Chapter 20

Jian Ming had a social event that night and did not rush back to Xiyuan for dinner. Mu Yao was pacing back and forth in the living room, lost in thought. At this moment, he especially wanted to see Jian Ming, but he just couldn't be with her. It wasn't until nearly twelve o'clock that he heard the sound of the key opening the door. Mu Yao returned to the room and sat on the chair. His heart was calm for a while. The anticipation had been too long and his initial enthusiasm had been worn away.

 After a while, he felt the hands on his shoulders, and the concise voice was full of fatigue: "How many days do you plan to go back?"

 "Two or three days." Mu Yao turned around and asked, "Are you tired?"

 "Well, it's okay. These endless social activities are very annoying." Jian Jian loosened his tie and sat on the chair next to him. He didn't even have time to change clothes before entering the door.

 "Sit here with me." Mu Yao stood up and pulled him to his chair: "This place is not against the wall. I will massage your head for you."

 "Heh," Jian Ming closed his eyes, rested his head on the back of the chair, and said with a smile, "Can you do this again?"

 "No, I did it randomly, you are the experimental subject." Mu Yao smiled and gently put his hand on it. In fact, he really doesn't know how, he just wants to touch a touch of warmth and tenderness. Mu Yao watched his fingers running through the thick black hair, as if caressing the sweet time, as lightly as walking on the thin ice in warm spring, fearing to break his dream.

 Jian Ming's hand stretched out, pulled him in front of him, and asked him to sit on his lap: "下oyao, are you worried?"

 "No," Mu Yao smiled brightly and rested his chin on the man's shoulder: "Have you never heard of compiling new words to express sadness? I have a lot of youth to waste. If I don't play with depression now, how can I be worthy of myself? ."

 Jian Ming hugged him without saying a word. Most of the time, words were pale and useless. It was better to let a room of pure light accompany the tranquility of cuddling at this moment.

 At three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Mu Yao returned to City S. The sky was clear, the sky was clear, the wind was calm, and the sun was beautiful. At the exit of the station, Mu Yaoyi was wearing an off-white dress. She was posing automatically in the wind, like a weeping willow leaning into a stream for no reason. When she saw Mu Yao coming out, she immediately smiled and said, "Except for a change of clothes, I will store the other luggage."

 Mu Yao asked in shock: "Why?"

 "Let's go to Yao Mountain." The woman didn't wait for his reply and went to the depository happily.

 Mu Yao frowned and followed him. Mu Yaoyi often acted on a whim, but this time he didn't know what kind of muscle he had. There is a special bus from the station that goes directly to the Yaoshan Hotel, which runs every half an hour. The two of them took the bus and arrived at the mountainside. It was almost five o'clock. Mu Yaoyi kept urging him to complete the check-in procedures, then pulled him out and ran out, saying that he wanted to watch the sunset.

 The mountain road was remote and obviously not a place frequented by ordinary tourists. There were thick trees on the hillside. Mu Yaoyi was panting from the climb. Mu Yao was tired and worried that the way back would be difficult. After a long time, Mu Yaoyi suddenly pointed ahead and said "Look, that's it!" Mu Yao pointed and saw that it was a cliff. The two of them slowly approached and stood on the edge of the cliff.

 The sky in the West Pole is blue and crystal clear, with deep purple clouds scattered in the air, like dried blood on crystal. The pine forest on the shady slope is quiet and quiet, and the birds returning to their nests are chirping. The layers of dark-colored mountains in the distance are solidified under the sky, with a turbulent and sad attitude.

 Mu Yao put his arms around the woman's shoulders. The white skirt fluttering in the wind on her slender body gave him the illusion that he was about to spread his wings and fly. He asked softly: "Why are you here?"

 "I don't know either," the woman raised her eyebrows and smiled: "I'll come if I want to." Mu Yao looked at the valley at his feet. The strip of pale river was like a long lens that was zoomed out, struggling silently. Among the rugged rocks.

 The woman suddenly turned around and clasped the boy's waist tightly: "Make love to me, right here, for the last time."

 Mu Yao was startled and stared at her: "The last time, what do you mean?" He wanted to have a showdown with her by not having sex again, but after she proposed it first, it made him doubtful and uneasy.

