---------- AUTHOR'S NOTE ----------
I see that my question is answered since Yuri is in lead I will have the romance be a Yuri.
I had some certain circumstances arise so I won't be able to make another chapter that's why I made this chapter a little longer.
I won't be doing a Harem so there will be only one partner
SCHEDULE: Starting from Sunday I will release 2-5 chapters every week
QUESTION: Should I do one female partner and one male partner for the romance aspect?
WORD COUNT: Roughly 2550 Words
WORORORORO! Kaido's laughter filled the experimental room that he's held in. Kaido looks around the room and sees a lead scientist, 'he seems pretty strong interesting...' Kaido loudly speaks asserting a commanding tone "Scientist Join my pirate crew I'll form after breaking out of here."
The Lead Scientist turns his around and contemplates Kaido's offer, the scientists opens his mouth to answer Kaido, "Alright I was looking to leave the World Government soon anyway, I loosen your seastone chains first and in 2 days time we can meet up on Pelson Island."
WORORORORO! "I'm your Captain now don't order me around but I'll still follow that plan." the lead scientist wipes of the sweat on his head and says "oh yeah, I'll see if I could get the Genius Scientist Vegapunk to join as well"
I sit down in my chair and reviews my Grand Plan hmmm this will be difficult I need to kill the CP0 Agent but I'm too weak, I don't really want to go to Kaido for help and I'm not sure if Alber can defeat a CP0 member at this point in time. Do I have to secretly hire a pirate to kill him? No that wouldn't work I'd get caught immediately. I then hear a knock on my door, 'Who could it be?'
I quickly hide my plans just in case, I walk over to the door and open it "Who is it?" I ask.
I then see one of the Lead Scientists and a future Lead Performer in the Beast Pirates Queen standing in front of me I look at him, "hmmm fine come in Queen." Queen at me and enters the room. I shut the door leaving the Cipher Pol agent out there I look at Queen 'he might be strong enough to beat the CP0 Agent outside.'
Queen looks at me and finally speaks "Vegapunk don't speak loudly I don't want Cipher Pol to hear this." I look at Queen in slight confusion and signal him to go on ahead and speak. "I'm going to join Kaido's new pirate crew and I was thinking of inviting you on behalf of Kaido to join the crew."
I look at him surprise "I see... I won't be joining Kaido." I then see Queen look at me and get on guard just in case I call for CP0. Queen then starts to get up to leave.
I then speak "Sit down I have no intention on telling anyone about this, In fact I'm in a bit of a predicament myself." I see Queen ease at my words and then he realized the latter part of my words "huh what do you mean?" I look at him "Before I tell you I have to ask this question are you strong enough to kill the CP0 Member out there?"
I see Queen's stunned face he hesistates in shock and then speaks "I think I could kill him if I get a surprise attack, what you just said is dangerous are you planning on betraying the World Government Vegapunk?" I nod in my head to answer his question.
I then say "I have made a Grand Plan to escape the clutches of the World Government, As you know I'm a Genius Scientist for hire but the World Government wants me to create weapons and I know the WG is corrupt so I hesistate to make them but I need to produce results otherwise they will kill me for not cooperating with them."
I see Queen look at me then he nods "that's true now that you revealed yourself your trapped by the WG, but I'm guessing you want me to kill the CP0 agent out there so you can run away without getting monitored, but whats in it for me?"
I look at Queen I then let out a quick chuckle "you think I'm stupid enough to run away I'll just get caught for that I need protection or an appearance change, that's also where you come in Queen"
Queen responds "you want me to replace your body with cyborg parts I've only just started on it you might die." I roll my eyes at Queen he notices and says "WHAT'S THAT FOR? It was your Idea don't act like your that much better than me Vegapunk!"
I then roll my eyes again at Queen hoping he notices and then say "Your wrong that's not my idea it was yours a dumb one at that." I see Queen clenching his fist in anger but he held himself back because he doesn't want the CP0 Agent to come into the room.
I look at him "now my plan will shock you greatly so we should kill the CP0 Agent out there first so I can be undisturbed when I execute my other steps of my plan." Queen looks at me and says "Whatever fine but stay back you might get injured from the fight."
I get up and grab the acid vial I almost dropped earlier and give it to Queen "take this and put it on a disposable sword and quickly stab him and do make sure to not get any on you." Queen looks around the room for a sword I look at him "there's no swords in here Queen listen to the steps on executing the plan to kill him without much difficulty ok Queen" I see Queen nod and I tell the Plan to Kill the CP0 Agent Step 1 of my Grand Plan and leave the other details of my plan left out until we succeed in killling the Cipher Pol Agent.
It started out fine but this assignment is getting annoying Vegapunk is direspectful towards the World Government he should be happy to follow the orders from the Five Elders. I sense someone approaching the room with my Observation Haki I turn towards the direction and I see Vegapunk coming back rushing me to open the door already I grunted and did as I was told I kept hearing strange noises from the room and Vegapunk was acting different but it doesn't really matter as long as he's creating something to help the World Government.
I see Queen approaching the door I look at him "What's your business with Dr. Vegapunk he's working." Queen looks at me and says "I got a call from Vegapunk to help with his project so knock on the door he's expecting me." Although Queen didn't but he hoped Vegapunk would open the door he's usually locked inside making blueprints and wacky stuff. I grunt and fix my CP0 Mask and knock on the door
Then the door opened and I see Vegapunk inside and he looks and Queen and then me and tells Queen to enter and I was about to enter to monitor and guard Vegapunk just in case but then Vegapunk shut the door swiftly. I look blankly at the door it should be fine Queen is a subordinate scientist of Vegapunk and I really didn't want to be in the room with Vegapunk so I just opted to wait Outside. *kreakk* I hear the door open again and see Vegapunk smiling and see him speak "thanks for the insight Queen come back in the morning tommorow at 10 AM and we will further discuss this project."
