Chapter 23

Wounds are prone to infection in summer, and you have to go to the hospital every day for dressing changes during the first week. Jian Ming usually went back to Xiyuan to pick up Mu Yao in the afternoon, changed his medicine, and sent him home before rushing back to the company. One time when he saw his tired expression in the car, Mu Yao suggested that Jian Ming find someone else to take him away or ask a doctor to visit him. It was to change the dressing and there was no need to go there in person. Jian Ming didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand to pat him. Pat the boy on the head. Mu Yao didn't mention the topic again and leaned back in his chair with peace of mind.

 Sometimes he wished the man would say something sweet, even though he knew that was impossible. For example, in times like this, in romance novels or love movies, the male protagonist should make a handsome emergency stop on a traffic thoroughfare or a bumpy road, and express his affectionate voice amidst the scolding and honking sounds of frightened passers-by or blocked vehicles. Staring at him: "My dear, nothing is more important than you, and no big thing is as big as a small injury on your leg."

 Mu Yao turned to look at the expressionless man driving the car, and suddenly burst into laughter. If Jian Ming showed that expression to him or said what he just said, he was afraid that he would be the first to be scared to death. He would honor the Guinness World The record adds a strange color: due to the stimulation of love words, the heart stopped and died.

 Jian Ming heard Mu Yao's strange smile and turned to look at him with a frown: "You look so stupid, why are you so crazy?" Then he continued driving.

 Mu Yao's wonderful imagination, which he had been enjoying just now, was completely wiped out by the man's words. Looking at the man's still plain profile, he couldn't help but secretly curse: You are a guy who doesn't understand amorous feelings. After scolding himself, he curled up his lips in laughter. Perhaps this man's unvarnished attitude was the deepest acceptance of him.

 Mu Yao smiled silently and turned to look out the window. Love is a graceful virus under the microscope. Because it is beautiful, it is close, and because it is close, it is infected. From then on, it needs vitamins on one hand and antibiotics on the other to maintain health and enhance physical fitness. But what's wrong? The sick body is alive and hopeful, able to feel the nourishment of sunshine, rain, and dew and the erosion of wind and rain. Occasional pain may also be a kind of beauty.

 When the car arrived at the hospital, Jian Jing carried him in and out as usual. After the first few days of ineffective protest, Mu Yao began to feel at peace with this eye-catching behavior. He listened to the jingling of car keys in the man's hand in the crook of his leg, and The nurses smiled calmly and suddenly felt calm and distant happiness, as if they had been held so firmly in his arms for countless years and would continue to do so in the future.

 "You don't need to change the dressing tomorrow?" Jian Ming confirmed with the doctor again.

 "Yes, but be careful not to touch the water, and don't scratch it with your hands. Just wait until the scabs fall off automatically." The doctor explained patiently.

 "Will there be scars?" Jian Ming held up the boy's calf and motioned to the doctor to look at the larger wound.

 Mu Yao blushed and squeezed the man's thigh quietly, thinking, this is an embarrassing question. The man felt pain in his leg and glanced at him suspiciously. He completely ignored his sneaky movements and caught his mischievous hand in front of the doctor. Mu Yao immediately blushed.

 "Well, the skin after the scabs fall off is relatively tender. Do not contact ultraviolet rays directly. If there is no pigmentation, there will generally be no scars. But you must not scratch it. In case of secondary infection, there will be scars." The doctor smiled dutifully. explain.

 "Okay, thank you." Mu Yao was carried out like an ostrich by the satisfied man.

 The air-conditioning effect in the car had not yet come up, and it was a bit stuffy for a while. Mu Yao opened the window and looked outside, and saw a middle-aged woman sitting on the green belt on the roadside, carrying a bundle of candied haws on her shoulders, covered with bright red hawthorns. Wrapped in a brown sugar shell, it was so bright and watery under the sun that it was so alluring, and a sweet and sour taste immediately filled your mouth.

 "Jian... I want to eat that." Mu Yao asked Jian Jing who was about to start the car.

 "Which one?" Jian Ming stopped and asked him.

