Never in my life have I felt desire for another person like I feel for the man in front of me. I’m not able to put my finger on why. Maybe it’s because he’s such a good-looking guy who has a crooked grin? I don’t know exactly what it is that makes me trust him, turns me on, or has me throwing all good sense out the window. The only other time I’ve done that, is deciding to move here. So far it’s been a great decision, it stands to reason this should be one too.
We get out of bed, standing next to it, as we start taking off our clothes, while we stare at each other. He’s lean, but strong, so damn strong. I think he’s got an eight-pack, whereas most men think a six is the standard. There’s something about this man that tells me standard is the jumping off point for him. He does everything better than anyone else. Proficient is probably his favorite word in the dictionary.
“Don’t take it off.” His voice is deep, sexy, dark, as I reach around to take off my bra.