Naruto's Fury

"Are you sure? You're rather slow sometimes when it comes to finding things, even with your Listening Magic." A second male voice spoke. The second figure was a taller boy of at least fifteen years old. He had black and blonde hair in which the blonde hairs were were styled into a mohawk. His eyebrows were rather long, protruding past the skull by quite a few inches.

They were also blonde. He had an even skin tone and wore a pair of grey sunglasses with black lenses. On his chin was some sort of chin guard of some sort which appeared to extend from or to his sunglasses. He wore a red and white racing suit and blue and white running shoes. He was constantly moving his legs as if running in place.

"Shut up, Racer! Cobra, just hurry up and find whoever it is Master was looking for. Is she here?" This voice was feminine. Wendy spied the source of the voice and found it to be the lone female in the group. She had white hair that framed her face and reached just past her chin. A few strands of her hair had been made into a makeshift halo shape.

She wore a pair of white boots and seemed to have a pair of large, feathery, white wings extending out of her body which reminded the Sky Dragonslayer of Kurama's wings. Her dress, which was pure white and made entirely of feathers, had a V-shaped split in it revealing a majority of her rather sizeable bust.

Wendy frowned as she looked down at her chest.

'Why can't I have a big chest like her.' She thought.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Angel. I'm sure Cuberos will find her before Hoteye can." Cobra said with a smirk as he pointed at a feminine looking male. He looked to be around seventeen years old and had long, flowing orange hair. His face was rather angular and had many lines on it making it look like he was made of rock. He had bright blue eyes and long eyelashes, feminine looking lips and a flat nose.

He wore a loose black shirt, with light sleeves adorned by a series of dark rhombs, a large, white collar closed on the front going down to cover his shoulders and a sash tied around his waist visible under it, and simple light pants tucked inside light boots, with the parts circling his calves being reminiscent of leg warmers. Circling the young feminine male's neck was a necklace of brown beads. Tucked beneath his left arm was a red and yellow book.

'Transvestite?' Wendy thought as she looked at the person known as Hoteye.

"Please, Midnight's asleep and even he could be able to find the girl faster than your little snake." Angel snapped. Cobra hissed at the girl. Wendy continued to watch, however she suddenly felt a presence behind her and gasped when she saw a large purple anaconda with shining green eyes. It also had an eggshell white belly. The snake lunged and Wendy screamed.

"Oh yeah?" Suddenly a scream met all of their ears. The one on the flying carpet, a thirteen year old boy with a lean body structure, black spiky hair on the top, and longer, straighter white hair on the bottom. He had a set of five maroon beads on the left strand of his hair. He wore a black leather vest with white fur-like material on the collar and sleeves. He also wore a white armlet around his right bicep, and a black choker around his neck.

He wore a pair of yellow trousers with black designs on them, and burgundy boots. There were spiked bracelets on his wrists and skull earrings on his ears. Though his head was bent down, Wendy managed to catch sight of the boy wearing plum coloured lipstick. The way his body reacted to her scream told her that he seemed to remain asleep despite the loud sound.

Cobra grinned at Angel as he saw Cuberos, his pet snake, slither up to his with Wendy entrapped. Cuberos' tail was wrapped firmly around the girl's body, typing down both her hands and legs.

"LET ME GO, FUCKING BASTARDS!" The five year old growled using some coarse language she had heard Kurama say when he fought with Naruto.

"Oh such a foul mouth for one so young...hmmm blue hair, brown eyes, prominent canines...we got her." Cobra spoke with a feral grin. Cuberos hissed as it was given a pat on the head for a job well done.

"Are you sure? It's just a little girl." Racer asked.

"Positive. Master's description was very specific." Angel said as she watched the struggling Dragonslayer.

"Alright, now that we've found the Sky Dragonslayer, we can deliver her to Master and he will then use her great magic power to transfer it into ourselves and make ourselves much stronger."

"Though I wonder how he knew about her being in this forest." Hoteye mused.