 "Ha," Mu Yaoyi smiled wildly, but her eyes were clear and transparent. She looked directly at him: "What do you think I want to do?" Those eyes were weak and affectionate under the broken sunset. Mu Yao felt that it It seems to be looking at oneself, but also staring into the distance...until the confused soul and pale body finally merge into one in the blooming sunset.

 The road down the mountain was even more difficult. The fields were quiet and the night was closing. From time to time, gravel and broken branches kicked down by them would roll down the hillside. The scene of Mu Yaoyi rolling down the valley like these rubbles suddenly flashed in Mu Yao's mind, as clear as seeing it with his own eyes. This imagination gave him the pleasure of relieving his hatred, and the woman's sad eyes made his heart melt at the same time. Knife cut.

 Will she go on rolling with that kind of mood and eyes? Mu Yao thought quietly, stroking the evil thoughts rising in his heart. Her eyes should be like when the climax comes, full of fearful expectation and despair, that horrible thing. The look in his eyes often made him feel that he was committing murder rather than having sex. Mu Yao shook his head, forcing himself to ignore the evil expectations, and then the evil thoughts, like a cold snake dormant in his heart, quietly slipped through the dark water plants and disappeared.

 They stayed in the mountains all night. Mu Yaoyi stayed behind closed doors after returning to the hotel. Mu Yao also wanted to have a showdown with her before returning to City B. The two of them stayed in peace until dawn with a wall separated them. Neither of them slept well. .

 In the past two days, Mu Yaoyi showed an unusual joy, washing the new clothes he brought back, and her charming laughter sounded throughout the courtyard from time to time, as clear and sweet as wind chimes. On the clothesline, colorful clothes fluttered in the wind, like a blurry dream.

 On the eve of leaving S City, the two of them faced each other silently at the dinner table. After a long time, Mu Yao opened his mouth with difficulty: "Mom..."

 Mu Yaoyi put down his bowl and chopsticks and stood up: "I know what you are going to say, and I will answer you tomorrow." After saying that, he turned around and went back to his room, never coming out again.

 Mu Yao cleared the table, opened the door and went out. The night was cool, but there were no stars or moon. Fortunately, there were thousands of lights, and there was no need for moonlight at night in the town.

 Walking back to S City No. 1 Middle School along the asphalt highway is like going back dangerously along the blade of time to those young days. Mu Yao remembered that this was a dirt road in the past, and when it rained, the ground would be muddy. There used to be an iron basketball stand on the empty basketball court, tilted like a broken mast. He and Li Er once snatched a shriveled basketball here. Now it has been transformed and has a brand new look. Feeling bored for a while, I turned around and walked back.

 Jian Ming called occasionally in the past two days, as if she felt his embarrassment, and just asked about his safety without saying much. After Mu Yao got home, he dialed his cell phone. The person on the other side was very quiet, as if he was at home: "Jian, I'll go back tomorrow."

 "Oh, what time will you arrive at the station? I'll pick you up." Jian Jian's voice sounded energetic, and Mu Yao also lightened up a little and said, "At one o'clock at noon, I have a 9 o'clock train."

 "Well, okay, then go and have a rest. It's quite late now."


 "Huh?" Jian Ming asked, suddenly smiling again: "Boy, do you miss me again?"

 "I miss you so much!" This man's method of destroying emotions is not that strong, Mu Yao thought bitterly, but after such a fuss, his mood improved a lot. We will think about tomorrow's things tomorrow, now let him take a breath: "I I can't sleep, so I want to listen to stories." Mu Yao said ruthlessly.

 "Uh..." the man's helpless voice came from the phone: "What story do you want to hear, young master?"

 Mu Yao smiled and curled his lips: "The story you told."

 "Well, okay, listen carefully." Jian Ming cleared his throat and said seriously: "Once upon a time... that... there was a mountain..." Suddenly paused: "Do you remember what is behind it? I forgot about it. Yes, I was obviously very familiar with him before." Jian Ming said in annoyance.

 "Ah haha..." Mu Yao covered his mouth and laughed: "I can tell you, but there are conditions."

