Chapter 6

 "You wish I was?" Jane stopped the car and examined the eyes with their complex content: an impulse to go out and a palpitating love fluttered through them, between which there swam if anything, the emptiness before disillusionment. The stubbornly upturned face was scarlet in its pallor, and the tightly pursed corners of the mouth signaled a dangerous vulnerability as if a gentle breath would cause the young face to vanish in front of her eyes.

 This collection of incredible contradictions of the face will Jane Ming on his past impression of the whole disk, strange, he did not feel surprised, a new, want to appease and care of the strange pity as if brewing for a long time, finally in the bottom of the heart rising. Jane had read a lot of people, and the boy's seemingly direct invitation was by no means the casual one that was so popular nowadays. But he couldn't bear to expose him.

 "Regret?" Jian Ming opened his cigarette case and pulled one out for himself before handing it to Mu Yao, "Smoking?"

 Mu Yao took it and lit it on the lighter. He did regret it and was shocked by his own words right after he finished. And yet, he was angry that he would even be shocked, "No." Mu Yao took a drag on his cigarette and looked out the window. Jian Ming neither acknowledged nor looked like he was rejecting, and the eyes that gazed at him just now couldn't see the slightest emotion. He couldn't help but regret his abruptness.

 Jian Ming glanced at him turned around and drove towards Xi Garden.

 Mu Yao's second visit to Jian Ming's home, the state of mind is very different from the last time. His impulse and the man's unclear attitude made him confused and uneasy, and he stood at the entrance door, unable to go in or out.

 Jian Ming looked at the tangled boy in front of him with a smile of understanding, reached out, and gently pushed on his shoulder, Mu Yao advanced two steps, and the door of the room was closed. Without greeting him, he directly looked for a set of clothes and came out, "You take a shower first."

 Mu Yao took it and quickly walked into the washroom. The murmuring sound of water echoed in the empty and silent bathroom, and the drunkenness gradually dissipated. The boy reflected in the large glass mirror, his handsome face receded from the fever and was reoccupied by pallor. Mu Yao covered her face in annoyance, things developed to this point. It was all the fault of alcohol. He had always had a good feeling towards Jian Ming, but it was just pure admiration, besides, he wasn't sure if he could accept the same sex, so he took the risk of requesting a one-night stand. What would Janemin think of him? He sat quietly for a while, shook off his head, and dried his body to put on his clothes, came all the way, thinking it was useless, Mu Yao cleaned up his mood and opened the door to go out.

 Jane Ming also changed out of formal wear, wearing a set of lead gray leisure suits sitting on the sofa watching TV, Her feet have water stains that had not yet been wiped dry, apparently just taken a shower. He seems to be obsessed with gray, in addition to formal wear like heavy black, twice see him wearing gray casual wear, including just take to his change of this set of light gray, with his people as meaning complex, difficult to distinguish. Jianming's side profile is very deep, high nose and angular thin lips outlined the cold lines, knife-cut and axe-like hard temperament but will be transformed into warm sunshine when he breaks into a smile, this mature man is filled with a strong charm that is difficult for people to resist. Mu Yao suddenly no longer regretted, at this moment, he realized that he did not want to stand in the distance and watch him, he longed to get closer to him, no matter in any way.

 "Washed up? Come over and drink this." Jian Ming gestured with his chin for Mu Yao to come over, and there was a glass of milk on the coffee table.

 Mu Yao walked over picked it up and drank it, the milk was moderately warm and her stomach, which had been swept away by the alcohol, relaxed comfortably. Mu Yao put down the cup, the man's gaze making him feel constricted.

 Jian Ming smiled, "Sit." Casually drawing a tissue, he pressed on Mu Yao's neck, "What's wrong here?"

 Mu Yao felt a slight sting, "I accidentally let my fingernails scrape it when I washed my face just now."

