Chapter 39

After a few minutes of silence between them, Amelia's eyes sparkled once again. For the first time after so long, she was in her talking mood. Cullen's presence adds to that.

"Last night, I tried praying," she recalled, softly stabbing her meat, "However, I wasn't raised religious and ended up having nothing to believe in,"

Amelia had no reason why she shared this with him but she felt like she should. She wants someone to listen to her for once.

Cullen passed her a minor side glance and continued eating. He visibly showed no interest.

"I never knew what to say," Amelia went on, her eyes wide with a small smile resting on her lips, "I was too scared to fuck up and say shits. So I just ended up lying back on my bed."

'Why is she telling me this?' Cullen questioned in his mind. He was trying his best to not involve himself while she was trying her best to involve him.