Extraordinary Chapter 10

The mayor's secretary, Xiao Chen, wrote the following in the report Li Yunfeng assigned him to write on the recent organized violence in City B:

 In this organized armed attack launched by Zeng Kun's gang in City A, XX Province, the social workers in City B did not have guns and ammunition to fight back, and they quickly dispersed and fled. During the crackdown, the public security police quickly arrested the key gang members in City A, headed by Zeng Kun, and a large number of lawless thugs under their subordinates. At the same time, some fleeing people in City B were arrested. Because they did not resist and had a good attitude, they were all released after detention and education. Three of the ringleaders were shot and killed by Zeng Kun's party before the gunfight started...

 Comrade Lu Sen, after discovering the abnormal gathering of a large number of illegal persons at Xintian Pier, made a prompt decision and promptly informed the police. He also closely assisted the public security officers in the investigation operations throughout the process. He made outstanding contributions to maintaining social security and was awarded the title of Advanced Citizen and was commended by the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee. , given his outstanding contributions to the prosperity and construction of this city over the years, and being an elite model in the construction and demolition industry, he was recommended by the Municipal Party Committee of B City as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a representative of the XX Provincial People's Congress...

 Director Jiang Shunfa of the Municipal Public Security Bureau was unable to participate in the anti-gang operation due to illness and subsequently submitted a medical retirement report...

 Ding Wei, the former Deputy Director of the B City Public Security Bureau, cooperated with Deputy Director Jia Jinping of the Provincial Public Security Department and successfully cracked the XXX major drug case during the cross-provincial anti-drug investigation. At the same time, he also arrested all the remaining backbones of Zeng Kun's gang. The Provincial Public Security Department Appointed as Director of the Public Security Bureau of City A...

 Li Yunfeng drank tea and carefully reviewed the report Xiao Li gave him. He was about to take office as the municipal party secretary in City A. The finishing work in City B must be done beautifully and thoughtfully.

 Most of the leading group of City A and its provincial party committee backstage were defeated and resigned in this incident, which was a huge relief to the people. Alas, but I don't know which person with a strong background succeeded him as the Municipal Party Committee Secretary of City B. He simply cleaned up City B. In the next N years, it will be a safe and civilized city with the lowest crime rate in the country. The successor Municipal Party Committee Secretary will undoubtedly account for As cheaply as possible. But since Jian Jian was assured that he would go to City A to support Xin Pei, his future promotion would be just around the corner.

 Although everyone is happy, every family still has problems that are difficult to memorize. Jian Ming's few people also have their troubles.

 Zhang Hancheng worries that when he sees Mu Yao now, he has to grease his feet and run away quickly, otherwise he will squeeze him to death. But at the same time, I am glad that I still have normal intelligence. The last time I deceived Mu Yao, Jian Ming had an accident and I don't know how many brain cells died. Can that kid just deceive me? If a hair falls out because of this, why should I move my head?

 God, he was already a very old man. He was squatting at the door of Tianxin Xiaozhu, waiting for that kid to make a call. After that, he had to follow him all the way to prevent him from getting into trouble. Although that kid was not very skinny, he was just as fast. Yeah, and he has so many thoughts on his mind. After running to the police station, he runs to the hospital non-stop. He prefers to use his legs instead of sitting in a car. Is it easy for him to go crazy? His old bones were almost falling apart.

 But how dare he disobey the boss's orders? How dare other bosses disobey him, but how dare he, the boss, disobey him?! Don't want to live anymore?! Not to mention letting him lie to others and make him run away, even if you get a basin of foot-washing water for him to drink, he has to swallow it as fine wine, right?

 Jia Jinping's troubles are even longer. Others are so jealous of him that their eyes are on fire. There are so many police officers across the country. Who can be as lucky as Jia Jinping? Even if there is a good man, he will not go undercover casually. He will solve two major cases and rise to the position of deputy director. Alas, but Jia Jinping himself was very depressed, quite depressed, unusually depressed, and there was nothing he could say about his depression, and no one would believe him if he did.

 Being the director of this lousy department, my annual salary is not as much as my squandering in the past week, and I have to be very nervous about accepting bribes. I am worried that the old man in the family will find out and be criticized, and the criticism will be bloody. He opens his mouth and shuts up and calls him a bastard who does not cherish his future. I don't want to make progress. I have followed Jian Ming for several years and I haven't learned anything from him. In the past, when the mountains were high and the emperor was far away, how could the old man control him?!