Queen nods "yes, no problem I'm quite interested in that project of yours Vegapunk." I see Queen leave and then Vegapunk looks at me "you be ready to I'm going to hear your thoughts on this project as it will affect the World Government positively but I need more funds so you'll have to sit and see if it's worth it to make or If I should focus on something else."
If Vegapunk could see me under the mask he would see a slight stunned expression on my face 'He wants my opinion I do know the World Government's needs more so I guess I can go in and hear the Project and then report to the Five Elders what it's about.'
You can see the CP0 Agent waiting at the door ready for the meeting, gradually approaching you can see Queen's figure and he was wearing an extra big lab coat today for some reason. The Door to Vegapunk's Secret Laboratory gradually opens and you can see nobody standing in the doorway and see Vegapunk sitting on his chair on his desk waiting for them to come in.
You can hear Vegapunks voice "Come in its time." the CP0 Agents heads inside and behind him you can barely see Queen pull out a vial and sword and encase his sword in acid.
'Something's wrong' activating his Observation Haki he feels a blade coming to pierce him in the head. 'DAMN IT, I can't dodge' *Geppo* *SHHING* I move upwards to dodge but it wasn't fast enough, I feel my abdomen get pierced by a sword and felt weird burning sensation. I grit my teeth in pain and cough up blood. "DAMN YOU QUEEN!" I move my body forward and I feel the blade gradually exit my body.
*cough* *cough* I move as fast as my damage body can *SORU* *SHIGAN* I see Queen barely avoid it and shout something but do the acid I can't hear anything. 'damn it all if I didn't get surprised attacked Queen would be easy to kill.' I look at Queen and grunt damn it I use my last bit of energy "DIE! QUEEN" *RANKYAKU* I fall to the ground *thud*
I grabbed my sword and encase it with the acid Vegapunk gave me I charge at the Cipher Pol Agent and I see the CP0 react slightly and jump upwards to dodge I tilt the blade upwards slightly since I'm large then him I don't have to move up that much. I pierce his stomach 'hah I got him, bastard almost dodged.'
I then see him move forward to pull out the blade in his abdomen 'NANI!?' I see him vanish and I was pushing my observation haki to its limits and barely dodge his attack "MAMA I DON'T WANNA DIE" I look at the Cipher Pol and attack with the sword again and he dodges and backs up. I see him getting prepared to release an attack I look at him 'he's going to use his last bit of energy to kill or at least injure me.' I don't know If I can dodge this I look at him worried and push myself to react and dodge his attack.
Seeing the fight I grab a invention of mine I worked on in the night and I see Queen getting prepared to dodge the CP0's final attack *RANKYAKU* I throw my invention at the Cipher Pol Agent *BOOOM* *TZTZTTZTZ* I see the CP0 members attack go off course and see him falling to the floor from my Stun Grenade it explodes and release electricity throughout the body. I look at Queen "It seems we both underestimated him."
I see Queen heavily breathing "Thank you Vegapunk I was getting worried for a minute there, what a monster, Also what was that you threw" I look at Queen and respond "it's a new invention I made last night to help just in case he proved more difficult to kill."
Queen started to grab his body and put in the trash disposer and says "I'm glad you did I might of gotten killed there." I look at him and chuckle "Are you interested in my Second Step Queen?"
Queen answers almost immediately "Of course I almost died so I should at least know what it is no my payment is getting a one favor from you."
I look at him "Correct, If you need help or want a Devil Fruit or anything I will provide my assistance to honor that favor." Queen looks at me happy and asks "do you have a good Devil Fruit at the moment?" I look at him and enter my doorway and raise my hand "No, follow me for my second step."
I look at Queen and say "help me get this ready I have all the things in here so it won't take too long." Queen looks at me in annoyance "Don't Order me around I'm not your worker." I look at him and reply "you haven't quit yet so technically you are." I see Queen grunt and mutter under his breath.
I point to a picture and say "Move the picture frame and open the safe door and use the handles to pull it out." I see Queen look at me and remove the picture frame "NANI!? was this always here?"
I smirk and look at him and reply "Of coure now unveil my secret will you." Queen gulped the anticipation that Vegapunk puts onto this makes it seem like it will an insane project. Queen grabs the handles and pulls the metal bed out.
"HUH? What's this a girl? Vegapunk why do you have a body of a young pretty girl here." I look at Queen and respond "that isn't a real human its a body imitating a human body and feels like regular human skin.
"NAANNNNNIIIIII!?" Queen shouts in utter shock he starts recovering and speaks "What are you plotting Vegapunk?" I look at him and fiddle with the ring on my finger that will be able to possess that body.
"I tell you but wait and you see it will better that way, grab that machine under the cloth and attach it to the metal bed and pull the other handle on the side of the metal bed to extend it outwards."
Queen grunts and mutters and grabs the machine attachs it and extends the metallic bed. I look at him and say "just watch and you will understand soon."
I sat on the other side of the metallic bed and use the rings power to possess Lilith's body.
*FSHHHHHHHOOUUU* a Bright blue light blinded Queen and he looked at Vegapunk and he was confused 'what happened?', "You okay Vegapunk."
I grip my hands of my new body 'I feel light.' I hear Queen I sat up and replied my voice sounding a lot different since I'm now a female "I'm fine Queen."
Queen looked at the voice and say that the body of the young cyborg girl sitting up Queen got scared for a moment and fell backwards then yells "AH MAMA HELP ME."