Chapter 63

With a powerful air that commanded respect and attention, Amelia walked into her father's company for the first time since he died.

Her soft heels kissed the floor and with a bright smile, she walked in like she owned the place - technically, she did.

Gasps and murmurs left the lips of the workers. Especially the ones who were deeply buried in Amelia's life ever since the scandal between her mother, her husband, his mistress, and herself.

Everyone she walked passed bowed slightly murmuring their greetings. While some found it hard to give her the respect she deserved, others already wished her mere presence would change things for the better.

Amelia did not respond to their murmuring and greetings. That wasn't what she came for. Walking into the elevator, she held the files she came in with tightly. Taking in a deep breath, she pressed the floor number to the meeting floor.