The Dragon King's Hunt

"Wait, what about my friends...won't they age?" Naruto asked. Acnologia nodded.

"They will, but remember what I said...time passes faster in this dimension I made. Your friends may not have even realized a day has passed in comparison to how long you would have appeared to have remained here"

"Question?" Kurama asked for permission knowing full well he only allowed Naruto to interrupt him, but even then, the blonde was reprimanded for doing so in the end. Acnologia nodded.

"Speak, Exceed"

"Will it only be you and Naruto that will not be affected by the aging process in here or am I safe too?" Acnologia nodded.

"Your body will not be affected by the aging process just as mine and Naruto's will not be affected." The dragon answered. Kurama nodded before looking at the blonde Dragonslayer.

"Brat, I'm gonna kick your ass for so many years you won't be know it's been years"

"Please. Fluff Ball, go chase a mouse. I am a dragon, I cannot be defeated by the likes of you" Acnologia roared to stop the bickering between his son and the Exceed before snarling.

"Are you both ready?" Acnologia roared.

"Bring it on!" The two shouted simultaneously.

"Good...because...YOUR TRAINING BEGINS NOW!"


July 7th-X777

The wind howled as it moved through the air. The sound of wings beating against the wind filled the air, replacing the howling. The beast growled before descending upon the desert sands. A large amount of the combination of silt and weathered rocks were cast aside as the beast's wings gave one single flap to aid in slowing its descent.

It growled before bending its head. Two figures jumped off of the beast's head. One figure was taller than the other, hitting the sands while the other suddenly sprouted a pair of wings and floated above the sands.

"Guess this is where we part ways, eh...Tou-san?" The taller figure asked as he turned to the beast. The figure had the appearance of a young, thirteen year old boy. He had spiky blonde locks and cerulean blue eyes. Three whisker marks adorned each cheek. His skin was slightly tanned and his body was lean, with barely, if not any, fat present.

He wore a black, long sleeved t-shirt with blue patterns on it that made it look like small wisps of flame. He wore a pair of dark blue pants and a pair of white socks with black boots. Around his neck was a necklace with a golden flame charm on it. He wore a dark green backpack which was obviously filled with numerous supplies due to its bulging appearance.

The shorter figure was a red furred cat with black fur where its eyes were. Said eyes were a crimson colour with black, vertical slits. The cat had black claws on its paws and a long, red, fox-like tail which poked through a hole in the kitsune-like costume it was wearing. The head of the cat was covered by the hood of its kitsune themed costume, shielding it from the blazing sun.

The beast they were talking to was Acnologia, the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse.

Acnologia nodded to his son.

"Aye and I held on to my oath. I have told you why the Dragon King's eyes have been set on me and how...are you satisfied with my response?" The dragon asked. Naruto nodded.

"Hard to believe that you were..."

"For a pitiful, weak human as yourself...yes, it would be hard to believe." Acnologia snorted. Naruto growled at his surrogate father.

"As if I'm weak, I did what most couldn't do in their entire life time!" The dragon grinned widely.

"That you I would expect from dragonslayer." The Black Dragon smirked at the blonde as he smirked back. There was a sudden silence in the air as father and son stared at one another. Naruto looked down at his feet, finding the sand very interesting for some reason. Acnologia sighed.

"So do you miss them yet?" The Black Dragon asked. Naruto frowned, but shook his head.

"Though we had to leave and you let me say my goodbyes...I did what you told me to do. Though at first...I did feel sad, because I had to leave them...angry, because you made me do that...confused, because I didn't know why I had to let them go, but...I realize why now. I am your son...if people found out and they knew I had connections they would use them against me" Naruto sighed before looking back up with an emotionless gaze.

"I let go of my attachments to them and now all I have is Kurama" Naruto said. Acnologia nodded.


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