Chapter 12: Crafting

Tailor is technically a crafting skill. I could just keep sewing things with my little kit and make something that I could then sell in the next town we come across. At the pace we’re going, Petra thinks we’ll get to Marketstop (the town between us and the dungeon) in another week, making me doubt her estimates of time.

“Everything is a week,” I say. “You said it would only take us a week to get to the dungeon.”

“If we went at a normal pace,” she says. “We’ve gone much slower, so that we can spar, you can hunt, and we can help you earn new skills. You have to gain another level, or they won’t let us inside.”

“I’m getting there,” I say, sighing. “Okay. So still a week. I have three new skills. Anything specific you can teach me?”

She thinks for a few seconds, then nods. “Go find a stick. Tall as you, thick as your wrist.”

“I think I saw some saplings that might qualify.”

She thinks about that for a few seconds. “Get one of those as well. Try to make sure it’s sturdy.”