 Damn it, this rubbish director makes endless reports in small meetings every day and doesn't even have time to fart. If he really can't hold it in, he has to pay attention to the impact. He tightens his buttocks and holds it in. It's not as good as before. Learn from Jian Ming? Follow the example of that sinister man who is bound to retaliate?! Jia Jinping cursed at this point. He knew that no one could hear what he was thinking, but he still couldn't help but peek around furtively. There was nothing he could do, Jian Ming was too scary.

 It was Jian Jing who caused him to fall into this situation. Why did he hurt him? Isn't it because when he lured YY to reveal his bad intentions, he accidentally leaked the news about Zeng Kun in Wanhu, putting his sweetheart Xiaomi in danger? But in the end, didn't even a single hair fall off? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shudder. Fortunately, Xin Pei was present at the time. Otherwise, Chen Ping's stubbornness and failure to receive the order might have hurt Mu Yao. Then he, the troublemaker, would have had his head moved.

 For so many years, he had been working at his beck and call, serving diligently and diligently. But just because of Xiaomi's unwarranted "danger", he resorted to crazy tricks on him, colluding with his old man to frame him, and making him unable to say anything. Sucking the brain marrow, oh, no, no, no, I fainted. Not to mention sucking the marrow, I almost couldn't save my life.

 At that time, people were transferred to wait for Xin Pei to rob the warehouse. He didn't have to put himself in danger at all, but he was forced to stay there and get shot. He said that staying at the crime scene is like a fighting hero, eating for the sake of his future. A small loss is worth it. The old man was so dizzy that he followed the tyrant and vented his anger through the same nostril! You said, can you eat this gun at will? Not to mention taking the initiative to open the door and go out to eat, how brave is this?! How thrilling is this?!! Even though I'm wearing a bulletproof vest, doesn't it hurt when the bullet hits my body?

 Jia Jinping thought bitterly and lamented again: However, it is really fun to follow Jianming. Every day is a wonderful life with ups and downs, how can it be like now? What a pity, what a pity...

 As for Xin Pei's distress...it can no longer be described as distress but as pain and resentment...Xin Wan'er lost a leg for no apparent reason because she spilled a cup of milk tea on Mu Yao. Even if she knew it was Jian Ming who did it, what could she do?

 Jian Ming still couldn't understand his hatred, so he forced him to take this "accident" as an opportunity to go undercover in City A, and help him manage his private vault: the 25 tons of "robbed" heroin. Clean up the remnants of Zeng Kun, and at the same time accept the group of "defeated" people in City B, stay in the development base of City A for a long time, and explore the intelligence of underground organizations in the east and west.

 While Xin Pei ordered his men to follow the simple instructions and give free heroin to Zeng Kun's daughter who was not killed in the bombing, he was furious and resentful. Everyone was bleached and promoted, and only he was still able to do so. Suffering in this dark hard labor, but can he take revenge? He didn't even dare to express his dissatisfaction. It wasn't that he was afraid of death, but that offending Jian Jian was more terrifying than death... Without strong political backing and legal cover, any force is vulnerable, and these guarantees can only be provided by Jian Jian.

 This simple planning and manipulation used the public security forces of City B to clear out underground organizations in City A and successfully defeated the political forces of City A and the XX provincial government through the "robbed" drugs and the results of the cleanup. This tactic of retreating to advance, killing people with a borrowed knife, letting the golden cicada escape from its shell, and easily eradicating dissidents is undoubtedly successful, but its ruthlessness and superb layout also frightened Xin Pei again.

 Early the next morning, Mu Yao suddenly had an impulse and pushed the man lying in bed next to him: "You are not the leader of the underworld, and you are not in the police or political circles, so what do you do?"

 "Huh?" The man turned over in a daze, hugged the boy, and tried to continue dozing off: "I'm in business, what else can I do?"

 Mu Yao pinched the skin of his arm and pinched it hard: "Business? I think you will fool me again with your nonsense."

 "Ah!" Jian Ming woke up immediately after feeling the pain. He blinked inexplicably, "He is indeed a businessman. I am still bruised and bruised by your pinch the day before yesterday. How can I dare to lie again?"

 "Impossible!" Mu Yao glared and threatened fiercely: "Are you still not honest? Are you itchy again?! Do you want to tell me, are you black or white?"

