Unexpected Arrivals

"Odd. This town doesn't look like a place where Rune Knights would need to be stationed." Kurama looked around before spying a large sign for a pub down below.

"Oh, look...a pub. Those places tend to be chock full of information." The red eyed Exceed informed his partner, "ALSO...THERE'S ALCOHOL!" Kurama grinned as he sat up and tugged at Naruto's golden locks as if they were the reins for horses. "Mush, brat! The fire whiskey awaits!" Naruto glanced upwards at the red eyed cat. An, 'are-you-serious?' look plastered on his face. The crimson Exceed grinned foxily in response.

"I see...well, I'm only buying ten bottles. No more."

"Oh please, you could afford to buy the whole place with what Acnologia left behind as your inheritance." Kurama rolled his eyes. Naruto smirked.

"True, but try not to pass out this time. Neh, fur ball?" Kurama huffed at that.

"Please, I burn through alcohol."

"Not when it comes to fire whiskey." Naruto replied before diving down from the skies and landed in front of the pub. The townsfolk below were in shock at seeing a man fall from the heavens and suddenly appear as if he were flying. The people began to talk amongst one another and Naruto, deciding he wanted to look like a badass, pulled up his face mask and entered the pub, kicking the door open. The occupants stared at the blonde as he entered before returning to their own conversations. Naruto walked up to the bar and sat down.

The bar tender walked up to Naruto. Said bar tender was a voluptuous, blue haired woman with violet eyes. She wore a black dress with a slit along the length revealing much of her leg and a neckline that revealed much of which appealed to the eye. Naruto raised an eyebrow as the bar tender winked at him.

"So, handsome, what can I get ya?" She asked. Naruto kept back the urge to roll his eyes at the woman.

"Get me ten bottles of fire whiskey for the cat." Naruto said as he laid out a few gems on the table. The woman gasped as she picked them up and studied them.

"Are these real?"

"Real as real can get. They don't break, that's how you can tell they are real." Naruto said. The bar tender threw down a ruby and picked it up and saw there were no cracks, no dents and nothing which revealed any physical damage. In fact, the floor was the one that received the damage. She smirked as she pocketed the rubies and emeralds before her and brought out the ten bottles of fire whiskey. Kurama immediately jumped down from Naruto's head and threw back his hood. Upon doing so, he began to guzzle the fire whiskey as if it were his life source.

"So, care to tell me what's a handsome fella like you doing in a small town like Tully?" The bar tender asked as she wiped a glass clean. Naruto looked at the girl's name tag.

"Well Miss...Portia...you do know it is impolite to go around asking things that are none of your business." Naruto said as he scratched his cheek. The bar tender, now identified as Portia, stroked her blue locks before reaching out to his mask.

"Well, I find people with a mysterious look to be rather...enticing." She licked her lips. Naruto caught a glance from Kurama who hissed at the woman. Portia backed off a bit as the cat turned back to its whiskey before reaching to pull down Naruto's mask, but he grabbed the offending hand and slammed it forcefully on the bat counter.

"Do not...touch...the mask." Naruto growled. Portia nodded as she felt the killer intent from the blonde.

"So...gotta name, boy?" She asked.

"I believe we're not that far apart in age, so 'boy' is not appropriate title for me. I'm guessing you're about twenty two. I'm twenty. Anyways, I have no interest in granting you my identity, but I do have a question for you?" Naruto asked. Portia blinked at the accurate measure of her age.

"Wow, you're good at guessing ages. You got mine spot on." Portia commented. Naruto gave a small smirk beneath his mask, but didn't respond verbally. Naruto and Portia remained silent for a while, taking in the sights of men and women drinking, flirting and partying to their heart's content. Then Naruto decided to break the ice.

"So about that question?" Naruto said. Portia blinked in confusion before having her face meet her palm.

"Oh right, you wanted to ask me something. My bad." Naruto waved his hand to say that it was no trouble. Portia crossed her arms beneath her large chest as she bent over to lean against the bar counter. Naruto looked at her face so as to not get another nosebleed and have a repeat situation of what happened with Levy in Onibus Town.

"Alright, smart guy. Whatcha got to ask me?" She asked.

"I want to know why these people here are all uneasy." He said, "Why?" Portia pursed her lips as she stared into Naruto's emotionless blue orbs and even if they revealed nothing to her, she could tell that he wouldn't leave without an answer.

"Well...the thing is that a various series of kidnappings have been occurring here in Tully Village. The people of the village are being taken by the Devon Theft Family. They've been kidnapping people with the help of the Dark Guild, Black Knight." Naruto and Kurama looked at each other upon the mention of the dark guild.

"I've heard of them...killed a few myself a while ago." Naruto said. Kurama continued to drink as he downed the sixth bottle of fire whiskey. Portia's eyes widened.

"You killed members from Black Knight?" She asked. Naruto nodded.

"Tried to mug me...I stopped them before they could." He replied as he scratched behind Kurama's ear causing the cat to purr. Portia leaned forward and then looked into the blonde dragonslayer's eyes.

"Well do you think you could help us? They've been doing it for a while and none of the guilds here in Fiore have responded to the requests we've sent out." Portia pleaded. Naruto's eyes narrowed.

"And why should I help this town. People can't always be around to fight your battles. Get up and do it yourselves." Naruto said coldly. Portia's eyes lined with tears.

"You're a bastard!" She exclaimed.

"And what if I am? Besides, what's so important about these Black Knight people? They're weak and insignificant." The blonde replied, "They are hardly worth my time and I'm not going to go and waste it to try and get rid of something that other guilds could have done long ago." Portia remained silent as tears flowed from her eyes.

"But...But my sister, she...she..." Naruto sighed as he watched the blue haired woman cry in front of him. However he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. Naruto turned around.


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