"Who cares, Richard, we got her let's g-" Cobra was interrupted when a violent windstorm filled the area they were in.

(Insert Music:Fairy Tail-Dragon Slayer)

Cobra looked to see Cuberos' tail suddenly get sliced off. The snake released a hiss in pain as blood poured from the point where its tail was cut. Then they saw two figures drop down in front of Wendy.

"Who the fucking hell are you, bastard? How dare you interrupt our mission for our Master!" Cobra hissed. Cuberos joined in with the hissing as the snake's tail suddenly began to regenerate at a rapid pace.

"Are you alright, Sky Dragon?"

Wendy nodded.

"Uh huh." She replied. "Thanks for coming for me, Naruto nii!" She grinned.

Naruto nodded as his reply. Naruto quickly grabbed the young girl and placed her in a tree far above the soon-to-be battleground before vanishing and reappearing next to Kurama.

"You dare to touch my student with your filthy reptile?" Naruto growled. Angel, Cobra, Hoteye and Racer suddenly flinched as they felt a spike in the blonde's magic power. The black haired boy on the magic carpet didn't respond at all.

"Don't call Cuberos filthy you little brat!" Cobra lunged with a punch, but Naruto caught the attack, redirected it and then slammed a strong knee to Cobra's stomach. He then twisted and sent a strong upward kick to the chin. Naruto leaped up after him and grabbed him by his ankles and flipped to build momentum before slamming the older boy on the ground causing a small crater to form from the impact.

Naruto leaped into the air as he avoided Cuberos. Cuberos had bared his fangs and leaped at Naruto, but due to the blonde's dodge it continued straight towards the crimson eyed Exceed. The costumed cat's arm suddenly extended as if it were made of rubber and then slammed down on Curberos' neck, sending the violet serpent to the ground.

He then extended his arm so that the snake would slam into its master. He then kept pushing as he caused both enemies to carve a trough in the earth and ended the pushing force when he slammed them into a tree and caused the bark to break from the impact. Cobra and Cuberos groaned and hissed as they rose back up.

"He is strong for such a young boy." Hoteye complimented.

"Well he's the way...we'll have to get through this thing as we can." Racer's legs began to move at rapid speeds. Naruto and Kurama growled at the five before them.

"You lowlife humans. How dare you touch that child...I'll make sure your blood spills on this very ground!"

Wendy smiled widely at how fiercely Naruto was acting for her sake, but then gasped as she felt the large spike in magic power. It was greater than anything she or the people below her had ever felt.

Kurama glowed with crimson light and his fox costume attached to his flesh as if it were a second skin before completely bonding with him. Kurama changed into his full kitsune form, four tails swishing behind him. Naruto's head was facing downwards, his hair shadowing his eyes.

Cobra got up and rubbed his injured stomach. "Shut up you little brat. You just got a lucky punch in, besides I've hit with harder punches." Cobra said as he stood back up. Contrary to this, Cobra's stomach was actually in extreme pain.

'The brat can hit really hard!' He thought.

"Yeah, we're members of Oracion Seis. We're going to be the strongest guild in all of Fiore once we take the girl's magic power for ourselves!" Angel cried out. Naruto chuckled, his eyes still covered by his hair.

Naruto snarled, ignoring Angel's words before facing Cobra, "You think that is how hard I can hit...well listen closely because I'm not going to repeat myself."

Wind began to swirl around Naruto and Kurama in a menacing fashion. An aura of fire surrounded Kurama while a mixture of black and blue magic energy outlined Naruto. Naruto growled and his head snapped up revealing the glowing white eyes of the eyes of the Dragon of the Apocalypse. Looks of fear filled the four conscious beings, but the fifth one on the magic carpet suddenly began to stir as he felt the immense magic power filling the air.

"When I'm through with you guys, you will come to see that there will be no else in the entire, fucking world who will compare to how hard I'll hit you!" Naruto and Kurama tensed their legs causing the ground beneath them to crack from the pressure exerted by their magic power. Naruto released a bestial roar.



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