 "I can't explain clearly..." Jian Ming was timid and unable to argue: "They are both, but they are neither. What do you want me to say?"

 "Forget it," Mu Yao waved his hand to get out of bed: "Go back to your room to sleep tonight, and don't bother me in the future."

 "Wait a minute, wait a minute, let me tell you, you are nice to others," Jian Ming said feeling aggrieved, "Why are you so cruel to me?"

 "Do you have any objections?" Mu Yao turned back with a pleasant look.

 "No, no, how could I have an opinion? Even if I did, I would agree with it." Jian Ming swore in fear.

 "Then tell me quickly." Mu Yao glanced at him arrogantly.

 Jian Ming sighed with a headache, and suddenly felt happy in his heart: "Hui, that's all I can say."

 "Gray?" Mu Yao didn't know why.

 "Well, gray..." Jian Ming smiled, that was his favorite color. Complex, neutral, flexible, deep, mysterious, covering everything, it is the indispensable containment and coordination between black and white. There is never a deadlock here, but there is endless space for galloping: "By the way, there is an old man today. This guy comes to ask me to play golf, you go with me."

 "Old guy?" Mu Yao was successfully diverted: "Who is it?"

 "Yes, acquaintance," Jian Ming got up and went to wash his face, almost forgetting about it: "A friend of Mr. Jia Jinping's family, passing by City B to see me." Most likely he came to thank himself for helping them clean up the pile in XX Province Damn it, these old guys on the political stage, to prove that they are still strong, are always looking for trouble. Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. However, where in this world is it not the same? Wherever there are people, there will be strife and oppression, and there will be endless political struggles.

 Mu Yao was lying idle under the sun umbrella drinking juice, occasionally glancing at Jian Jing chatting with the old man on the grass, swinging the pole a few times, which made him want to doze off, he was so bored.

 "Jian Ming, you don't plan to enter politics?" The old man stared at Jian Ming. The small eyes behind his reading glasses were not easy for others to see clearly, but he always looked at others.

 Jian Jian made a move: "You know I have never had this intention," he said with a smile: "Besides, my lover would not agree. I am already busy enough now and don't have much time to spend with him."

 "Oh, haha," the old man looked at Mu Yao in the distance and smiled knowingly: "Young lovers are so enviable." Jian Ming's answer just now made him feel a little regretful and more at ease. This man If you get involved in politics, you'll be in trouble.

 "Ha," Jian Ming also looked at Mu Yao. That little pig could sleep anywhere now. He said apologetically: "Old sir, I'm afraid I can't stay with you any longer today. My wife is not feeling well and I need to send him back to rest." ."

 "Oh, okay," the old man said kindly and kindly, "Then you go about your business first, and we'll talk another day."

 Jian Ming smiled and nodded goodbye, then walked towards Mu Yao. The old man kept watching Jian Ming walk away with Mu Yao in his arms until their backs disappeared...

 He turned back to look at the setting sun heading west and suddenly felt an inappropriate sigh: Existence is reasonable, formal systems are often just formalities, social order prescribed by law has become empty words, and the normal operation of the state machine often requires a lot of delegitimation. Power, this power is the underground force. This is a means of governance that cannot be openly promoted but is effective. This is especially true of the political structure of contemporary China.

 However, any force is a double-edged sword. If it is not channeled and restricted and allowed to develop freely, it will harm the ruler himself. However, this kind of control cannot be directly implemented in the name of the government, and government rule can never penetrate the edges and cracks of society. Only through Jian Jian, an iron-blooded schemer, can mediate between the two, borrowing their names when necessary. Only by reaching a black-white alliance can the purpose of utilization and checks and balances be fully realized.

 There are very few people who are qualified for this kind of responsibility. Looking at the world, there are only a handful of them. They must have the survival concept of wandering clouds and wild cranes, and they must also have the bloodthirsty and cruelty of chasing and hunting, and they will always face the huge crisis of killing birds and hiding bows. Jian Ming is a person who can not only stand firm and act freely in this kind of crisis but can also solve countless thorny problems with ease and overwhelming force. It's simply an anomaly.

 The boy just now was not only his son but also the love he had forcibly possessed by any means. Jian Jian brought him out in such a grand manner. It was a clever trick that exposed his shortcomings. It was also the most roundabout and profound scheming of those who conspired with the tiger. In the wind and cloud, In the ever-changing torrent of power, amazing courage and courage alone are far from enough...

