Chapter 31

Rebecca heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally, she can be alone and away from all of their stupid and useless questions. She took off her suit jacket and hung it on the row hanger beside her seat.

She pushed her hair away from her face and dropped lazily in her office seat. She breathed softly and shut her eyes, massaging the skin between her brows with her fingers.

"I hope Landon Theodore appreciates all the stress I just went through for his son," she muttered tiredly, "Once again, I sacrificed my daughter for his son,"

"Ahhh_" she let out a soft breath and parted her eyes.

Almost immediately, there was a knock on her door. She hisses loudly before replying, "Come in, you lowlife," she said confidently, knowing it should be her secretary. No one knocks on her door before her secretary.

The door opened slowly, and an elderly woman walked in, her steps sharp but expression frightened.

She was dressed corporately, to match what Rebecca, her boss was currently putting on. That was the rule in the company. Everyone was to put on the color she chose for the day, but not to outshine her. The moment someone breaks that law, she fires immediately.

"Someone wants_"

"I don't need permission to walk in," Daniel walked in aggressively, cutting the secretary short. There was a tight frown on his face, one that made the secretary feel uncomfortable.

She bowed hurriedly and found her way out of the office. Daniel's eyes traced her as she left until she closed the door after her.

"My dearest son-in-law," Rebecca broke the silence and sat up arrogantly, "You can keep your thanks to yourself if you're here to thank me. That wasn't for you,"

Daniel turned to face her. The heat in his eyes burned dangerously. He clenched and unclenched his fist, trying his hardest not to give her the right slap she deserved.

Rebecca studied his expression. She frowned softly and asked. "You're not satisfied with the help I offered?"

Daniel's jaw clenched, "Take your words back. Go back to the press and take your words back," he commanded through gritted teeth.

Rebecca turned confused. "Did you just say I should take down my words from the press?" she asked in disbelief.

Daniel's nose flared, "Wasn't that what you heard just now?" he took in multiple gulps, trying to think straight.

The tip of his fingers was tempted to pull out the gun just behind him. He really wants to teach this lady a lesson on how to keep her shut. However, when he remembered the cameras positioned around every corner of the office, he decided not to risk it.

Rebecca relaxed into her seat and began to laugh. She laughed sarcastically, in a very mocking manner. She did a crazy hair clip and locked their gaze.

"Lie to me now that you do not appreciate the help I offered," she dared him, sounding so challenging.

She scoffed, "Lie to me that when you saw the news, you did not draw in a deep breath of relief. I'm sure you were previously wondering how to solve the absence of your wife since she won't attend Thanksgiving in a few days…" She clapped her hands together as if she found a smart idea that might save the world, "... I knew the press would want answers that day…" she kept on blabbing, pouring out reasons why Daniel should not complain about her effort.

Finally, she paused for a moment, but continued almost immediately, "Or could it be that you had a better idea and are just pissed that I somehow ruined it?" she questioned thoughtfully.

Daniel just stood with a blank expression on his face, trying to suppress his demons. While she kept on talking, he was tempted to pass a bullet through her mouth.

He folded his arms across his chest and wordlessly stared at her. He shut his eyes, took in a deep breath, and approached her.

Getting to Rebecca's desk, Daniel placed his both hands on her desk, held her gaze, and replied, "This should be the last time I warn you about my wife. The next time you try it, the consequences will be dire," his voice was extremely cold.

Rebecca's eyes twisted at the warning. She could hear the seriousness in them. However, she went on to taunt, "How long have you forgotten I birthed Amelia,"

Daniel scoffed, "How long have you decided to be oblivious about everything?" he shot back.

Rebecca raised a brow at him, and Daniel pulled away from the table and stood straight.

"There is an extremely high possibility you did not carry Amelia in you for nine months. In the body of every child, the child carries 70% of the mother's personality. However, Amelia is nothing like the monster you are. Even the monster you tried to create in her never had life," he spat out with a small mocking laugh at the end of his words.

"That notwithstanding," he leaned forward to her face, "You cease to become her mother the very moment you sold her to my family_"

Rebecca hardly slammed her fist on the desk. "Don't you dare say that," she fiercely cut him off, "You married my daughter for business sake, and nothing more."

Daniel's eyes dimmed and he pulled away from her. "It seems to me you have forgotten," his right hand reached to the head of the gun behind him, "You forget so much, and I would love to bring you back to where we are…" he let out a long breath from his mouth and pinched the skin between his brow with his left hand.

"Regardless, let's call it a day. But next time, don't try to wake my demons. You never can tell what would happen then because sadly, I have no idea how to send them back to sleep until I satisfy them," he warned, with a hint of hostility.

Blood drained from Rebecca's face when she heard him. She gulped softly and locked eyes with him.

Daniel's lips lifted into an uncanny smile. He drummed on the table with his fingers, flowing at a pace for three seconds before turning away from her to leave the office.

Even after he left, Rebecca remained shaken by his words. And that was when the scale of ignorance fell off her eyes.

How interesting…