Naruto's Spy Network

Unknown Location, Year-X763

Currently, the kidnapper from Black Knight was heading for the meeting point far outside of Crocus City's boundaries. The kidnapper rode atop the S.E Magic Vehicle, speeding through the area. As the kidnapper was driving he stopped supplying his magic energy to the S.E plug as he realized he had reached the meeting point, however what he saw wasn't something he had expected.

(Insert Music: Naruto-Gaara's Theme)

Surrounding the area were destroyed pieces of trees and cracked earth. He looked down at the ground and gasped as he saw the large imprint of what looked like a clawed hand of some sort. The Black Knight member quivered in fear before unplugging himself from the S.E and walked into the center of the clearing. There were also four humans laying in random locations, members of the group he was supposed to meet with. He then heard a soft groan and ran towards the source and found another one of his fellow Black Knight members was still breathing. The man was bleeding from numerous lacerations covering his body and his left arm was bent at an odd angle.

"What happened here?" The kidnapper asked. The man coughed up a glob of blood.

"Attacked with wind...too" The man then gave one last gasp before dying. The sound of deep breathing then filled the air in front of the kidnapper. The kidnapper froze before his head slowly tilted upwards and he literally pissed himself as he stared into the shining yellow irises of the mighty beast before him.

"Dr-Dr-Dragon!" The kidnapper exclaimed before taking off. However, he didn't get far as the the dragon's forelimb stretched out after the man and slammed down on the kidnapper, crushing him and killing him instantly. The dragon dragged the body back towards it and ate it in a single bite along with the man who had died earlier. The dragon sniffed the air and growled before lumbering over to the S.E.

The dragon raised its claws and was about to completely crush the vehicle only to hear crying. The dragon bent down and looked at the vehicle and spotted the crying baby.

"Hmmm." The dragon mused. "A youngling." Nami continued to cry loudly and the dragon sighed, a large gust of wind forming from that single exhale of breath.

"Ah yes, I forgot. Humans are not capable of speech at the age that you are at..." The dragon sniffed Nami, "Girl." The green haired, orange eyed girl then stopped crying when she settled her gaze on the green scaled reptile before her. Nami reached out with her hand and touched the dragon's muzzle. The reptile snorted and released a growl.

"You dare touch me, human. I am the mighty Wind Dragon, Cyclonus!" Cyclonus roared. Nami whimpered before going into another fit of crying. Cyclonus sighed before he raised his twin pairs of wings. He then pulled the wings back and prepared to strike down the child only to pause as a strike of conscience met him.

"Hmmm, you are too young, child. You have not even lived more than a month in this world. I could easily kill you and I wouldn't have to bother with you." Cyclonus's four wings twitched slightly, but the green scaled reptile dropped his appendages before bending down to the girl.

"But if I do that, I would feel guilty from taking the life of such an innocent young one as yourself and I am not like that bastard Acnologia. You will be my daughter, girl. Your name will be a memorable one, one worthy of the Wind Dragon. From this day on...your name is Fu, Wind Dragonslayer."

Nami, now named Fu, giggled at the new name she was given before a grunt of effort was heard from the girl. Cyclonus's nose picked up on the horrible smell released from Fu's gaseous release.

"Disgusting human." Fu giggled once more and clapped her hands.

End Flashback


"And that was how I met Papa Cyclonus. We met Chomei seven years later and took her in when she had no place to go."

"An interesting tale, Wind Dragon. Though, I am confused as to how you know of what happened prior to your kidnapping as I am very sure Cyclonus would have not been able to grant you that information." Naruto said. Fu smiled at the blonde before replying.

"Well, when I turned twelve, Papa Cyclonus sent me to Crocus City for a little human interaction. I had managed to somehow find myself at the Kuna estate and I met Runo, the head maid. At first she didn't recognize me, but she eventually did and welcomed me back. I was confused as well because, well...I never met Runo, but I had the feeling that I knew her from somewhere. Runo explained everything to me, from my birth in the hospital up to my kidnapping. She told me my real name, who my parents were, and a few other things."

"So why didn't you stay with your parents then? Surely you would have."