 Jian Ming's face leaned very close, his breath gently brushed against his face, the hand on his neck was not removed, and the heat emanating through the layer of tissue paper made the pores of his entire body blossom nervously and comfortably. An ambiguous heat suddenly rose between the two. Mu Yao realized what was going to happen, and he waited anxiously and fearfully. The pair of cutting-deep black eyes with gentle warmth stroked across his cheeks, did not continue to approach, maintaining a subtle distance stopped above him, this tension-filled moment a second seems like a century so long.

 Jian Ming suddenly backed away with a smile, "Always let me see you bleeding." The man pulls open a small drawer under the coffee table, takes out a piece of hemostatic patch and rips open the package, raising his hand to the frozen Mu Yao, "Luckily I have this, chin up."

 The tiny wound was carefully taped, warm fingers rubbed over his cheek, and the voice ringing in his ear was mellow and low: "How can you not cherish yourself like this." That gentle rebuke flowed affectionately and naturally into Mu Yao's heart, bringing out an inexplicable burst of tears. The man's fingers caressed the corners of his eyes, paused for a moment, and gathered his arms to take him into his embrace, "Want to cry?" Mu Yao had long been rusty on the action of cr阴g, but at this moment, he couldn't control the tears that ran wild, soundly spilling into this embrace that should have been unfamiliar but felt exceptionally familiar.

 Weeping lasted for a long time, so long that he could not support himself and collapsed backward in a paralyzed manner. Jian Ming's arm around his back tightened to stop the movement, and his hand passed through the crook of Mu Yao's leg to pick him up across the room, "Alright, time to go to sleep."

 The distance from the living room to the bedroom wasn't far, the process of a dozen or so steps was like a slow-motion scene in a suspense movie, Mu Yao was apprehensive and in a trance, his eyes closed tightly as he felt himself being carefully placed on the mattress, covered in a thin, cold-air comforter that was pulled straight up to his neck. The man backed away, turning off the bedroom light and heading out the door.

 "Why?" Mu Yao opened his eyes in the darkness to the slender silhouette in the doorway.

 "Don't make any decisions when you're depressed, go to sleep first." The door gently closed.

 Mu Yao lay in the darkness that filled the room's cenotaph, lost and relieved, as weariness gradually set in.

 When she woke up the next morning, Jian Ming was not there. The clothes she changed out of yesterday had already been washed and dried and were laid out along the bed, Mu Yao changed her clothes and turned around in the living room twice, unable to decide whether to leave like this or to call Jane Ming first. The phone in the living room, however, rang at the right time, and he hesitated for a moment before picking up the receiver, "Hello?"

 "I think you should be awake, there's breakfast in the refrigerator's crisper compartment, heat it in the microwave and eat it yourself." Jian Ming's tone was cordial and casual as if it was as natural as sa阴g that every morning.

 "Thank you, Mr. Jian." Mu Yao said naively.

 "xxxxxxxxxx," Jian Ming reported a string of numbers, "Call it from your cell phone." Puzzled, Mu Yao called and the call was hung up.

 "I didn't save your number last time, call me by my first name from now on." Jian Ming laughed, "I didn't expect you to be able to cry so much, are your eyes swollen? Take ice and put it on."

 "Uh ... okay." Mu Yao reddened her face, last night was so embarrassing.

 "No need to be embarrassed, anyone can lose control of their emotions." Jian Ming soothed, "Hurry up and go eat breakfast."

 "Uh-huh." Mu Yao hung up the phone. Walking out of Xi Garden that day, he suddenly remembered that he had a good night's sleep last night and surprisingly didn't dream.

 Summer vacation is free and lonely, Mu Yao arrives at the computer city at 1:00 p.m. and gets off work at 8:00 p.m. He often sleeps late at night, and the dormitory is empty and devoid of people. There were a few times when I wanted to call Jane Ming, but I gave up in the end. That person every time we met, was very caring, but after the separation of no indication, from the last drunk, for a whole week, Jane Ming did not contact him. The joy he felt a few days ago was gradually replaced by disappointment. It turned out to be wishful thinking, that man's thoughtfulness was just a result of a good upbringing. However, the warmth of Jianming's embrace is so hard to forget, that Mu Yao's mood of deliberately wanting to fade away is unusually vivid.

