Chapter 14

 Mu Yao's mind flies around a variety of countermeasures, just that whipped force is amazing, Lin's brother is practiced, and he and YY two combined are not his opponents. Here in the residential area, can shout to attract security, but YY does not want to do so, Mu Yao has never seen YY reveal just that kind of fear, although he is MB, alert, and a more familiar guest cover, he can always save the day, so can protect themselves before.

The belt in Lingo's hand rang loudly and came to Mu Yao, but did not directly greet him, but to YY: " If you don't want to die, tie him up to me."

Mu Yao was surprised, YY looked complex to pick up the belt action, and the face of the bad let him a burst of cold. Mu Yao jumped up to run and fled but did not run two steps, was Lin's brother grabbed the collar and fell to the bed, The shirt front tore open a large, Lin's brother's eyes flashed teasing the prey's bloodthirsty excitement, YY drink: " don't go to tie?"

YY took a belt to take a step, Mu Yao unbelievably stared at him, he suddenly felt disheartened, the so-called friendship but so, since you are not kind, don't blame me unjustly, Mu Yao was ready to open his throat to shout for help, YY at this moment suddenly back on Lin Ge, shouted: " Mu Yao run!"

Mu Yao hit a shocked spirit, and immediately jumped up to grab the door, the corridor roar YY shouted: "This is my matter and my husband's house, you quickly roll, don't make trouble..."

Has been running out of the door of the community, such as beating heart just slightly down, YY just words asked him not to call the police, but for themselves, now do not know how he is suffering inhuman abuse. I just hated him like that.

Mu Yao wandered in the street like a shadow, the scorching sun like the furnace, and the heavy powerlessness made him tired to trance.

Straight walking a few streets, the mobile phone suddenly rang, Mu Yao took out to see if it was YY, and he immediately answered.

"... Husband...... awesome..."

There was a violent shaking of the bed.

"You a bitch, is to owe exercise!"Lingo's voice laughed and scolded.

Mu Yao pulled up his mouth smiled silently, and closed the phone. YY slipped through the phone to reassure him... What can you do again? He can do nothing, nothing, he suffers...

Mu Yao sweating on the road, that YY was temporarily safe, just noticed that his not only arm hit a large blue, clothes were also torn out of appearance, just walked to the remote street with no bus, and he had to run to the station to take back to Xi Garden, must not let concise see himself like this.

 Thinking of just almost an accident, not a moment of fear, if in case... he face concise? Then you immediately mocked yourself fiercely. Are you afraid of losing your innocence? But do you have your innocence to lose it? Why did you forget it? Forget that you are a foul-smelling ditch with floating green foam, missing the sun and nourishing the poison... How do you still dare to be innocent?!

That man's warm sun like a warm and clear smile let Mu Yao pain heart, why want to know you, love you, chase you? Why should let me sink in this painful extravagant hope that can not be born? Mu Yao went crazy and ran away.

 When he got home, Mu Yao kneaded the rotten clothes and stuffed them under the bed. He planned to throw it out tomorrow. Then he went to the bathroom and took a hot bath. After coming out, he threw himself on the wide sofa for a long time before recovering. Go to the kitchen to get a cup of frozen juice to drink, and then find the medicine box in the drop dozen oil and slowly wipe, it while thinking about the situation of YY.

He thought YY would call him afterward, but only waited for a text message: I'm fine, you don't come to me recently, go out less.

Mu Yao closed the phone, stunned, opened it to delete the message, then threw it aside, huddled his legs on the sofa, and hugged himself tightly.

Brief more than seven o'clock just come back, put down the business bag, and ask: " Did you wipe the medicinal wine? Which one is hurt?"

Is a dog nose, Mu Yao's stomach feeling, and after so long still let him smell out.

"I slipped in a shower and accidentally bumped into the wash counter."Mu Yao picked up his mood and went to the kitchen to pour tea for concise.

Simply pulled him: "All green!"Blame way:" How like a child, always so careless?"

Mu Yao skimming mouth way: " I also don't want to ah, is not skid?"

"Tomorrow let my aunt go to buy a few non-slip pads and spread the bathroom full."

"got it!"Mu Yao Ying pulled his hand away. The home finally invited an aunt, whom Mu Yao had not seen, to come to work tomorrow, although it felt unnecessary, if this can give the concise peace of ease, is also worth it.

Aunt came the next morning and said that Aunt was quite young, more than 30 years old in appearance. But earnest, respectful, and unsmiling. Mu Yao felt funny, he is a person of few words, and now a piece of moving wood.

Mu Yao went back to the room to call Jane: " Jane, that person is not like an aunt."

"Oh, why not be like it?"Brief ask:" I have not seen, housekeeping company recommended to say good."

"Like a nun, I came for two hours to say less than three words."Mu Yao complained.

Simple smile: " Is it? Then I'll call for another one."

"Well, just forget it anyway."Mu Yao thought, that now it is not easy to find a job, and there is nothing wrong with others, people can not lose their jobs because their personality is not their appetite.

YY things have no clue, and many people are at home to wear, Mu Yao was bored, so he went to the study to download an online game to kill time. The scenery in the game is pleasant, Mu Yao's trumpet in the novice village cut a Wolf, birth point, and a few newborns, so the team practices together. Unconsciously rose to level 7, the aunt took the lunch on the desk and retreated out.

