Chapter 11

"Black coffee for you sir," a man in a black suit rushed towards Cullen the moment his long legs, clad in classic Italian shoes came out in view.

Another man in a black suit and black sunglasses closed the door after Cullen and stood right beside the car.

Cullen gave the coffee a side glance before accepting it from the man who brought it. He took a sip from the coffee and returned it to the man who brought it.

The man who brought the coffee happened to be his secretary. Taking long steps towards the unending story building of his company, Cullen's snow blue eyes and unwavering gaze scanned the company building.

His secretary stayed behind him, trying his hardest not to do something his boss would find offensive. Being around his boss was akin to walking on a thin rope right above a volcano. Any slight wrong movement would cost his precious job, which was equal to his life.

Reaching the company entrance door, the secretary passed the coffee over to one of the cleaners. He reached for the notepad underneath his arm and began to search through the notes.

Seeing what he was searching for, he began, gently enough not to sound irritating to Cullen's ears. "It's already 9 am, Sir,"

"So?" Cullen asked, irritated. All of the poor secretary's efforts not to receive such a tune went in vain.

His boss has always been irritated by humans, leaving most people to wonder what would have happened to the human race if he were a god.

The secretary cleared his throat, "The board meeting was canceled because of you. You arrived la_"

"I know that," Cullen interrupted and fastened his pace.

The Secretary swallowed, "I apologize, but your presence was highly needed. Can I reshuffle the meeting?" he asked.

Cullen rolled his eyes, "Mason, go and get me something to eat. After that, give me an hour break before bringing up this issue again."

Mason bowed in delight. He loves nothing more than being dismissed from his boss's presence without any warning or negativity.

Cullen ignored the usual glances all over him and walked successfully, into his private elevator that goes to his office floor alone.

A few seconds later, he arrived on his office floor and walked into the only door in view, which was a gray pocket door.

His office was housed within a towering skyscraper, with an extraordinary sleek look to match his lavish taste. His skyscraper giant company delivered a stunning view of the cityscape.

The office was decorated with rich times and various artworks. Full-length shelves line the walls and are packed with books, arranged according to their colors, sizes, and references.

On his table, the first thing you would spot was a goal name board, and on it, his name was carved out in slanted writing.

Cullen Henandez.

Asked from his office desk for essentials such as his desktop monitor and keyboard, his table was sparsely decorated, saved for a couple of files and crystal balls.

There was also a large painting on the other side of the office. It was the painting of a full woman, broken and kneeling under the rain. The painting never looked ordinary.

Cullen dropped his briefcase on his desk and took out his glasses from it. Fixing his glasses properly on his face, he walked towards his bookshelves to pick up a book.

His days start best with a book.

Standing before his shelves in deep thought, he had a difficult time picking a book. However, his mind strangely wandered off to Amelia.

He chuckled and turned away from the shelf, beginning to map out possible ways he could make use of her.

A thought hit his head and his train of thinking to make use of her vanished. Right, talking about Amelia, who did he leave her off with to direct her around?

Letting out a soft sigh, he combed his black hair backward and brought out his phone from his pants pocket to call someone to help her around.

On second thoughts, he returned the phone to his pants pocket. He decided to skip work today for her sake. He should have known it wasn't safe enough to leave her by herself, especially after what happened to her last night.

With that thought, Cullen cursed at himself. He took off his glasses, fixed them back into the briefcase, and walked out of the office empty-handed.

"Sir," Mason came rushing to him the moment he walked out of the elevator.

Cullen did not stop walking. He did not even spare Mason a glance. Rather, he instructed. "Cancel all of my appointments today and send strictly important ones to me,"

Mason, paused with the tray in his hand, utterly shocked beyond words. His boss was a workaholic. He could vividly remember when his boss came to work with a high fever, claiming he couldn't let his sickness stop him from working.

However, what changed? What happens now? His boss looks perfectly fine. Or could something have happened to his Mother?

Oh yes, only his Mother can get him to act out of line. At the thought of something bad happening to his boss's mother, Mason dropped the tray to the floor and rushed behind his boss.

He caught up with Cullen right before he would close his car door.

"Sir, wait," he said breathlessly, "Did something happen to Ma'am?" he asked with concern.

Cullen rolled his eyes, "Back off," he spit out. Slamming his car door so hard, he zoomed away, almost crashing Mason's feet.

Mason blinked in surprise and confusion as he watched the car drive away at high speed.