was looking for the blindspot of the camera,

that will be really interesting. That would mean that we have a similar way of thinking.

Yato: haha... this scouting around this school was more worth it than expected in the end..

I left the school by one of the second exits. I was now in a place behind the school where there weren't too many students around. As I was about to go to the front of the school to return to my room, I saw two people discussing in secret.

Yato: Ayanakoji with.. another cute girl? Holy shit every time I see him he's with a different girl...

I couldn't hear what there were saying, but if they were talking in a spot where nobody goes, it's that they don't want to be seen. I will have to make a detour by the other side to return home...

Yato: Sighs... I hate my bad luck...

I started to walk until I came across a special building that was behind the school.

Yato: Hmm? What is inside this building?

I entered the building, and no person was in sight, but I heard noise further. I remain discreet and approach close enough just to see Sudo with three other dudes. The three guys started to provoke Sudo. l immediately took out my

phone and started filming the scene.

Yato: I take back what I said about my bad luck... today is my lucky day!

Yato: It seems like l just found a way to make some money...

After they started to fight with Sudo but that was clearly a setup because they were getting beat up despite being 3 vs 1

Just when I thought about a plan to maximize the points I could make I saw a girl who attended everything too.

Yato: Sakura..

Back in the Present

Yato POV

This is how I already knew about the incident before Chabashira announced the news this morning.

Of course, I had no intention of playing the witness because I had another plan for this incident. The thing I'm glad about is that Saruka didn't say anything about this yet. It would have me it impossible for me if she had already

spoken to the school.

I will now have two things to do. First observe what Sakura is going to do about this...if she decides to play the witness I need to know when. And then, get in touch with the guys who set up Sudo to blackmail them. Everything will be a

matter of timing and having the necessary information about the situation.

Kushida: Everyone, can you please listen to what I have to say? What our teacher said seems to be true. Sudou-kun may have been in a fight. However, Sudou-kun was dragged into it.

Ike: Kushida-chan, what do you mean? Do you believe Sudou?

Kushida conveyed yesterday's story to the whole class that Sudo told her. If it was Sudo, nobody would have listened or believed him.

Kushida: l'd like to ask you all again. If anyone knows someone who saw what happened, whether it's someone in class, a friend, or an upperclassman, please tell me. You can contact me at any time. I would sincerely appreciate it.

Even though she'd basically said the same thing as Chabashira-sensei, the class had a very different reaction. She was really popular in the class.

Little by little everyone gets motivated to help Sudo to find a witness. With the help of Kushida, Hirata, and Karuizawa the most popular people in the class... Sudo now has all the class to help him to prove his innocence.

After the class, when my classmate was about to start to search for a witness, Hirata came to see me.

Hirata: Fukazawa-kun will you come with us to search for a witness?

Yato: Nah I pass this one... I have other stuff planned sorry.. but you know...

l am going to give him a hint because after all, it would be best if Sakura ended up testifying. I don't want to be the one who asks her to testify.

Yato: ...sometimes we get lost trying to look too far. See you tomorrow Hirata!o