Chapter 45

Daniel gulped down the alcoholic wine, directly from the bottle. The sun hasn't set out yet but Daniel has gulped down three bottles of hot wines.

He sat worthlessly on the floor, looking abandoned in deep thoughts. His legs were spread apart and the two empty bottles laid before him and two untouched bottles remained in a corner, waiting for him to finish the bottle he held.

To him, the morning was peaceful and perfect this way. His mind was beginning to get obsessed with the image of Amelia. He can't even think properly anymore.

Even after the amount of alcohol he managed to take in, he remained sober because she refused to leave his mind. She decided to stay stuck in his head.

Must she be this heartless?

His imagination ran wild, and he imagined a scene where a baby girl flashed him a toothless smile. His body began to tremble, and he hugged himself, with tears streaming down his face.
