Chapter 41: The Fifth Floor

I can tell when Petra reaches the top because the light starts to move. I briefly wonder if she’s going to start tossing treasure down at us, or telling us that we have to come up to pick another chest. I kind of hope there is, considering all that we got in the last one. But I’m not entirely sure. I feel like there’s going to be something else.

“Guys,” Petra calls down. “You should probably come up here. Let me brace a rope and you can climb up.”

“What did you find?”

“Just get up here,” she says.

I’m out of breath by the time I get up there. I’ve gained a climbing skill and leveled it up to 3, but the fact of the matter is that the wall is a fifty or so foot climb, and it’s exhausting. They both patiently wait for me to catch my breath, which doesn’t take all that long – thanks triple digit Vitality – and then look at me to see my reaction.