A Gift from Afar

"Ok, then I'll stay here...cause nii-san told me to." She said. Naruto nodded. Wendy turned to go by Roubaul.

"Come my child...I must welcome you to the guild." Roubaul said. "Cait Shelter." Naruto nodded, going along with the lie that the old Nirvit had devised.

"You'll learn a lot more from Roubaul-san than you could ever learn from me, Wendy." Wendy nodded and then saw Naruto just standing there waiting for her to go. Wendy frowned, but just before she was about to walk off, she turned around, sprinting towards Naruto in a burst of speed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Tears falling with renewed vigour.

"I'll miss you, Naruto nii-san." Wendy said softly. Naruto's eyes widened at the blue haired girl, his body seemingly frozen stiff. "Promise me, Naruto nii...promise me you'll come back for me." Naruto closed his eyes and he felt as if his arms were now moving on their own accord. Naruto gritted his teeth as he tried to pull them back, but the appendages refused to obey his brain and he suddenly felt himself return Wendy's hug. Much to the surprise of all three of them. Roubaul watched with a small smile on his face.

The two dragonslayers remained like that for a few seconds where Naruto even rubbed Wendy's back as he hugged her before he finally released her and vice versa. Wendy planted a small kiss on his cheek before grinning brightly and running off to Roubaul's side.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail- Ending 4-Kimi Ga Iru Kara)


Naruto didn't reply as he and Kurama walked off. The wind picked up around him as Kurama landed in Naruto's hair. Naruto and Kurama then seemed to dissolve as they vanished into the wind. Naruto and Kurama never looked back. However if Naruto had been facing Wendy and if Kurama hadn't been on his head they would seen the twin tears that fell from his eyes before he completely vanished.

"He's going to come back, right?" She asked. Roubaul smiled at her and nodded.

"There's no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't leave you. He's the son of a dragon and dragon's never break their oaths." Wendy didn't question how he knew about her brother figure's status, but merely nodded.

Wendy's smile then vanished before she stuffed her hands into her little dress's pockets. Suddenly, her eyes widened when she felt something in it. Roubaul watched the little girl as she pulled out a small piece of folded paper. A red magic seal was on the paper. Having been taught how a storage seal works, Wendy placed her hand on the piece of paper and pumped a small bit of her magic power into it.

A plume of smoke erupted from the magic seal and Wendy gasped as she saw a small sapphire, carved into the shape of a dragon with feathered wings. Wendy stared at the sapphire and picked it up, revealing the black cord attacked to it and thus revealing that it was actually a necklace. She put it on and she saw writing on the paper appear out of thin air. Wendy teared up once more as she looked at it.

She gripped the paper before letting it fly off on the air currents. Some her tears flew back with it as she turned around. She and Roubaul then began walking into the fake guild, Cait Shelter. The paper fluttered in the wind before flipping over in the air to reveal four simple words that had spoken volumes to the young dragonslayer.

"Happy Birthday, my imouto."


Unknown Location, Year-X780

The son of Acnologia. Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse. Bender of the Winds. Conqueror of the Oracion Seis. Master to a Daughter of the Sky. He was all of these things and many more. He had many strengths and hardly any weaknesses. Naruto had rarely any weaknesses because of his great power, power that could make him a god or dragon among men. However, as stated before...the blonde had weaknesses.

"BLAAAAAARRRGGG!" Trains were one of those things.

Kurama was laughing so hard he began to shed tears. Naruto hung his head over the railing as he threw up from the back of the train car. It was a good thing these train cars always had those back doors and little platforms at the back of the train cars for people who wanted some fresh air...or in this case, eject whatever they had just eaten from their stomach.

"HAHAHAHAHA! I SWEAR KIT, OUT OF ALL THE WEAKNESSES IN THE WORLD...YOU HAD TO BE DEFEATED BY A FREAKING VEHICLE!" Kurama laughed. Naruto growled as he turned to glare at the Exceed.

"Shut up, Fur Ball. I'm going to..." Naruto reached to choke the red furred cat only to feel his stomach act up again as the train shook a bit more before dashing back to the railing and release his stomach contents. Kurama laughed again at Naruto's torment. This was something he was going to hang over him for a long time.

'Impossible...I'm the Dragonslayer of Acnologia, I shouldn't be able to be put down by a mere train.' Naruto thought in pain.


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