 "What conditions do you have, young master?" Jian Ming asked in fear.

 "Well, I didn't expect it at the moment. I'll tell you when I think about it. I want you to unconditionally agree to my request." Mu Yaoju said with ulterior motives.

 "Can I not agree?" Jian Ming was like a fox falling into a trap.

 "No!" Mu Yao laughed loudly: "You can't bargain."

 "I actually don't have to tell the story..." the man said timidly.

 "Who said that?!" Mu Yao opened his throat and puffed up his cheeks.

 "Uh, what you, no, I said it wrong." Jian Ming responded to the situation and immediately calmed down.

 "That's more or less." The boy looked like a mouse stealing candy and couldn't close his mouth: "For the sake of your good attitude in pleading guilty, I will reward you by not having to cook this weekend and let's go out to eat together."

 "...Can you change the prize?" the man said hesitantly.

 "For what?" the boy asked in surprise.

 "Give me my bed back..."

 "Get out!!!!!!" The boy didn't wait for him to finish, and closed the phone with a "snap". His eyes widened in anger, and his face was filled with hot red quietly in the quiet night.

 Mu Yao packed his luggage and was about to go to bed. Suddenly he remembered that he forgot to brush his teeth, so he opened the door and went out. There was a faint light seeping through the crack of Mu Yaoyi's door. She was not asleep yet. Mu Yao stood by the door for a while. There was no movement in the room, but there were several mosquito bites on his legs. It was extremely itchy for a while. Mu Yao grabbed his legs and turned around to enter the bathroom.

 Mu Yao almost woke up from the cold the next morning. On this damn day, turning over his face was like turning over a book, without any warning. Last night when he slept with the window open, all the rainwater splashed in. The things on the desk were completely soaked, and the floor next to them was completely soaked. There was also a puddle of water on the floor. He jumped up in a hurry, went outside to find a mop and rags, and went back to the room to clean up. After everything was done, it was already broad daylight.

 After Mu Yao changed clothes and washed up, he went to knock on Mu Yaoyi's door. When he pushed it gently, the door opened. There was no one inside, and the bed was clean and tidy, as if he had slept there. At that moment, the fear of annihilation came like a huge wave, overwhelming him instantly. Mu Yaoyi's abnormal behavior in the past two days was like the radiating lava that made his brain dizzy. Mu Yao rushed out of the door like a madman and ran to the train station in a panic.

 Yao Mountain - cliff - sunset! His teeth were chattering and his whole body was cold. The rapidly retreating scenery around him was sliced into thin slices by the rain. It was as mysterious and desperate as a silent movie. The thin figure of the woman standing in the wind almost pierced his heart. Don't... don't... No...the sky thunders, who can hear his cry? ! Who can save her...

 There are always times like this, when you rush to do something in a hurry, you will suddenly have to stop due to some small accident. Mu Yao ran halfway and found that he had forgotten his wallet. In today's world, who is interested in helping others? He had to run back in frustration, wishing he could shrink to the ground, until he saw the woman in a white dress sitting on the sofa in the living room, facing the door, waiting for him quietly... At that moment, he felt like he was out of strength. Kneeling by the door, I suddenly remembered that I should have called the police first.

 Mu Yaoyi went back to the bathroom to find a bath towel and slowly wrapped it around Mu Yao's soaked body: "下oyao... I'm sorry." The woman suddenly burst into tears: "I just want to know... do you want me to die... "

 Mu Yao jumped up with a scream, grabbed her shoulders and shook her fiercely, as if this meaningless move could shake off the fear in his heart. After a while, he threw her on the sofa and went back to the room to change clothes. When he came out with his travel bag, Mu Yaoyi was still twisted on the sofa like a rag doll. When he saw Mu Yao, he suddenly smiled softly: "From now on, I am just your mother."

 Mu Yao suddenly stopped and looked back at her in disbelief. Clear tears welled up in the woman's beautiful eyes. She didn't wipe them away and turned back to the room: "You go ahead and contact Lu Sen when you get back. I'll go to B next month." I want to see him."

 "Why?" Mu Yao asked in shock.

 The door closed, but no one answered him.