Chapter 66

After spending time with Uncle Gabriel and telling him a lot of things, Amelia's heart lightened and she became less burdened.

He even provided her ideas on how to tackle a legal divorce battle to proceed faster. In one word, today went beautifully for her.

The first thing she did when she returned to Cullen's mansion was to take a hot nerve relaxing bath. After that, she wore an oversized T-shirt accompanied by a short yoga can't and headed downstairs, into the kitchen.

The house was quiet. So quiet that she had enough space to think properly. The emotions inside of her were explosive due to happiness.

She can't believe she finally fulfilled her father's wish and was now the acting First Lady of the company. She felt great having her mother under her feet.

Amelia also wondered how it would feel like to have Daniel under her feet. She expected to see him waiting at the door with his fake act. However, it seems as if he can't keep up with it anymore.