 "Chief, you've been standing for too long, why don't you take a rest?" The orderly next to him interrupted the old man's thoughts.

 "Hehe," the old man said with a self-deprecating smile, "I'm so old, I've lost my wits."

 "No way," the orderly said with a smile, "If I could have such a great body and such a refreshing spirit like you when I get older, I'd love to be old."

 "Hey, today's little furry kids are better at talking than each other," the old man said with emotion: "They are much better than our generation."

 "No way? What was your life like?" The orderly helped the old man and slowly walked away talking and laughing in the sunset.


番外烈焰燃情 B结局

During the summer vacation of their junior year, the school required Mu Yao and the others to find internships in their units.

 When Jian Ming came back in the evening, Mu Yao briefly told him: "Jian, please introduce me to a company for an internship."

 "The school just wants a certificate, right? I'll give it to you after the holidays." Jian Jian put down his briefcase and went to find clothes to take a shower while talking. The summer in City B is hot enough, and Mu Yao doesn't like to turn on the air conditioner in the living room. So it's still hot when we get home.

 "No," Mu Yao followed him into the room: "It's so boring to be at home during the summer vacation. Besides, I also want to do some exercise."

 "Exercise?" Jian Ming stood up with his clothes and asked curiously: "Can't you just go to my place to exercise?"

 "I'm not going to your place," Mu Yao curled his lips and said, "Assistant Zhang's bark face makes me sick to my stomach just looking at it." Going to Jianming Company, isn't just like home? You definitely won't be able to experience the real internship experience.

 "Then go to the subsidiary company," Jian Ming carefully avoided the sensitive topic of Assistant Zhang and walked to the bathroom as he said, "Let's go next month. The weather is too hot now."

 "I won't go to the company under your name." Mu Yao yelled, "I'm not here for fun, I want to do an internship."

 "Why is it not an internship if you go to my place?" Jian Ming was blocked by the little scoundrel at the bathroom door and couldn't get in. He was sweating profusely because of the heat: "Can I take a shower first?"

 "No," Mu Yao grabbed the door frame and said, "You promise to let me go somewhere else to take a shower."

 "No," Jian Ming simply walked back: "Go to those shabby places and wait for others to come to you for nagging you?"

 "You!" Mu Yao lamented, why is this person still insisting on that matter after so long? Knowing that he couldn't stand up to this bastard, he rushed forward to stop Jian Ming, threw himself into the man's arms, thrust and rocked him, and said coquettishly: "Oh, Jian, just let me go, okay?"

 "...Are you hot?" Jian Ming frowned and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The noisy little octopus in his arms was clinging to him and he couldn't pull it away.

 "Hehe... agreed? Huh?" Hearing the man's tone loosen, Mu Yao raised his face with a smile.

 "Then let's go to Morimoto Pharmaceutical," Jian Jing rubbed the furry little head on his chest and gave in reluctantly: "Can I take a shower now?"

 Mu Yao hugged the man's waist tightly and still didn't let go, pouting: "Isn't that Lu Sen's newly opened pharmaceutical factory?"

 "That's right, it's Lu Sen's, not mine, and it fully meets your requirements." Jian Ming simply picked up the boy, covered him tightly nestled him on the sofa, and said with a sly smile: "It's not bad to hold the beauty in the sauna."

 Mu Yao was covered in hot sweat by him, couldn't help but jump up, and said angrily: "Okay, okay, let's go to Lu Sen's." After that, he quickly ran into the bathroom and closed the door.

 Jian Ming stood outside the door, covered in water and sweat, and knocked: "Xiaoyao, what are you doing? Let me go in and take a shower."

 Mu Yao soaked in the cold water comfortably and said leisurely: "You? Go back to the sofa and use the sauna."

 The financial office of Moriyuan Pharmaceutical is proportional to the office building and is quite spacious. The supervisor is an aunt in her forties, and the accountant, Uncle Chen, is in his late fifties and is kind and easy-going. There were also a few young people who had just graduated from college, and they got along well with Mu Yao. Maybe Lu Sen didn't tell him anything in particular, but Uncle Chen didn't treat him differently from others, which made Mu Yao feel relaxed and at ease.