 Mu Yao remembered that Jian Ming asked him to ask his aunt to buy anti-slip mats, so he stopped her and said, "Auntie, go to the supermarket and buy some anti-slip mats to cover the bathroom."

 "Okay, I'll go right away."

 Mu Yao heard the noise and saw her aunt leaving soon after. He wanted to throw away the dirty clothes under the bed now, but there happened to be an elite mission in the game, and no one on the team let him go. Mu Yao thought to herself that she still had time anyway, so she stayed and played games endlessly. At 5:30 pm, I was really tired and turned off my phone.

 Auntie had just prepared dinner and came over to tell Mu Yao and left. Mu Yao stretched and went to the kitchen to take a look. The food is good, with a reasonable mix of meat and vegetables. Opening the lid, he smelled an alluring fragrance. Fortunately, the food cooked by her aunt was not as rigid as hers, so Mu Yao secretly took a few bites. Close the lid and prepare to take a shower first. Suddenly he remembered that his clothes were not missing, so he went back to the room to look for them. The bed was spotless, not even the clothes on it. Mu Yao was stunned.

 After thinking about it for a while, I felt relieved. Maybe the aunt thought it was rotten and threw it away as garbage. There's no point worrying now. I'll ask tomorrow. So I opened the closet, grabbed some clothes, and took a shower. I froze for a moment. The tattered skirts were washed, dried, ironed, and hung in the closet. Missing buttons and torn seams were patched. Mu Yao couldn't help but look at the beautiful new clothes in front of her.

 Jian Ming had a meeting that night, so he called Mu Yao and asked Mu Yao to eat first without waiting for him. Mu Yao felt that eating alone was boring, so she took a shower and watched TV on the sofa while waiting for him. There were no good programs at this time, so I tuned one channel after another. My hands were shaking as I turned on the news channel, but I immediately turned back.

 Next to the four black words "Corpse Revealed" is a photo of a corpse's head with eyes closed. The scrolling subtitles below read: On the morning of July 3, 200X, a vicious murder occurred on XX Road, and the body was broken in many places. The deceased was 20 to 25 years old, 180 centimeters tall, with long hair. He was wearing a gray shirt, pants, and a black belt around his waist. His identity is unknown. Anyone with information please contact Officer Zhang at 07XXXXXXXXXXXX.

 Mu Yao will never forget this face. The owner of this face made him hold his head and run away yesterday, and now he is... dead? Mu Yao immediately called YY and answered: "YY, Brother Lin is dead."

 "I know." YY's voice was calm.

 "...It can't be you, right?" Mu Yao's heart skipped a beat.

 "Of course not. I have something to do now and will call you tomorrow." YY quickly hung up the phone.

 Mu Yao always felt uneasy. Although YY denied that he did it, he also wished that Brother Lin would die, but someone alive yesterday would turn into a cold corpse more than ten hours later, with multiple fractures all over his body. How big would that be? Hatred? The more Mu Yao thought about it, the more worried he became for YY. It wasn't until Jian Ming returned home that he cheered up and went to meet her.

 "下oyao, what are you doing?" Seeing that he was not energetic, he asked simply.

 Mu Yao took the simple bag and put it away: "Waiting for you to eat."

 "Didn't I tell you to eat first?" Jian Ming scolded, "What time is it, aren't you hungry?"

 "It's not fun to eat alone." Mu Yao went to the kitchen to bring the food to the dining table and made Jian Ming a cup of tea.

 "By the way," Jian Ming came out after changing his clothes, sat down, and said, "I'm going on a business trip tomorrow for about three days. Please stay safe at home and call me if you need anything."

 "Oh..." Mu Yao replied, picking up the rice without any taste.

 Jian Ming glanced at him: "下oyao, has something happened these days? You don't seem to be in a good mood."

 "No." Mu Yao took his chopsticks and tapped on the plate: "It's a bit boring to think of being alone at home."

 "...Do you want to go on a business trip with me? But there's nothing to do. I often have meetings, so you can only stay in the hotel or go out by yourself." Jian Ming found it a bit funny. Mu Yao seemed to be becoming more and more like a child.

 "Uh... no need." Mu Yao said awkwardly. What was he going to do? It wasn't a trip.

 "Well, by the way, does Auntie not need to change?" Jian Ming remembered that he specifically called to complain today.

 "Ha, no need." Thinking of that dress, Mu Yao suddenly laughed: "She is a bit rigid, but not bad. You can see that the food is quite delicious."

 "Well, that's up to you."

 After the meal, the two of them still read the newspaper and watched TV. Mu Yao held the remote control and glanced at Jianming on the sofa opposite from time to time. The man crossed his legs and read the newspaper leisurely. Occasionally he picked up a cup of tea and drank it. Take one bite and put it back.

 Mu Yao found it strange that he was also a human being, and his aunt's reticence made him feel bored. When he got along with Jian Ming, he didn't say a few words a day, but he was content and happy as if he was fine no matter what, as long as he was in front of her.

 Mu Yao threw away the remote control, walked over, and sat down close to Jian Ming. Jian Ming didn't look up, but stretched out her left hand to hold his shoulder, while her right hand was still flipping through the newspaper. Mu Yao slowly rested his head on the man's shoulder and closed his eyes in peace. The world is so big, but fortunately, there is a place for it.