"That one on the side of the haws." Mu Yao looked at Jianming with embarrassment. Although he knew those things were only eaten by children and girls, their crispy outside, tender inside, sweet and sour taste, was undoubtedly suitable for the sultry weather. Mu Yao underneath posed a great temptation.

 "...That...isn't hygienic?" Jian Ming was dumbfounded.

 "Just one string, just one string." The boy's eyes were bright and full of expectation.

 "..." The man was a little depressed.

 "Go quickly!" Mu Yao pushed him: "She will leave later."

 Jian Ming reluctantly dug out a ten-dollar bill in the car, opened the door, and walked to the lawn. Mu Yao smiled and waited on the car window. Unexpectedly, after a while, Jian Ming came back empty-handed with an annoyed look on his face.

 "Where's the candied haws?"

 "Do you have any coins?"

 "Wait while I look for it." Mu Yao continued to browse.

 The man held on to the car window and complained: "She just didn't have any money. She insisted on taking ten pieces away. It's not good to throw them into the trash can in front of others."

 When Mu Yao heard that, he immediately stopped and stood up excitedly: "Then it will be ten. Why throw it away?!"

 "Hurry up, don't say anything more." The man looked at him with a harsh tone. Mu Yao buried his head in depression and continued to read.

 Five minutes later, Mu Yao finally got his food. The strange look of the man in straight clothes and holding candied haws made him bend over with laughter. Jian Ming was obviously embarrassed and said helplessly: "You mean it, right?"

 "No, no!" Mu Yao immediately denied it. He tried his best to hold back his laughter and bit the red fruit on the bamboo stick. After biting for a long time, he couldn't bite off a single one, but the caramel was smeared all over his face. He couldn't hold back his laughter until he almost suffered internal injuries.

 "Little lunatic!" Jian Ming glanced at him and started laughing. She took out a tissue and wiped his face: "Eat later, don't choke."

 Mu Yao finally finished the candied haws in his hand with great difficulty, wrapped a mouthful of hawthorn in his mouth, and said with evil intentions: "Jane, let's kiss."

 The man's face twitched slightly: "You don't have a fever today, do you?"

 Happening to pass by a lighthouse, Mu Yao walked over and said, "Are you coming?"

 The man chuckled: "It's hard to deny kindness." Then he lowered his head.

 Mu Yao's trick succeeded. He smiled slyly put the hawthorn kernel in his mouth over and immediately retreated. However, he found that the man had already grabbed the back of his neck and his tongue was sucked so tightly that he could not pull it out. The fluids from the two of them circulated in a circle and finally returned to the boy's mouth. As soon as the green light came on, the man smiled jokingly: "It tastes good." The car started running again.

 "You!" Mu Yao angrily took out a tissue and spat out the hawthorn core: "That's too much."

 "You little brat, you want to cause trouble with me." Jian Ming glanced at him: "I can't cure you just because you're sick, right?"

 The accentuated tone of the word "treat" made Mu Yao calm down immediately. His cheeks began to heat inch by inch, and he cursed in a low voice: "Rogue."

 Jian Ming chuckled: "You won't know what a real gangster is until two days later." Mu Yao was completely silent.

 In the past few days, Jian Jing had been helping her take showers. Ever since that incident in the living room, her heartbeat would have accelerated as soon as Jian Ming carried her into the bathroom. By the time the man's hands covered with shower gel were applied to his upper body, he was already tense below. Mu Yao was very distressed and thought of countless ways to remain reserved, but his little brother took it upon himself to decide and didn't buy his fault. Jian Ming was happy to hear this, so Mu Yao was often carried in refreshed and limp when he was carried out.

 Last night was especially hateful. Mu Yao kindly reminded Jian Jing: "Now I can be more careful and wash it. It's so uncomfortable when your clothes are wet."

 "Yes," Jian Ming suddenly realized, "I shouldn't be wearing clothes, why didn't I think of it?"

 "Get out!!!" Mu Yao cursed.

 "What did you say?" Jian Ming's hand slid to the boy's waist.

 "You..." The boy suppressed his anger.

 "Huh?" His hand continued to slide down.

 "Uh..." the boy began to tremble.