 Mu Yao has not seen Lu Sen for nearly half a month. Thinking of Lu Sen always reminds him of YY. Mu Yao lies on the large bay window of the finance room and looks at the billowing white smoke rising from the chimney of the factory in the distance. …

 I don't know how YY is doing inside now. He is not looking forward to meeting YY. A friendship has passed to this day. There is no difference between seeing and not meeting, but there are always some lingering thoughts in my heart that I can't let go of. His delicate face with a knowing smile, his clear brown eyes with sparkling light, and the bleak years of supporting each other that can never be erased...

 A truck stopped in front of the factory, presumably to pick up goods. Mu Yao was idly about to turn around and clear his desk. The day passed in a flash, and he was about to leave work again. But suddenly he saw a small car following behind the truck. The door opened and Lu Sen was getting out of it. It had been a long time since he drove the black BENZ with the eye-catching license plate, and his dressing style became more and more like a successful businessman. Mu Yao paused, then ran downstairs and caught up with Lu Sen who was about to enter the warehouse.

 "Are you used to it here?" Lu Sen's sense of smell was still very sensitive. He stopped a dozen steps away and turned around to wait for Mu Yao to come closer.

 "Hmm..." Mu Yao leaned over but didn't know what to say. He wanted to ask him about something, but then he realized that Lu Sen might not care about YY, so he hesitated and stayed silent for a while.

 Lu Sen looked at him and saw that he didn't continue to speak, so he said, "Let's talk about it after we come in, it's very sunny." Then he took the lead and walked into the warehouse.

 Mu Yao followed hesitantly. This was the first time he entered Moriyuan's warehouse. The interior was cool and spacious, and the light was dim. The heat that had just accumulated under the sun quickly disappeared without a trace.

 "I went to see him once," Lu Sen sat on a chair, directing the truck driver to take the warehouse workers to load the goods, and said to Mu Yao: "The prison guard said that he did not accept visits and that he was doing fine in there. ."

 "Oh..." Mu Yao smiled and stared at his toes. He can understand YY's mood.

 "Thank you." There was nothing more to ask. After Mu Yao finished speaking, he wanted to leave, but he saw a worker carrying a box tripped on the padding beside the aisle. He lost his balance and fell forward, with the carton in his hand also falling. Then it cracked open, and packets of white powder sealed in transparent plastic bags fell out.

 The worker was frightened. When he saw the warehouse manager yelling at him and walking toward him, he immediately stood up and said, "I'll repack the boxes right away." He hurriedly picked up the goods on the floor.

 Mu Yao instantly became suspicious. He took two steps forward to take a closer look at the plastic bags. His heart tightened. Senyuan Pharmaceutical was a large manufacturer approved by the state to produce analgesics, but the contents in the bags were not medicinal morphine, and the analgesics required Even if it is made into a finished medicine and shipped away, it will not be packaged in such crude packaging.

 "What are those?" He returned to Lu Sen and asked softly.

 "Scrap, send it to the garbage disposal station for destruction." Lu Sen glanced at him and wrote lightly.

 Mu Yao did not continue to ask, and after saying goodbye, he walked past the security guard at the door. He always thought that Lu Sen had washed his hands and washed his hands, but it turned out that he had just transferred the underground "business" to the ground, and changed "import and sales" to "self-produced and sold" …

 Passing the large truck beside him, the boy's eyes involuntarily slid across the container truck, where boxes of legally produced "waste" were piled high and orderly. He looked again at the giant chimney above the factory building, looking at the billowing smoke column rolled straight up into the blue sky, and I was so confused that I couldn't express it...

 "Jian... let's go to Luming Ridge tomorrow?" Mu Yao lazily snuggled into the man's arms and watched TV. Luming Ridge is a famous mountain in the neighboring county. It is quite high and the scenery is said to be unsatisfactory. It was named because of the temple on the top of the mountain. , the rumors are very effective.

 Jian Ming put down the newspaper and said in surprise: "What's there to do there? You're going to do an internship, otherwise we can go on a trip."

 "I want to go," Mu Yao scratched the man's palm: "I'll go traveling after my internship. I want to go to Luming Ridge tomorrow."

 "...You can go if you want," Jian Ming continued to read the newspaper. The boy always liked to have some strange ideas. He had long been accustomed to it. He said casually: "I heard that the road to the top of the mountain is not easy to get into."

