I can tell when Petra reaches the top because the light starts to move. I briefly wonder if shes going to start tossing treasure down at us, or telling us that we have to come up to pick another chest. I kind of hope there is, considering all that we got in the last one. But Im not entirely sure. I feel like theres going to be something else.
Guys, Petra calls down. You should probably come up here. Let me brace a rope and you can climb up.
What did you find?
Just get up here, she says.
Im out of breath by the time I get up there. Ive gained a climbing skill and leveled it up to 3, but the fact of the matter is that the wall is a fifty or so foot climb, and its exhausting. They both patiently wait for me to catch my breath, which doesnt take all that long thanks triple digit Vitality and then look at me to see my reaction.