A Dragon's Makeover

The two traversed the streets of Clover Town, Ayame leading the prideful blonde towards the nearest clothes shop. Naruto paused and seemed to shudder inwardly when he stopped in front of the shop. The shop was a horrible, disgusting, positively frightening shade of...pink. Naruto's sixth sense for danger kicked in and he suddenly began to back away from the store as if it was going to eat him.

Ayame grabbed the boy and literally dragged him through the door. The bell that hung behind the door, rung loudly and suddenly a little girl with bubblegum pink hair and green eyes appeared out from behind the counter. She looked to be the same age as Naruto and wore a pair of blue sandals, red pants and a blue t-shirt. A red ribbon was worn in her hair. She then ran over to a nearby door.

"KAA-CHAN, WE HAVE CUSTOMERS!" she called out.

"I'LL BE RIGHT DOWN, SAKURA!" the female voice of the young girl's mother echoed through the hallway on the other side of the door. Naruto cringed inwardly, his sensitive sense of hearing made their voices sound more deafening that they originally were. The young girl, now identified as Sakura, walked up to Naruto and tilted her head in confusion at Naruto.

"Why aren't you wearing any clothes?" she asked.

"I am wearing clothes" he gestured to the pair of pants he was currently wearing.

"Yeah, but you have no shirt...or shoes...or a pretty ribbon in your hair like me" Naruto sweatdropped.

"I'm a boy, I don't wear ribbons" the blonde deadpanned. The door within the store opened and the children's attention became focused on the owner of the store. She was a pink haired woman with emerald green eyes and thus it was shown where the dominant gene for Sakura's genotype and phenotype lay. She wore a pretty red dress and some black high heels. A silver wedding ring was worn on her right hand.

"Hello, welcome to Haruno's. I am Seiko Haruno and owner of this establishment. How may I help you?" the woman asked with a smile. Ayame smiled warmly at the woman before pointing at the blue eyed boy.

"He needs clothes" the pink haired woman frowned when she saw the boy was clad only in a pair of pants and nodded.

"Don't worry, I've got the just the thing for this boy" Seiko said before going into the children's section of the store. "HOW OLD ARE YOU?" she yelled.

"SIX!" Naruto hollered back for the woman to hear him. Seiko nodded before going over to some other pieces of clothing and took out the outfit she had chosen for the son of a dragon. She smiled as she bent down and handed the boy his clothes.

"However, before I have you try them on...you look very dirty" she pointed to the numerous amounts of dust and dirt covering his skin, "Bath time!" Naruto tilted his head.

"What's a bath?"


A few minutes later, after Naruto had his bath, which to his surprise, was actually very cool. He got to splash around in this large bowl thing called a bathtub. His hair was cleaned with this weird thing called shampoo, but it didn't taste as good as it had smelled.

"The bottle lies" he had said when he had pointed to the Johnson's shampoo bottle which had a large NO TEARS label on it. The thing got in his eyes and he was very sure that tears came out from how badly his eyes stung.

He then sniffed himself after he was soaped down and he couldn't believe that he could smell this good. He was given this odd utensil called a toothbrush which, apparently, was able to clean his teeth with this minty tasting thing called toothpaste. Of course, having learned his lesson with the shampoo and the soap, he decided NOT to eat it.

After that, he was given the clothes to try on and a few seconds later he stepped out of the bathroom with his new clothes. He was now wearing a black, long sleeved t-shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. He was also wearing a pair of white socks which reached up to his ankles, but were hidden by the new pair of black boots he was wearing. Naruto looked at himself in the mirror and smirked.

"Not bad, not bad at all" he complimented. He turned to Seiko, "Arigato, Haruno-san...how much?" The woman waved her hand.

"No problem, this outfit is on the house...it's free" she clarified for him when she saw his confused look. Ayame sighed in relief because even if it was a child's clothes, clothing in Clover Town tended be slightly overpriced.

"Arigato, Haruno-san" he bowed politely before leaving the store with Ayame. Sakura watched the blonde boy's retreating back before looking up at the older woman.

"Kaa-chan, do you think he'll come back?" Sakura asked.

"We'll see, dear" she stroked her daughter's head, "Now come on, we have to help you get ready for Ino-chan's birthday tomorrow".



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