Nostalgic Reminiscence

Two Hours Later

The entirety of the restaurant watched in horror, disgust, amazement and many other thing as they saw Naruto down the ramen as if they were bottles of fire whiskey to Kurama. Said fire using Exceed could only shake his head in amusement, a chuckle escaping from his throat as he watched Naruto continue to defy the laws of biology and physics, stacking up the bowls as he made a humongous tower.

"How much is that?" A fellow who was sitting next to the blonde, asked. Naruto grinned as he finished the bowl and used his wind magic to levitate the bowl and stack it neatly atop the others.

"Counting that one...that's number one hundred and one. One more." The fellow could only gape before he fainted upon seeing Naruto inhale the final bowl as if his mouth was vacuum and the ramen was air. The bowl sparkled as it was cleaned of any broth and noodle. Naruto sent the bowl soaring with a burst of wind magic and it landed perfectly atop the previous bowl. Everyone looked on in fear as the leaning tower of bowls was suddenly leaning to the right.

The customers and waiters who had witnessed the near impossible feat, backed away into a single corner of the restaurant in fear that the tower of ceramic would come crashing down on them. Naruto watched the tower with a frown and growled. As if it were afraid of the blonde, the bowls suddenly returned to their original straight position and Naruto nodded with a look of pride. Naruto then turned to the mustached man who served him.

" much is it?" Naruto asked. The man blinked before shaking his head as he got over his shock.

"What was that?"

"How much is it?"

"Ummm uh...let's see all one hundred and two items, all in extra large...that comes to...a bit over one million Jewels." Naruto nodded as the man was about to tell Naruto he could manage a discount, but Naruto didn't listen as he took out his bag of gems and then took about three handfuls from the bag and dumped them into the man's hand.

"There...that should cover it. See ya." Naruto deadpanned. Everyone sweatdropped as he suddenly re-sealed the bag before Kurama fell from his head when the blonde leaned back to yawn. Kurama used his claws to climb back up to his perch before Naruto gave a small wave as the man thanked him for the generous payment. However, as Naruto shut the door to the establishment upon his leaving...the door had been shut a bit to forcefully and the bowls all came crashing down in a pile of broken pieces.

'It's all gone.' The waiter sobbed as he watched the gems in hand knowing he would have to pay the restaurant owner for the broken bowls.


"Ah man, that was so damm good...not as good as Ji-chan's, but good nonetheless and with the amount I ate it was even more satisfying." The fox costumed feline rolled his eyes at the wind magic user. Kurama then patted Naruto's head.

"You okay, brat?" Kurama asked. Naruto raised an eyebrow at that.

"Hmmm, what do you mean?"

"I've known you for over ten years, Naruto. You think I don't know you've been feeling a bit nostalgic from eating the ramen. Remembering Teuichi and Ayame giving you ramen. Eating it with Sakura, Ino, Chouji and Shikamaru." Naruto flinched slightly at the feline's words.

"Pfft, I cut off myself from them. I feel nothing." Naruto said with a monotone as he continued to walk through the town.


(Insert Music: Naruto Shippuden-Nakama)


"Here you go" she said. Naruto nodded in thanks. Acnologia had always told him that females, no matter what the species, expected males to be polite. Human females tended to be the most violent when not shown the proper courtesy and Naruto never chose to ignore the words of his reptilian parent. Naruto looked at the chopsticks in his hands before noticing they seemed to split. He then gave them a small pull and they snapped apart causing his eyes widen.

"AGH, gomen...I didn't mean to break them!" he exclaimed. The girl giggled before shaking her head.

"No baka, the chopsticks are meant to be broken. Look..." she took the sticks from him and positioned them in her right hand. The left chopstick was positioned between her index finger and thumb while the other stick was held between her middle finger and index finger. She then picked up a few noodles, blew on them so that they would cool before holding them up in front of Naruto's mouth.

"Say 'Ahhhh'" Naruto looked at her with a 'Are you kidding me?' look. He was the son of a frickin' dragon, he wouldn't dare take orders from this...this...female. His dragon pride keeping him from denying what his stomach truly wanted. Naruto turned his head.

"I'm ain't takin' no food from strangers" Naruto said. The girl's eyes narrowed at the little boy before she raised her other arm and flicked the boy's forehead. Naruto tuned back and opened his mouth to yell out and ask as to why she did that, only to suddenly have ramen noodles enter his mouth. Naruto instinctively swallowed and the food became a bolus before traveling down his esophagus. Naruto froze at that. The brown haired girl smirked in triumph and her smirk became a smile when she saw the look on his face. Pure disbelief.

" the best thing...I have ever eaten in my entire life" he looked at the girl. "What is this stuff again?"



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