"I would have, at the drop of a hat, I would have gone back to the estate to live...but Runo told me how my Tou-san, Hiro Kuna, his toy company had crashed a few weeks before my arrival and he had been sent to a mental institution where he died from alzheimer's disease. My Kaa-chan, Mashiro...she had went into a depression ever since I had been kidnapped. She refused to eat much, sleep much, move much...she had passed away three years later."

Naruto remained silent at Fu's explanation before climbing to his feet. Fu stood up as well, dusting her white clothes off before facing Naruto.

"So, should I call you Minato-sama now seeing as I am now your servant." Naruto shook his head.

"You are not my servant, a subordinate is what I called you. You will have the freedom that you and Chomei have as I merely need you and Chomei to be my eyes and ears for anything going on outside of wherever I am."


"As you may know, I am the Ogonno Fuujin and Kurama is the Onibi Myobu. We are both high ranking criminals per the Magic Council's judgement of our power. As such, I will be required to travelling a lot in order to avoid detection, but I will also be doing this in order to add more members to the spy network that I am in the middle of developing. My former swords teacher and his daughter, the Ice Dragonslayer, will also be members of this spy network."

"Ice Dragonslayer?" Naruto nodded in confirmation.

"Yes, but if I go into the depth of it all we will get off topic. Now then as I was saying, you will be given your alleged freedom, but when I call on you, you will come to me and whatever I order you to do, you will follow it. Am I clear, Wind Dragon?" Fu slowly nodded.

"So why are you making this spy network anyway?"

"I need to keep an eye on what's going on in Fiore. There's been a rather drastic increase in the number of Dark Guilds recently and two of them, Raven Tail and Grimoire Heart, are looking to try and recruit me into their ranks. Obviously, I will not be joining them so I will need you and Chomei to do what you can to pick up any sort of information on the dark guilds and don't be hesitant to accept information regarding the 'light guilds' such as Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus and what not."

"Are there any light guilds you would want specific information on, Minato-kun?" Naruto paused before raising his head.

"In the Woodsea, there's a guild known as Cait Shelter...I've visited it a few times, but only had enough time to do it once per year. I would like you to pay some specific attention to it. Wendy Marvell, the Sky Dragonslayer is a member of that guild."

"Can't say I've heard of Cait Shelter before." Fu said.

"The master there is an illusion magic user so that is most likely why. So, keep an eye on my student when you go to check up on Cait Shelter." Naruto opened up the pocket dimension once more and pulled out two pieces of paper and his magic pen. He quickly drew a seal matrix on each paper before handing one to Fu before slapping the second one on Fu's visible midsection.

The green haired girl's eyes widened as she saw the paper release a crimson glow before vanishing into her skin.

"What did you do?"

"The one in your hand is a seal that allows for telepathic communication with me when you wish to contact me or vice versa. The one I planted on you is Seal Magic: Amaterasu Formula Number 56. It's a seal that will ensure that you will not try to rebel against me should you choose to. It will set your pain sensors to maximum and thus you will feel extreme levels of pain, so I would advise you not try to anything against me."

"YOU BASTARD!" Fu sent a blast of at Naruto, but the blonde dodged to the side before raising his right fist. He raised his middle and index fingers. He then pointed the fingers at Fu's stomach and suddenly the Wind Dragonslayer fell to her knees, screaming in pain as she felt as if her nerves were on fire.

"I told you, Wind Dragon. Stand against me...and you will suffer the consequences." Naruto snarled, his eyes flashing white. Naruto cancelled the flow of magic to the seal and Fu stopped screaming. Fu panted and glared at Naruto, her orange eyes burning with contempt towards her 'master'.

A few minutes later, Kurama and Chomei returned to their partners and landed atop their heads.

"Oi, brat. You're awake, that's good. So I trust you didn't thrash Fu too bad when you woke up."

"Please, as if Fu would take a beating from your weak little partner." Chomei was suddenly pulled towards Naruto by an invisible force. Naruto controlled the wind and created a vacuum to suck Chomei and pull her towards him. Naruto caught the Exceed in his hands and his white eyes stared into her black ones.

"Care to say that again?"

"Naruto...put Chomei down." Kurama snarled, paws set ablaze. Naruto stared at the fox costumed feline atop his head, ready to punch his skull should he strike at the feline's sibling. Naruto growled as Kurama before throwing Chomei forcefully at Fu, sending both Exceed and Dragonslayer rolling backwards from the force.


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