Chapter 38: Improvements and Mysteries

I put all ten attribute points into Dexterity, raising it up to 97, but I don’t want to spend my spell points yet. Not until we divvy up the treasure.

“You should have Fire Blast,” Daniel says, pre-empting any arguments I might have come up with to make that point. “You’re our spell caster. And Petra, do you already have Mighty Strike? If not, take it.”

“You can’t keep giving up everything we find,” I say, remembering how he gave me the assassin bracers.

“I already have Free Climbing, I don’t want Orienteering. What do the boots and the quiver do?”

I cast Identify on both.

Boots of Gravity (rare foot armor). Armor: 25. Effect: gravity is always down, no matter what direction you are standing. Allows you to walk up walls or on ceilings without difficulty.

Quiver of Pain (rare). Produces arrows that cause Bleed damage. Produces 1 arrow per second provided there are fewer than 20 arrows in the quiver.

“Yeah,” Daniel says. “Those will do. Those will more than do.”