 "What? Louder." Jian Ming lowered his head with a smirk.

 "" A series of hearty and sweet trills were swallowed completely by the man's throat.

 After a while, the man's low and hoarse voice said: "Baby... you are so slippery..." The boy could no longer tell the difference between east, west, and north, and he was dizzy as he floated up and down in the man's hand.

 Mu Yao felt in a daze that he was like an overripe berry in the autumn wilderness, full and crystal clear in the sun, and juice would flow out at the slightest touch of a man.

 The wounds have peeled off in the past few days, and the legs are extremely itchy. The itch seems to be scratched from the heart. Mu Yao is so uncomfortable that he arches his toes and rubs the floor. He cannot pick at the injured area. He scratches the surrounding skin with red marks. Briefly, It happened that I had some free time from work, and when I came home I saw Mu Yao's terrible calf, so I simply rested at home and watched him. The leg didn't move in the man's hand, and his big, slightly calloused hands kept slowly kneading it to relieve the itching.

 Mu Yao's legs were straight and beautiful, her toes were soft and round, her hocks were so high that they barely connected with her calves, and her skin was fair and smooth. Sometimes it's not too itchy, and Jian Ming likes to hold it in his hand and play with it. Mu Yao couldn't help but curse. It turned out that when he asked the doctor whether he would leave a scar, it was not because he was worried about him, but because the man wanted to look pleasing to the eye.

As a result, my aunt was also very nervous. She was afraid that she would add too much oil, salt, and sauce if her hands shook when cooking, and that she would be summarily dismissed and redone. Mu Yao had been suffering from a lack of bland soups for nearly two weeks, and even the nearby AFK almost seemed to him like a gourmet paradise. It happened that this day YY said she was coming to see him, and Mu Yao quickly asked him to bring him a pair of Orleans grilled wings.

 "You recuperate and become a hungry person?" YY said in surprise.

 Mu Yao couldn't explain Jian Jing and refused to let him eat it. He said that he suddenly wanted to eat that. Unexpectedly, the pig bought a bucket for the whole family. So before the bucket of chicken came to the living room, his aunt escorted him into the kitchen garbage bag. , Mu Yao wanted to cry but had no tears. He could only sigh when he heard the chicken.

 YY came to Xiyuan for the first time. Jian Ming chatted with her for a few words and then returned to the study. The two boys were happy and at ease. YY looked at his legs and said, "Why is his ex-wife so jealous of you?"

 Mu Yao smiled and said nothing. YY added: "Lu Sen's wife is even weirder. She looks like she's seeing a ghost when she sees me. She doesn't even dare to look at me. This woman is simply a model of women's ethics."

 When Mu Yao heard him mention Lu Sen, his heart skipped a beat. He suddenly remembered that Mu Yaoyi asked him to contact Lu Sen when he left S City. He forgot about it. He was no longer in the mood to chat with YY and asked: "YY, Lu Sen usually Have you ever mentioned my mother?"

 "No?" YY said in surprise: "Why are you mentioning your mother? What's wrong?"

 "My mother said she wanted to meet Lu Sen when I came home this time. I thought they knew each other in the past." Mu Yao wondered, why on earth is Mu Yaoyi looking for Lu Sen? It's puzzling.

 "Do you want me to ask Lu Sen for you?" YY asked.

 "Well, no need, I'll think about it again." Mu Yao always felt slightly uneasy about Mu Yaoyi's request. Maybe he deliberately didn't want to think about it, so he delayed it for so long.

 "Most people seek help from Lu Sen, either to seek revenge or to avoid trouble. Does your mother have these needs?" YY asked.

 Mu Yao skipped a beat in his heart. He had also thought about this possibility, but the small place in S city couldn't hide big things. If it was worth Mu Yaoyi's doing, there was no need for her to hide it, and it was impossible for him not to know. Apart from this, Mu Yao was even more upset.

 As if to deepen his uneasiness, Jian Ming called him from inside: "下oyao, come and answer the phone."

 "Oh, here we come." Mu Yao remembered that his phone had been set to vibrate yesterday, so he went back to the room to get it and saw that it was Mu Yaoyi calling.