The Truth of Dragons

Acnologia and Naruto's Den

Acnologia lay in his den, snoring peacefully. However, the sound of swirling wind caused the dragon to raise its head, shining white eyes snapping open. Acnologia was actually a very light sleeper despite him being a creature that required many hours of sleep. The Black Dragon stared as the wind began to swirl into a twister in one specific area of the den before it dispersed to reveal his son and his Exceed partner.

"So...what is it you wanted to tell me?" The blonde asked. The Black Dragon watched the fox costume wearing cat before looking at him.

"Exceed, leave the den."

"Huh? Why? I wanna know too." Kurama whined. The Black Dragon growled before unleashing a roar.

"Do not make me repeat myself, Exceed. Leave my presence. This is something meant only for Naruto's ears." Kurama shrunk away from the beast before nodding and flying out of the den. Acnologia paused before looking around.

The Black Dragon sniffed the air before nodding and then raised his right forelimb. He slammed his claws into the earth and suddenly a black magic seal appeared beneath them. Naruto and Kurama looked at the black light in confusion before it died down.

"What was that for?" Naruto asked. "That was a high concentration of magic power too...What did you need to use such a large amount for?"

"Please, I barely required any magic power to cast such a simple spell. The spell I just used was a Silencing-Barrier Spell. It allows no one outside of the magic seal's diameter to hear what we are saying and it also grants us invisibility to any onlookers. It also doubles as a sort of barrier so that anyone who was not in the magic seal at the time of its activation cannot enter. Kurama cannot enter"

"Okay. So, Tou-san...what's the point of all this?" The boy obviously wanted to understand the reasoning behind Acnologia's wanting to see him alone and whenever a situation required these circumstances it was always a serious matter that the dragon wished to discuss.

"I am about to tell you is a secret known to no human or beast. It is a secret known only to us dragons." Acnologia said.

"What secret?" Naruto asked.

"You must swear upon your heart, take the Oath of the Dragon...that you will NEVER utter a word about what you have heard to anyone else. Not even your fellow Dragonslayers, should you find them or should you deem them worthy of hearing information of this magnitude. You do not speak of this. Do you understand, Naruto?" The blonde nodded.

The oath of the Dragon was the equivalent of a blood oath made by humans or the swearing by the River Styx from Greek Mythology. Whenever you make one, you cannot break the promise that you made.

"So...what is it that you wish to speak about?" Acnologia sighed before turning to the pile of sticks in the corner of the den. The dragon put the pile between himself and Naruto before raising two claws and created friction between them. The sparks that flew out from the friction caused the wood to burst into flames thus providing a light source within the darkness of the den.

"The Origins of the Dragonslayer." Acnologia stated. Naruto's eyes widened. He had always wondered why dragons would train humans in the art of how to kill their own kind, but he never received an answer from the Black Dragon despite the numerous times he had asked over the past few years.

"The...Origins...of the Dragonslayer?" Naruto asked. Acnologia nodded.

"Are you willing to listen because I am not going to repeat myself. If you have questions, make sure they are worth answering for I will not tolerate stupidity from you, even if you are my son." Acnologia said. Naruto nodded.

"I will listen, Tou-san." The dragon nodded to the blonde before the dragon looked into the yellow flames.

"I will start from the beginning of it all...before even I, the great Acnologia, was born." He began.

"Dragons have existed since the beginning of the universe. Among the dragons, there were several classes. There were ordinary dragons, those who are unable to use magic and are, in a nutshell, the 'civilians' of the dragon homeland. Then there were those who were able to use magic, the Kensai or Gifted."

"Then among the Kensai, you had those were able to specialize in single or various fields of magic. Though many dragons could use the same type of magic, the same as how you humans are able to perform the same types of magic through your affinity for a certain magic, we dragons had leaders amongst our fields."

"The greatest of these specialized Kensai, were those who mastered the elements of nature. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Sky, Metal...the list of these great dragons could go on for an indefinite amount of time. These dragons were known as the Genso, the Elementals"

"Were there any dragons above the Genso?" Naruto asked, "Because obviously, it seems as if Igneel-teme and the others are the Genso"

"You assumptions are correct. Igneel and the other dragons who have dragonslayers are the ones who are usually members of the Genso. As to answer your question, yes...there are those above the Genso. The ones above the Genso in the hierarchy of dragon magic were the Yin-Yang Dragons. These dragons are always twin dragons. These dragons govern the higher elements, Light and Darkness. They help to keep balance in the universe"

"But Tou-san, if these Yin-Yang Dragons govern over Balance...then if one kills the other, wouldn't it cause one element to overpower the other?" Naruto asked his draconian parent.

"The Yin-Yang Dragons know of that fact, however that is why they are born with the ability to become immune to one another's elements. The enemy of Darkness is Light and the enemy of Light is Darkness. Thus they are weak against one another, but they know one cannot exist without the other."

"As a result, the twins cannot do anything that will disrupt that balance. Now above the Yin-Yang Dragons are the ones who have been blessed by the gods themselves. These dragons were given powers that govern over the very laws of the universe. Time, Void, Force and Energy. These four are the ones who rule over the dragon homeland and are known as the Divine, and it is out of these four Divine that the Dragon King is chosen."

"All four of these dragons are siblings, but are not quadruplets for the dragon ruler is determined by age and the eldest is made king and his siblings made his Council of first Dragon King had been gifted with Force Magic. Though, it is possible for the Dragon King to be challenged for his title, but there was never a time that had ever occurred for the Dragon King is given the strength of the previous kings"


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