 "Let's climb up." Mu Yao said nonchalantly. Of course, you have to be pious when praying to God.

 "Climb up?" Jian Ming looked suspicious, staring at the shapeless boy leaning on him: "Just you? Haven't you always been able to lie down or sit down, or sit up or down? Do you think that is a small slope?"

 "What about me?" the boy said angrily, "You said I can't climb up?"

 "You can climb up, you can climb up." Jian Ming immediately called a truce. He had never won this kind of "contradiction among the people" anyway, so he might as well save some energy.

 At around ten o'clock the next morning, the two of them arrived at the foot of Luming Mountain. After being pointed out by someone, they found a climbing shortcut paved with bluestones. Mu Yao happily climbed up. Within half an hour, he was out of breath and had cramps in his calf, and collapsed on the roadside. Direct irrigation.

 Jian Ming laughed at him: "I told you not to run so fast. It takes at least three hours to climb this mountain. If you are like this, even if you go up, you won't have the energy to come down."

 Mu Yao breathed heavily: "You won't carry me down?"

 Jian Ming was at a loss for words and scolded with a smile: "...you pig."

 "Aren't you happy?" The boy stared at him with his eyes widened.

 "... Of course, I'm happy to." Jian Ming helped him up and said helplessly, "Let's go. If you sit down again, you can go down the mountain directly."

 The two of them "trudged" to the top of the mountain. It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon. Mu Yao saw a flat boulder sticking out from the roadside in front of him. He immediately threw away Jian Ming's hand and ran over to spread it out in a big Chinese character. The refreshing mountain breeze blew in his face. When he came, his sweat-drenched clothes puffed up with small sails, and the rocks under him were cool and cool to relieve the heat. He sighed happily: "It's so comfortable, I won't climb here anymore."

 Jian Ming sat down next to him: "Why don't you go to the temple on the top of the mountain? That temple seems to have some teachings."

 "No, just here..." Mu Yao stared at the solemn and simple temple door in front of him and said softly. Tourists who came to offer incense in twos and threes passed by them and then climbed up, turned a corner, and entered the temple gate.

 ...It would be blasphemous for me to go in... Mu Yao murmured: God, if you exist, looking down at all the people in the dark, can you please... forgive my father? Fault...Although he is not a good person, he is not unforgivable...If you want to punish him, please blame me...I just ask you to let us live in peace in this life...depend on each other and never be separated. …

 Jian Ming looked down at the boy's thoughtful face, glanced at the mountain gate, and turned around and said, "Get up and change clothes before lying down. Don't catch a cold."

 "Well," the boy pursed his lips and smiled, "I want to eat."

 Jian Ming pulled up the hem of his T-shirt and took it off over his head, wiped the sweat, and put on dry clothes: "I only have bread and mineral water, and I don't want to go to the mall to buy something in the morning."

 "Bread is bread." Mu Yao rummaged through his backpack, took it out, and stuffed it into his mouth eagerly. He was hungry and tired, and he really couldn't climb this mountain without being sincere.

 Jian Ming handed him a bottle of water, and the two of them finished eating the bread and started going down the mountain. It would be too late and the mountain road would be unsafe.

 After walking for a while, Mu Yao began to moan and groan. He had exhausted all his strength going up the mountain, and his legs were as unruly as wooden sticks: "Take a rest before walking."

 "You won't have to rest until night. It's a three-hour journey so you can rest until three in the afternoon before going up." Jian Jian walked down two steps and stretched out his hand behind him: "Come up."

 Mu Yao smiled and leaned forward: "I didn't ask you to carry it."

 "Not yet?" Jian Ming picked up the pig on his back and said through gritted teeth, "You made up your mind to torment me yesterday, right?"

 Mu Yao hugged the man's neck tightly, burying his cheek deeply into the warmth of the other's neck. The familiar and refreshing smell of the man's sweat rippled on the tip of his nose with steady steps and slowly seeped into his heart. His eyes were sour and hot, and he choked out. : "When I was a child...you never carried me on your back...other children...dad always carried me on my back when I went out..."

 Jian Ming paused, smiled slightly, and said softly: "From now on, Daddy will carry you on his back, okay?"

 "Well..." Mu Yao grinned sweetly, and two cool tears quietly rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

 The gentle setting sun and lingering mountain breeze pass through the dense branches and leaves on the roadside, whispering uncontrollably, telling this affectionate, cool summer story.