 The phone rang just as she was wrapping up her bunk that night, a string of badly known numbers scrolled across the screen of her phone, and Mu Yao's hand shook as she pressed to answer, "Mr. Jane ..."

 "Off work right, I'm downstairs, free to have dinner together?" Jian Ming asked.

 "Uh, there is. I'll be right down." Mu Yao hurriedly packed up and ran to take the elevator, off-duty people, the elevator tortoise sped from 28 straddles to climb down, Mu Yao here is 3 straddle, he back and forth ferries a few steps, open the safe passage to run directly downstairs rushed out of the door before slowing down, around to look at the side of the road and there is no Jane Ming's car.

 "Running so fast, want to call out to you are too late." His back was slapped, and Mu Yao turned back in a panic: "I, thought you were driving."

 Jian Ming smiled, "It's driving, your parking space is full, parked under the building next door." He made a gesture for Mu Yao to follow, "There's a restaurant nearby that's okay, let's walk there."

 "Uh-huh." Mu Yao silently walks beside him, the heartbeat brought up by a sprint just now has not yet calmed down, thinking that Jian Ming must have realized that he was eager to see him, and could not help but be very chagrined and embarrassed.

 "Careful." His hand was suddenly gripped, in front of a temporary repair open manhole cover Mu Yao surprisingly did not find, just so straight walk over. Jian Ming pulls him around, "I say, you should be more careful. If this falls in, my dinner will be ruined."

 Mu Yao couldn't make a sound for a moment, always flustered in front of this man. Jian Ming held his hand for a few steps before letting it go, his palm dry and warm, Mu Yao gripped the hand he was holding tightly, not wanting to let the temperature drain away too quickly.

 The Prince's Kitchen is quiet, and the decor is alternative and elaborate, with black marble walls and floor tiles, huge overhead lights with silver metal chandeliers, the outside is divided into many single rooms, with the same silver metal bead strings covering the door curtains, the two men picked one and sat down. The waiter served tea and then came over to write down the dishes.

 Jian Ming took the menu and handed it to Mu Yao, "What do you want to eat?"

 Mu Yao took it and looked at it, returned it to Jian Ming: "You order, I haven't been here before."

 "Do you eat beef?"

 "Eat ah."

 "The steaks here are grilled well, want to come and order?"


 There was a chill while waiting for the food to be served. Mu Yao couldn't figure out why Jian Ming hadn't called but suddenly came over to pick him up for dinner. With their current relationship, he couldn't open his mouth to ask, but this question kept clogging up his heart, making him feel uncomfortable.

 "Mr. Jian is quite busy, right?"

 "It's okay, now that the real estate industry is in a recession, it's better to be free than in the past." Jianming's Jianyu Real Estate is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and is a leading real estate company. From the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, the domestic real estate industry was overheated and the company's profits were astonishing. Now that the market is weak, he is not in a hurry as he has enough capital and is considering investing in other industries.

 "You study finance and plan to work in a bank later?"

 "Did not even think about it, now people are floating, many brothers and sisters continue to graduate school after graduation, just because they can not find a job."

 "I can help you keep an eye out."

 "That's not what I meant!" Mu Yao hurriedly denied, "I didn't care about any school at the time, I just wanted to get out of S City." What is this, one wouldn't think that they were approaching him for future security, right?

 "I know you don't mean that, what's the tension?" Jian Ming said the boy's cockfighting-like startle made him feel funny.

 "... I'm not nervous."

 "Then put the cup down and don't crush it, I only care about the cost of the meal, I'm not responsible for compensation for the cutlery." Jian Ming teased.

 Mu Yao instantly turned red.