Courageous Sacrifice

October 10th- Year X764

A pair of humans were currently running through a forested area. The man of the duo was about six feet in height and had long, spiky, blonde hair. His eyes were a deep alluring cerulean blue. He wore a dark blue, long sleeved shirt and pants, along with a pair of similarly colored sandals.Over that he wore a white cloak with red flames along the hem of the cloak.

The woman was a beautiful red head, her hair extending well past her waist. She had grey colored eyes and wore a black top with long orange sleeves and a black skirt which ended just above her knees. She wore a pair of brown boots and a wristband which had a small charm on it in the shape of a red spiral. In her arms was a small orange bundle. Behind them, the loud roars of the Lizardmen were heard.

Lizardmen were large, humanoid lizards that were capable of copying another person's magic by merely seeing the magic. Of course, once a Lizardman has copied a magic, it cannot copy any other magic as is permanently stuck with using only that particular magic.

Suddenly a bolt of yellow lightning shot forth from the depths of the forest and struck the man on his left shoulder. A loud scream pain was elicited from the man as a result.

"Minato-kun, are you okay?" the woman asked. The blonde man, Minato Namikaze, nodded as he held his smoking shoulder.

"Hai, Kushina-chan...Kuso, those Lizardmen sure know how to use my Lightning Make that they copied" Minato said. The woman, Kushina Uzumaki, nodded.

"They even managed to copy Blades Magic!" Kushina said, her statement proven to be true as a sword suddenly appeared out of the brush, impaling itself in a tree to their left. However, before the duo could get any farther, three blue scaled reptiles appeared in front of them.

These were different from your average lizards however, for they were built like humans, were very muscular and covered in hard blue scales. Their golden, cat-like eyes stared at the two humans in front of them as they neared them.

Minato gritted his teeth before clapping his hands together.

"KIIROI SENKO!" the blonde was suddenly encased in an aura of lightning-like energy before vanishing in a flash of yellow, a few sparks of electricity hovering over his previous location. Minato suddenly appeared in front of one of the Lizardmen and punched it in the face sending it careening through the air before avoiding the punch from the second one.

He then leaped over the third's kick before grabbing its leg and swinging it into the second Lizardmen. Both humanoid reptiles soared, crashing into a tree before Minato appeared above them with a glowing blue sphere in hand.

"ENERGY MAGIC: RASENGAN!" Minato slammed the energy sphere atop the two Lizardmen and shredded their bodies. Kushina then back flipped away from the first Lizardman Minato had punched away before slamming her hand on the ground.

"BLADES MAGIC: SPEAR!" an iron spear suddenly erupted out of the ground and impaled the Lizardman through its heart, effectively killing it. Minato and Kushina continued to run before eyeing the bundle in the red haired woman's arms.

"How is he?" Minato asked. Kushina pulled back the cloth slightly and sighed in relief.

"He's okay...he's okay" she grinned. However, after a few more minutes of running before the roars of Lizardmen became closer. Both humans looked back to spy the entire pack of Lizardmen gaining on them.

"Kuso" Minato cursed as he ducked beneath a lightning bolt from one of the Lizardmen before twisting to avoid the flying sword that was thrown by another. Minato turned and his hands became encased in lightning.

"KUSHINA, TAKE NARUTO AND RUN, I'LL HOLD THEM OFF!" Minato yelled. Kushina's eyes widened at that.

"NANI? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU'LL DIE!" Kushina said, "THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM!" Minato then turned his head and stared at her with fierce blue eyes. Her body seemed to freeze when she saw those eyes, the eyes of the great Yellow Flash, one of the most powerful mages of this generation.

"GO KUSHINA-CHAN!" Minato yelled as he readied himself to fight the onslaught of Lizardmen. Kushina turned, tears falling down her face no matter how hard she tried to stop them from flowing.

"YOU BETTER COME BACK TO ME, YOU HEAR ME MINATO!" Minato looked back at her and gave her a wide grin and a thumbs up.

"I promise" he replied. Kushina nodded before running on ahead with the bundle in her arms. Minato's electrically charged hands then began to glow brighter as he clapped his hands together. The army of Lizardmen halted as they saw Minato and prepared to fight. One of them spied Kushina running off before turning to the largest of the Lizardmen which appeared to be their leader.

"Leader-sama, the girl is running off with the boy!" a grey lizardman spoke.

"Well go after it, kill this pitiful human before us as well" the large red scaled lizardman spoke. The other Lizardmen ran forth to kill Minato so they could hurry after Kushina. Minato's eyes snapped open before he clapped his hands together.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: HEAVEN'S ARROWS!" Minato thrust his arms forward and multiple lightning bolts in the shape of arrows, raced through the air. They impaled and electrocuted the Lizardmen that were hit by the lightning magic attack before they fell to the ground, dead. The red Lizardman growled in anger.

"ATTACK, KILL HIM!" the Lizardmen obeyed their leader before charging. Minato smirked as he got into a fighting stance and then stomped his right foot on the ground before rotating and slamming a strong kick to the chest of one opponent.

He then leaned back to avoid the claw swipe from another before grabbing the outstretched arm and used it to swing up and kick the attacker in its snout. Minato used the force of the kick to back flip before landing on the ground and slammed his palm on the ground.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: DRAGON'S MAW!" a large dragon of lightning erupted out of the ground before it was cancelled out by another lightning dragon. Minato gritted his teeth as he saw the Lizardman that had copied his magic. The golden lizardman slammed its claws on the ground and the earth ripped apart as a large bolt of lightning tore through said earth.

Minato held up his hand, his index and middle fingers extended, and caught the lightning on his fingers. He then moved his arm in a series of movements before moving his other arm and then stretching it outwards.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: HEAVEN'S ARROWS!" The bolts of lightning had been redirected and it tore through a few other Lizardmen. Minato ducked beneath the swipe of another opponent before lashing out with a spin kick, the reptile's ribs releasing a satisfying crack.

Minato spun again and dropped down a harsh axe kick to the Lizardman's head sending it to the ground before leaping into the air to avoid a lightning bolt from another Lizardman that was fortunate to copy the man's magic.

Minato landed on the ground before vanishing in a flash of yellow and slammed a Rasengan into the Lizardman's stomach sending it spiraling into five others. He then clapped his hands together.